42. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

„What's up with the smiles today?" It gets harder and harder not to say anything, I'm just so damn happy. Nonetheless both I and Rosalina have decided to wait till she is in the second trimester to tell the others. 

Even though we only hope for the best there is still a chance that something might go wrong in the first twelve months and so we are very careful and don't tell anybody about our baby. Besides that we also just enjoy the feeling that only we know this crazy secret. 

At least we are meeting with our parents today, so we can tell them. Sadly, Thiago won't make it since Julia herself is only weeks away from giving birth and he has matches in Germany too. That's why we decided to call them before the dinner tonight and tell them then. 

"Nothing, nothing. Everything is just going great lately." 

"Mhmm." Neymar just nods and continues smiling, as if he knows something. After this little talk we go outside to train.


"Hello, dear. How are my three girls today?" I hug Rosalina from behind as she cooks something for us. "Three? Didn't know you have another woman on the side." She turns around with her arms in her hips but with a big smile on her face. 

"Nope just my wife and my two lovely daughters." "Daughter? Well, I think that it's going to be a boy." 

We both smile at each other. "But back to you, how are you today? Any illness?" "Luckily no and I haven't felt tired either. Are you ready to tell our parents tonight?" 

"Sure, I'm so happy when I can finally tell someone about it. Today at training I was close to bursting. What do you think, maybe we can call Thiago and Julia right now?" 

At first she looks like she really thinks about it but after some seconds she nods. "Sure." So we sit down at the table in the kitchen and I open my laptop to call my brother on Skype. 

After only a few rings we see Julia's smile on the screen. "Well hello, hello." We great her too and tell her that we have something important to say. 

"Wait a second, I will get Thiago quickly. He is working out right now." And just a minute later she is back with my big brother behind her. 

"Hello, hello. So what is so important that you couldn't wait to tell us?" Rosalina fidgeted beside me. I tighten my arm around her and smile at the two soon to be parents on the screen. 

"We just wanted to tell Gabriel that he will have a playmate pretty soon." 

At first they don't seem to get it, but then smiles grow on both their faces. 

"Does this mean what I think it does?" Rosalina only nods excitingly. "We are going to be parents too." Thiago looks shocked. "Wow, congrats, little brother and you too Rosalina." 

 We thank them and continue talking about their little baby boy. They too are extremely excited to be parents so soon. I really can't wait to be an uncle. I'm pretty sure Gabriel, their boy, will look so cute and surely will grow up to be a well-mannered boy. Thiago and Julia will be the best parents, besides us of course. 

"Well we have to go now, since we will meet up with our parents now to tell them too." We say goodbye and close the laptop. "Two down, six to go." Rosalina cuddles up to me. 

"I'm so excited to tell them, but at the same time I want to keep it a secret too. Is that wrong?" I brush my hand through her hair. 

"No, Lina. I totally understand, I feel like that too. Till now it has been our own little, sweet secret and nobody could destroy it but whenever somebody hears it, it won't be our secret anymore. But you know what?" She looks up at me expectantly. 

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