45. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

„So you are absolutely sure it will be okay for both of them to get away for a few days?" 

My doctor only laughs. For ten minutes straight Rafa has asked every possible question related to my health and our upcoming holidays. I don't even know why he is so worried about us, I mean we are both as healthy as can be and the doctor even allowed me to walk around more during the day. 

"Absolutely Mister Alcantara, your wife and your baby are perfectly fine and as long as you don't go sightseeing or climbing all day I don't see a single reason why you shouldn't go on this holiday." At that Rafinha finally relaxes and leans back in the chair. I take his hand and try to sooth his concern. 

"See? I already told you that we are fine and the doctor just said the same, stop worrying so much will you." I kiss his hand and turn back to the doctor. 

"So should I still take the pills you gave me the last time?" 

"Yes, they won't do any harm to the baby. Mostly, they just help your immune system and gives you more energy for your daily life. Just remember that you are now in the final stage of your pregnancy so no heavy lifting, overhead work and no excessive worrying or stressing. Other than that I know that everything will go just fine and I will see you both in four weeks for your last appointment before the birth." 

She stands up as Rafa helps me up from my half-lying position. We shake hands with my doctor and leave the room to make another appointment at the reception desk. 

As we sit back in Rafa's car we just ride along in silence till he finally breaks it. "I'm sorry, but I just don't want anything to happen to either of you while we are away." I just look at him. 

"I know, I know, you aren't sick just pregnant. But I'm still going to worry and I just wanted to make sure it's okay for you to be away from Barcelona for a few days. I mainly asked this questions because I for myself want to be assured that I'm doing nothing wrong and so we can just relax this weekend before it gets stressful again." 

This last sentence just makes me smile, he sure is the cutest guy. I lean over and kiss him fiercely as we stand at a traffic light and then we continue our way home. 

If anyone wonders, we both decided to make one last holiday before our baby arrives. We not only want to get away from the stress our daily lives bring, but we also want to make some last memories as a family of three. Actually this has been one of my biggest fears, that Julia might feel neglected one day. 

Sure she is might not be Rafa's and mine biological daughter, but we still love her as if she is and in my opinion genes don't matter that much anyway. I don't want her to ever feel like she doesn't belong to us or that we like our second child more, because this certainly isn't true. 

So both my husband and I decided to use his free days before the straining training sessions for the El Clasico begin, to get away from Barcelona and relax on a beach. 

Since I'm not allowed to fly anyone due to my little angel in my stomach we chose a hotel on the Tossa de mar. Rafa found a lovely hotel there the other day and made reservations immediately. It's only a one and a half hour drive from Barcelona and we both agreed that it's worth it. 

We have already packed our bags yesterday and Rafa put them in the trunk before we left for the doctors. Now we only have to get Julia from Valeria's house where she spent the night. 

My mother in law opens the door just seconds after I rang the bell and hugs me immediately. "I swear you look more beautiful every time I see you." I beam at her compliment, because honestly I feel everything but beautiful with this heavy ball in front of me. 

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