19. Chapter

931 37 19

Rafinha's POV

I can do this. No I can't, who am I kidding. I have been sitting here an hour already. Trying to find enough courage to go over to Rosalina's room and talk to her. I know I'm a coward, but I just feel so down since she doesn't remember anything.

But Thiago is right maybe there is still some hope left and she will fall in love with me too. So I go over and knock at her door. "Hey what do you want? Did I left something?"

I smile at her sheepishly unable to say a single word since Rosalina is looking so breathtakingly beautiful. She looks like an angel to me and I'm surprised that she doesn't have a boyfriend yet.

"No but I need to talk to you." I think this was the wrong thing to say because now she looks really worried. "Sure, come in."

I follow her to the couch which is situated in the middle of the room and where Julia is sitting playing with one of her teddy bear I have bought her some weeks ago.

I sit down and lift her in my lap. I absolutely love holding Julia in my arms and I think she enjoys it too since she is constantly giggling and playing with my hair.

Even though I'm not as arrogant as Neymar I don't allow anyone but her to play with it. Okay, maybe I would allow it to Rosalina too.

"So what do you have to tell me?" I look up from watching Julia who is playing with my fingers right now and look directly into Rosalina's eyes. Man, they are so beautiful.

"Well, first of all you don't have to worry about anything it's nothing serious." She lets out a breath of relief and I feel sorry for worrying her. "Then what is it?" I smile.

Rosalina is so sweet when she doesn't know what's going on and I love that look on her face. I really have fallen in love with her. But I question myself why I haven't noticed it before.

She is just like the most amazing woman I have ever met. She is funny, cute, beautiful and is the best mother for Julia I can think of.

"Thiago just sent me. I'm not sure if you know that, but his wedding is in two weeks and he wants me to invite you too. So I'm asking you. Would you like to go to the wedding with me?"

Please say yes. I think my heart will break if she says no right now. Since it would just confirm my suspicions, that she doesn't like me like I do.

But to my utter Rosalina smiles and nods. I immediately jump up, carefully with Julia in my arms, and hug the living daylight out of her. "Buuut."I look down to see Rosalina grinning at me mischievously.

"What is it?" I ask her playfully. "I don't have a dress. But I think I will just look what I have in my dresser back in Barcelona."

I nod and hug her once again. I love holding her in my arms. She feels so good and smells like apples, I think it's her shampoo.


"So she agreed on going to the wedding with you but also told you that she doesn't have a dress and you didn't suggest going shopping with her?" Neymar asks me via Skype, since he is in Brazil and I'm finally back in Barcelona.

"You are such a dumbass, I swear if I were with you right now I would hit you on the head." I don't know what he is talking about.

"Rafa, if a girl tells you that she doesn't have anything to wear she wants to go shopping and if you want to impress the girl you like, you go shopping with her and buy her everything she wants. Just think of all the amazing dresses you will be able to see her in."

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