8. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

I have never felt like that ever before. It is so hard to see your little girl running around in your house but you aren't allowed to play with her or even hold her. "Stop staring at her, she gets frightened and she will cry again. You know how sad she is already since she can't see Rosalina for such a long time."

I snap out of my trance and look back at Thiago who sits on the other side of the table while we are eating breakfast. "Why don't you visit her in hospital today?" He nods and continues to eat. "When are you planning to go back to Munich?"

Ever since Xavi told him about Rosalina and Julia our relationship is somewhat tensed. We don't talk much and also don't spend time together. Thiago is out with Julia most of the time and I also have trainings.

"Could we please stop ignoring each other? I can't stand it anymore. Man, Rafinha, I love you and I know you are feeling guilty for what you have done with Julia.

So please could we just start talking again and be normal brothers. I really don't want to waste the little time I have left to spend with you till I have go back to Munich. And honestly I also want to spend some time with my little bro while I can."

I get up and hug Thiago so tight like I haven't done for a long time. "I'm sorry. I promise I will act responsible for Julia now. I will try to be the best dad she could have. Just please let me look after her."

He seems like he has a battle going on inside him. "I'm sorry Rafinha, but I really don't know." I pout and look down. I really don't know how I can persuade him or even Rosalina that I am able to look after and care for Julia. I feel Thiago's hand on my shoulder.

"Hey don't be sad. How about you come with me to the hospital today. Just visit Rosalina and maybe you can try to talk to her in peace. In the meantime I will just take a walk with Julia so you can talk out everything. But please try not to scream at her, you know that she still isn't fully healed yet."

I nod and bro hug him. I'm so lucky that I have him as a brother, I know everyone else wouldn't be as nice to me as he is. "Thank you so much for your trust." "Just try to not mess up again with her. She really is a nice girl."

I let go and look at him. "You know if I hadn't had a girlfriend already, I so would take Rosalina as my girlfriend." We laugh but I feel a little pang inside my heart. No it can't be, Rosalina is just the godmother to my little princess.

My feelings would just make everything more difficult and I don't really know her anyway.

We pack our things and I make sure that I have everything for Julia. I really want to be responsible, so I check for her diapers, make sure we have extra clothes, food, milk and toys with us.

We don't have that much time, since I have training afterwards, but I still want to come with them and speak to Rosalina. I really want to speak everything out with her and maybe we could be friends. Oh god I sound like a toddler.

Anyway, Thiago carries Julia to the car and makes sure she is strapped in correctly before going behind the wheel and driving out of my driveway. "How is your girlfriend doing by the way?" I look at him questioning since he doesn't ever speak of her.

"Oh you know she finally opens up in Munich. She is kind of getting to know the other WAGs and usually she is out shopping with them every other day.

I love it that she has friends there, but why can't she spend some time with me too? Sometimes I really feel lonely, but I guess it's the problem when you drag her to a country away from home." I'm sure this really bothers Thiago, but he shouldn't be complaining in my opinion.

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