9. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

The last two weeks have been boring but also surprising. Since I have accepted Rafinha's apology, he would visit me every day and bring Julia along with him. 

It's surprising that he finds time to spend time with me here in the hospital even though he has so many training sessions and matches. Another good thing is that the two weeks are finally over today. 

Sure, it's not certain that I'm allowed to leave the hospital today, but at least I have a check-up in a half an hour and then the doctor will tell me if I'm ready to leave the hospital or not. But it also has a bad side. 

I don't know what I will do if I get released today. I still have the casts on my arm and leg, so I still can't do anything by myself. 

Suddenly there is a knock on the door. When it opens I'm surprised. "Well, good morning Miss Alvarez. How are you today?" Rafinha asks me while holding Julia in his arms. 

"Well hello to you too Mister Alcantara." I smile at him and it gets even wide when he kisses my cheek. He lays Julia down on her play blanket on the floor, so that she can crawl around a little bit. "So have you already had your check-up?" 

"No, I'm still waiting for the doctor to come. You know, I really would love to leave this boring room today." I fidget with my fingers. "Well you actually don't look like it if I might say so myself." "Well..." 

I don't know how to tell him this. I really don't want to seem weak in front of Rafinha. I feel something warm on my hands and when I look down I see Rafinha holding them with his own. "Hey, you can tell me. Really, anything. What's bothering you?" I shake my head. 

"Don't say it's nothing. I see that something is taking up your mind and like I have said so many times already, I want to help you." I smile at him. He really is such a kind guy. I'm happy that he is Julia's godfather and not somebody else. 

"Well, I really do want to leave this hospital, but no matter what I'll still have to wear my casts, so I won't be able to do anything by myself." He tightens his hold on my hand and begins to laugh. 

"Well if it isn't anything else, I don't see a problem with that. Actually, this is the reason I'm here so early today. I wanted to take you with me to my house, 

I have plenty of guestrooms and I will be able to help you with everything you need. Of course only if you are okay with that."

I smile, but hesitate before answering him. What shall I answer him? 

I really don't want to burden him. Maybe I could get a maid who could help me with anything. I know that he does have a busy schedule and not really time for taking care not only of Julia but also me. 

"Don't even think about declining. I know what you are thinking, but I can assure you, you won't be any burden to me. I have everything planned out. Thiago will still be here in Barcelona for the next week, so he will be there for you and Julia while I'm at training or matches. 

And after that we will just find another solution for our problems. Maybe you can just come to the away matches with me and you could even take Julia with you." After his speech I'm gobsmacked. I would have never guessed that he has thought about it that much. 

"Please, Rosalina, just say something. If you don't like the idea of living with me of the time you can't live by yourself, just say it. We will be able to come up with another idea." I smile and I have to repeat myself when I say that he is such a sweetheart. 

"No it's not that, I'm really thankful for everything you have done for me and Julia so far, but I also know how busy your schedule can be and I really don't want to miss out on anything you may want to do beside your football career. 

I mean you are only 22 years old and because of me you already have to care for a baby, so you actually a dad at the age of 22." Now he is the one to be gobsmacked. 

"Do you really think that this matters to me?" He makes a pause and looks directly in my eyes. The only thing I see in them is love and honesty. "I love Julia with all my heart and I want to care for you and her. I really do." 

A tear rolls down, but I wouldn't have it even noticed if Rafinha hadn't reached out his thumb to wipe it away. "Hey don't cry Rosalina. I really want to care for you two. You are my life now and I wouldn't want to change it for anything." He hugs and I cry on his shoulder. 

"T...thank you. You don't know how much this means to me. You know that I didn't have any family left beside my sister and now that she is dead too, I only have Julia and I would do anything, so that she can have a perfect life." 

"Well I would say this is good then, because I want the same for her." He tightens his arms around me and kisses my cheek. After that he leans in and I feel his warm breath on my ear. 

"And I want you to have a perfect life too, so please let me help you." I nod and just enjoy his warm hug and his amazing smell that fills my nostrils.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mister, Miss. But we need to get to the doctor for your check-up, Miss Alvarez." We let go immediately when hearing the voice behind us. "Don't worry you didn't interrupt anything. Sure let's go." 

I say and try to get up but before I can even move one finger, Rafinha wraps his one arms around me under my armpits and puts the other under my knees, so that he can carry me to the wheelchair which the nurse is holding.

The check-up went well and now I have to wait for the doctor to tell me the results. The nurse brought me back to my room five minutes ago and now I'm just watching Rafinha playing with Julia. It's true that seeing a guy playing with a baby makes him much sexier. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He surprises me when asking that. "Sorry, I just spaced out." He gets up and sits back down in the chair beside my bed. 

"You haven't told me before, how was the check-up? Do you think you will be able to come home today?" 

"I really don't know, but I hope so. Just when I say that, the door opens and the doctor who has done my check-up enters the room. 

"So Miss Alvarez, I have your results with me. But first I have to ask you if you want Mister Alcantara to leave the room or are you okay with him hearing your results." "It's okay, just please tell me, if I'm able to leave today or not." He smiles kindly at me. 

"Well, I'm happy to tell you that you are, but you will have to come back for the next check-up next week. We have to see if your arm and leg grow back together the right way. Oh and you won't be able to stand up for at least the next three weeks, so I hope that you have someone to look after you." 

"Well..." Once again I get nervous, I still don't know if I should agree to Rafinha's proposition. 

"Don't worry, sir. I will care for her." He nods and after shaking our hands and bidding goodbye he leaves and I'm alone with Julia and Rafinha once again. 

"So, let's get ready and pack everything. I hope you will like my house and please don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything."

After packing everything and getting dressed, Rafinha pushes my wheelchair with me in it to the elevator, while I'm holding a sleeping Julia in my arms. So let's start into a new chapter with not only Julia but also Rafinha in it.

Sorry for the long wait, I really try to write new chapters faster, but now that I finally have summer break there will be more chapters. I hope you like it and I'd love to hear your opinions :)

I do watch Formula 1 since I really love fast cars and I find it really interesting. I'm Team Mercedes since I really can't decide whether I should cheer for Rosberg or Hamilton, but I also like Riccardo for his big smile.

I think I'd love to live in Barcelona or any other city in Spain, since I really loved the personalities of the people living there when I was in Barcelona.

My favourite subject must be history, but I also like maths really much (I know I sound like a nerd right now :b).

1 What is your favourite piece of clothing?

2 What is your favourite movie?

3 What is your favourite book?

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