3. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

My work at Xavi's house gets along pretty well, I think. We have already decided on the colours and furniture. It will look lovely if I say so myself.

If I'm honest he and his girlfriend are one of my favourite clients, they are always friendly, easy to talk to and they even like Julia. She still is my little angel, even though she gets more hyper every day, which can be a little bit annoying sometimes.

Rafinha, yeah he still hasn't called and honestly I still don't mind, because we two are perfectly fine alone. Right now I'm on my way to Xavi's house, so that I can look at the finishing touches.

Julia too is in the car, because Xavi's girlfriend Clara would love to meet her and I'm glad that I don't have to stress over finding a babysitter for her.

I ring the doorbell and just seconds later Clara opens the door. "Hello, Rosa! How are you today?" "Hi, I'm perfectly fine, you?" I get Julia's bag up from the floor, where I have put it when I hugged Clara.

"I'm fine too. Oh my god she is so cute! I mean she must be beautiful with a mother like you but oh my gosh she looks amazing. How old is she?" At that I laugh really hard. "S...she isn't my daughter she is just my niece who I have custody for.

And she is now 8 months old." "Sorry, didn't know that. But she still looks like you." I smile at her and we both enter the house which looks amazing already. Just when you go inside you have the feeling coming home.

It's really cosy and everything is in warm colours which makes everything even more comfortable. "So I thought that I will do the finishing touches today, so that you can finally move in next week."

They both smile kindly at me and I make my way through the house, to see the progress in all the rooms. Luckily everything looks like I have imagined it and I'm really happy that I have such competent co-workers.

I still hold Julia in her travel bag in my arms. She sleeps and this makes it even easier for me to work. "Sorry, to interrupt you, but I wanted to ask if I shall watch Julia, while you are working.

I really don't mind, she is such a cute child and I will just watch her while cooking or something." I turn around to Clara and smile. "This would be very nice of you. Thanks." She takes Julia out of my arms and carries her out the room I'm in currently.

When she is out of my sight I continue to plan what to do. I take the ladder, that is leaning on the wall and begin to do my work.

I have to put up the curtains and connect the lamp with the power. And just when I get an electric shock and fall down the ladder. The last thing I see is someone running into the room.

Xavi's POV

Suddenly I hear a loud thud and immediately I have to think of Rosalina and run into the guest room. When I see into it, I'm shocked. Rosalina lies there on the floor, she looks really pale. I run forward and kneel down beside her.

"Rosalina! Can you hear me?" I wait some seconds, but she doesn't move at all. "Clara! Call the ambulance!" I hear someone running in my direction and just seconds later my girlfriends stands in the doorway, out of breath and with a shocked expression on her face.

"W...what happened? Oh god!" "Call an ambulance now!" She fishes her phone out of her pocket and dials the number for the ambulance. In the meantime I make sure that Rosalina is still breathing.

I'm not that shocked when I can finally see her chest moving, but she still is unconscious. "They will be here in some minutes. They said we shouldn't move her, because her spine might be injured and also make sure she doesn't choke." I nod at her, because I really can't look away afraid that something might happen with Rosalina if I do.

After some minutes which felt likes hours, we can finally hear the sirens of the ambulance and Clara runs out of the house to show the paramedics the way in.

"Sir, please take a step back so that we can help her." I do as I'm told and move to the side of the room. "Xavi I get Julia ready, just drive with Rosalina in the ambulance and I will come with the car and Julia."

She gives me a kiss and leaves the room to get Julia. I'm still too shocked to think right. I just stand there and look at what the paramedics are doing.

"Sir we need to get her to the hospital. Are you going to drive with her?" "Y...yes, please." I follow them. I just can't believe that Rosalina is the one lying there on the stretcher, completely still and looking really pale.

As we finally arrive in the hospital the paramedics rush inside with her, but I get stopped at a door, because there aren't any visitors allowed. "Sir are you in any way related with her?"

"No I'm not. I'm a friend of her and the whole incident happened in mine and my girlfriend's house." "Okay, so do you know of anyone we could inform?" "I'm sorry but no. I don't know of any relatives of her or boyfriend or anything like that."

"No problem, we just have to wait till she is finished and conscious again." I nod and sit down on a chair in front of the doors, so I can see any doctor leaving the rooms behind it right away.

Just some minutes later Clara comes rushing in the hall with a crying Julia in her arms. "Clara! She is inside currently, so we just have to wait. What's up with her?" I ask as I look down at Julia who is crying her heart out.

"I don't know, I think she just wants her aunt. I mean she doesn't really know the both of us and she must be really frightened right now too." I nod, this sounds right to me, but there is something I don't quite understand.

"Did you just say aunt? Don't you mean mother?" Clara laughs at me. "No, Julia is Rosalina's niece, but don't worry I also thought that she is her daughter at first." I nod, I'm just shocked, that I haven't found this out sooner.

I mean I have known Rosalina for some weeks now, but I have to focus on the important things right now. I will just ask Rosalina about Julia later when she is fine again.

I begin to rock Julia in my arms and she lies her head on my shoulder. Even minutes later she hasn't stopped crying, so I begin to walk up and down the hall and hum a lullaby to her.

Finally after half an hour of walking and humming she is asleep and I can sit down beside Clara again. She immediately leans against my side and I shift Julia in my arms so I can put one around my girlfriend.

After another hour of waiting outside in the hall the doors open and a doctor comes out. "Are you here for Ms Alvarez?" I stand up immediately and shake hands with him. "Yes. How is she?"

"Quite fine according to the circumstances she is in right now. She has hurt her spine, don't worry there isn't anything broken but it is bruised badly. Ms Alvarez has also a broken arm and foot. So she won't be able to leave bed any time soon. Luckily she didn't suffer from any brain damages due to the electric shock."

"Thank you sir. Can we go in and see her any time soon?" "Yes, we just have to bring her in her room, which will be done shortly. I will send a nurse to get you." "Thank you." And with that he leaves again and we are anxiously waiting for information once again.

Sorry for the long wait. Hope you like it. Please comment your opinion. xx

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