20. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

Today is the day. And I still don't have a dress. Right now I'm taking every single dress out of my wardrobe trying to find one which looks at least a little bit appropriate. 

But nothing. What shall I do? I have to go to the wedding and I want to but not if I look like a homeless. 

I mean there will hundreds of beautiful women and men and then there will I be standing. I can't do this. I'm so depressed since I have tried on so many dresses but none of them was the right one. 

I guess I will just wear one of my work clothes since they don't look that bad. And I'm not going to sit in the front row anyway so no one will see me. 

So I get this one red dress I bought for meetings and my black blazer. Just when I want to choose the right underwear to wear under the dress there is a knock on the door. 

I go over making sure that my dressing gown is wrapped tightly around me. I open the door and Rafa stands in front of me. "Hey." Immediately his beautiful smile makes its way on his face. 

Man, I love it. He looks like a cute schoolboy with it and I think I fall for him more every second. "Hey, so I guess so still haven't found anything to wear?" 

He smiles and only now I notice the boxes he is holding. "Nope, I will just have to wear one of my work clothes or something like that." "No you don't." 

Confused what he is talking about, I just stare at him. "Don't look at me like that. Just let me in and I will show you what is inside here." 

He says and looks down at the boxes in his hands. Too curious what's inside there I step aside and open the door wider. Not even inside my room Rafa begins to laugh. "What?" 

But instead of answering he just continues looking at the mess. All my dresses are lying around the room, and oh my good there are even underwear laying on my bed, how embarrassing. 

I don't want him to inspect my underwear any further, even though he has already seen it when he got some of my things from my old apartment, but it's just so embarrassing. 

"Oh right, so where can I put these down?" I just point at my desk and he puts the boxes down there. "So you remember this beautiful dress you didn't want to buy since you thought it was too expensive?" 

I nod, not sure what he wants. And also hoping that he hasn't done what I think he did. But all my hopes go down the drain as he opens the biggest one of the boxes. 

"No you didn't" Tears are filling my eyes. "Oh yes I did." Immediately he steps forward and hugs me tightly. 

"Thank you." I whisper against his chest. It's the beautiful pink dress I have tried on when I was shopping with Rafael. It's amazing even though I think he shouldn't have done this. 

"Rafa, it's really sweet of you, but I can't take it. I really can't. It's too expensive and I don't want you spending money on me. Especially not so much." He shakes his head. 

"Rosalina, I wanted to buy you this dress. You look like an angel in it. And it's my decision how I want to spend my money, so don't worry and please wear the dress to the wedding today. At least do it for me." 

He is so sweet. Nobody has ever done something like that for me. And we aren't even a couple. "Okay I will wear it, but only if you promise me a dance." 

"Sure." Once again we stand in the middle of the room hugging each other, but I can't enjoy it for long, since Julia begins to cry. 

She has been sleeping in her room since now and I'm happy but I still have to get ready. And it seems that Rafa thinks the same. 

"Don't worry, I will get her. You get ready and I will watch Julia and dress her in her cute pink dress. We will meet you downstairs when you are ready." 

Rafael kisses my cheek before going to Julia's room.


Finally I'm ready, wearing the wonderful dress Rafael has bought me. He even bought me matching shoes and amazing jewellery. I don't even want to know what this must have cost. 

It's unbelievable. Nonetheless I feel amazing wearing all these things. 

Carefully I slip on the high heels Rafa has gotten me. I'm so happy that I'm finally able to wear high shoes again after my accident. 

I have worked out every single day to get back my muscles. I step down the stairs, but stop in the middle. Wow. Is the only thing what's on my mind as I see Rafa standing there in his tux. 

And as if this wasn't enough he looks even more gorgeous holding Julia in his arms. She too his wearing a light pink dress and cute, little white shoes. 

It's the same colour as mine and Rafael also wears a light pink tie. We are matching which makes us look even cuter if you ask me. 

"You ready?" I nod and take a hold of his hand which he is holding out for me.


The venue looks perfect. Everything is white and the bridesmaids are wearing light pink dresses, similar to mine. And guess what. I did say that I won't be sitting first row, well guess where I'm sitting right now. 

Right, first row. Since Rafa is Thiago's groomsman he has to stand next to him and since I'm his 'date' for today he told me that my place is reserved in the first row. 

I don't feel all that comfortable since I don't really know any family or friends of Thiago and Julia, but luckily Thiago's sister is sitting next to me and since I know her already I'm able to talk to her at least. 

During the ceremony Rafael sits down on the other side of me and smiles down at me. He looks so lovely in his tux. "So Thiago, you may now kiss the bride." 

The priest says and immediately tears fill my eyes. Weddings are always so emotional. Suddenly I feel fingers intertwining themselves with mine and as I look up I meet Rafael's. 

We are smiling at each other, forgetting everything around us as everyone else is watching the newlywed couple kissing and clapping. 

And the only thing I can think of how beautiful his eyes are and how his lips would feel on mine.


So the wedding is here, I hope you like the chapter. I will try to update again this weekend but won't be able to promise anything.

I have a question for you all: Do you want me to do an Advent calendar? I would post a short story about a footballer every day and you would have to guess who the footballer is and write me your guesses. 

And on the last day (25th December) I would say who got the most right answers. 

I'm not sure if you would like it, so please tell me and I will decided if I will do it or not. :)

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