17. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

I'm angry, no I'm furious. "Why are you looking like you are playing to kill somebody?" Thiago gets me out of my thoughts. I don't say anything just continue staring out the window.

"C'mon I'm your big brother, you can talk to me. Is it about Julia? Are your fans mean to her or something?"

I just shake my head, luckily my fans haven't found out about Julia and Rosalina so far and I hope it stays that way for a long time.

Thiago sighs, as if he gives up getting me to speak, and gets up to get something to drink. He gets back just a minute later with two drinks in his hand.

Even though we have summer break right now I'm not drinking any alcohol, since I don't want to when I'm spending time with Julia. I know one drink wouldn't do much damage but it still is alcohol.

"You know, I already know it. Neymar told me everything." I take a sip looking at him expectantly not knowing what he is talking about.

"You have fallen in love with Rosalina." I spit out the cola, I had in my mouth. "No, what are you talking about. She isn't even my type." Thi just nods, not believing me one single word, and he is right to do so.

Sure I have already admitted it to Neymar at training, but it is another thing to admit it to my own brother. And if I'm honest, I don't want to say it out loud, I don't want it to be true, what if we ever broke up and then we would fight over Julia or something.

This would be plain horrible. "Don't deny it, I know it. Heck, everyone knows it. Actually one just has to look at you and can see it immediately."

"Okay, yes. I like Rosalina more than I probably should. And it annoys be extremely that she is spending all her time with Xavi instead spending it with me." Instead of helping me, he just laughs. "What?" His laugh makes me even more furious.

"You are wondering why she is spending so much time with him. Well I will tell you why. Have you ever thought about her the last four days? No. You just spent your time partying with your friends, not even looking at her. She is constantly looking after Julia not saying a word about it.

Don't you think that she wants to enjoy her holiday too? She has an actual job waiting back in Barcelona, not like you who has the luck having his hobby as his work."

Now I feel bad, he is right I really have neglected her. Once again. Fuck, I promised her that I wouldn't ever do that again and now I did just that. I haven't spent more than some minutes with Julia. I'm a horrible father.

"Hey don't beat up yourself like that. Just go over there and talk to her. Take Rosalina out on dinner tonight, I'm going to watch Julia and you can see if your feelings for her are mutual."

It's actually a good idea but I'm too nervous. What if she doesn't like me like that? "I can't do that." "Sure, why not?" "What she doesn't have any feelings for me, then I will look like a fool and will be heartbroken."

His laugher is even louder than before. "Are you really afraid of rejection? I assure you that she has the same look in her eyes as you whenever you are looking at her."

I'm flabbergasted. I would have never thought that a girl as amazing as her would ever fall in love with me. "Don't look at me like that. It's true and I'm your big brother, so you can believe."


"Rosalina?" I ask her carefully after sitting down next to Julia on the sand. "I wanted to ask you if I can take you out to dinner tonight.

I mean you have watched Julia every single night so far and it's your holiday too, so maybe we could spend some time together and Thiago has already agreed on babysitting tonight." Man, I'm rambling again. I'm always doing that when I'm nervous. "Sure."

What this easily? I thought she would be angry at me or something but no she just said yes. "Okay, I will get you at seven." She nods and smiles. I love her smile.


Just seconds after knocking on her door, Rosalina opens it. I'm not able to utter a word. She is a freaking goddess.

I always thought she is beautiful, but there isn't even a word to describe how she looks right now.

She is wearing a tight red dress which are perfectly going with her brown hair. Even though she is wearing some high heels, she is still shorter than me, which I totally love.

I have never seen her this fabulous. Normally she just wears her hair in a ponytail but right now they are falling down to her shoulders in locks and I want to run my fingers through it.

"H...hey, you look fabulous. Are you ready?" She smiles at me. Man I'm falling for her harder every second. "You look handsome yourself." I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers.

Maybe it's too early for that but it feels so right. I take her to this famous restaurant right at the beach. Actually Thiago recommended it to me. When we enter it I'm flabbergasted.

I have been in much restaurants all over the world, but this one is absolutely amazing. We sit down in the booth I have reserved and after ordering our food, it's quiet. I smile. She smiles.

"So do you like it?" "Absolutely. Thank you for bringing me here today. But may I ask why?" I nibble on my lips. I'm not sure if I can just tell her, but I guess it's not the best thing to do right now.

"You know, you are always watching Julia and I wanted to say thank you. And I also wanted to spend some time with you since we don't have much time for that back in Barcelona, with your work and my matches and all."

She smiles and takes my hand which is laying on the table, intertwining our fingers. "No problem and thank you."

Rosalina leans over and kisses my cheek. Quickly I look down to hide my blush. I'm behaving like a little schoolboy right now. I'm twenty-two and blushing at a simple kiss on the cheek like a six-year old.


After the dinner we decided to go to a bar, since I don't want the night to end so soon. We are dancing and drinking some alcohol. I just want to let loose tonight and I think Rosalina thinks the same.

The more alcohol is in our system the closer we get while dancing. Soon I'm holding her on her hips, holding her close. I absolutely love feeling her body against mine.

I have always found couples dancing like that disgusting, but now I know how it feels like to feel your loved one against you.

It's the best feeling in the world. I want to see her face, so I turn her around and hold her even tighter. I lean down and Rosalina goes on her tiptoes.

Our lips meet and I think a thousands of canons are fired in my stomach right now.

Man I really, do love her.


Ah, they kiss. How amazing is that? Please tell me your opinion, it's really important to me especially when you tell me something that I could improve.

So I just watched the film this story is biased on and I must say I absolutely love it.

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