Chapter 1 - It was supposed to be a good day

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Author note: Hi to any of you lovely people that may be reading this! First off, thank you for taking interest in my story!
Secondly, this is my first 'x reader' story i will be writing so please bare with me! If you see any mistakes please dont hesitate to mention them in the comments!
Please note: Sorry if there's silly mistakes, i pretty much wrote this whole story on my phone!
Thank you all and I hope you enjoy <3


*Your POV*

You wake up to the sound of your alarm blaring at you demanding you get your butt out of bed. You so desperately wanted to hit the snooze button but you couldn't be late for work having only had this new job for a couple of weeks. You especially couldn't be late as your new job was at Stark Industries as one of Tony Stark assistants.

You grab your phone from the bedside table and look at the time noting you had half an hour to get your butt out of bed and out of your apartment.

You let out a long sigh, sit up and slip your Baby Yoda slippers before making your way to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth and get dressed.

Today you chose to wear a pair of navy blue suit trousers and a plain white fitted shirt to go under your matching navy blue blazer. You took a little look at yourself in your floor length mirror and chuckled when you noticed the aqua blue shimmer around your hands.

You bought your hands up in front of you and said "Good morning to you too" and gave them a little shake which would send the shimmer away.

You had always had this blue shimmer for as long as you could remember. You had no idea what it was or where it came from but it had always been with you. You thought of it as your companion through your life, a constant in your life that you could rely on to be there for you.

You picked your phone up from where you'd left it on your bed and exchanged your Baby Yoda slippers for your favourite pair of black ankle length boots. Once you were done with that you noted you had ten minutes before you had to leave so you popped the kettle on to make a coffee and grabbed a couple of breakfast bars and put them in your hand bag to eat on the way to work, along with stashing your phone in there so you wouldn't forget it.

Once the kettle was boiled you made your coffee in a travel mug and left your apartment with five minutes to spare.

The walk to work was busy as usual as you weaved in and out of the other New Yorkers on their way to work and start their own days.

You said good morning to Gladys, the lovely little old lady who worked in the coffee shop a few doors down, as you passed and felt that today was going to be a good day which instantly put you in a good mood.

You arrived at work, signed in at the front desk and made your way past security flashing your employee ID and took in the sight as you did every morning. You still couldn't believe you worked for Stark Industries and the Tony Stark.

Your office was down the hall from Tony's and Pepper's which were right next to each other, although Tony usually was down in the labs if he was in the building.


Your day had gone by pretty smoothly and all you had to do before you were allowed to go home was go to Peppers office to get her to sign some forms and take them to the mail room.

You knocked on the door to Peppers office and waited patiently until she called for you to enter

"Good afternoon Y/N, what can I do for you?" She smiled up at you from her desk

You walked over to her with the forms in your hands and handed them to her whilst saying "I just need your signature on these request forms please".

You added a smile for good measure to which she smiled back and replied "Of course" and began to sign the small stack of forms

You stood there patiently as she was going through them and out of nowhere a bad feeling came over you. You looked out of the 5th story window and gasped as you saw something fly at the window at high speed.

"Get down!" you yelled to Pepper and leapt towards her, pushing her off her chair and onto the ground shielding her with your body as whatever it was crashed through the window, shattered glass flew everywhere.

"What on Earth?!" Pepper yelped when you lifted your head to look around you to see what had come through the window

To your amazement you were met with the room filled with a tinge of yellow gas. On further inspection you saw and heard commotion outside of her office and knew instantly that you had to get the two of you out of there.

You moved yourself off Peppers body, helping her up and ripping your blazer off and passed it to her. "Here, put this over your mouth and move!" You instructed her, all politeness out the window.

"What about you?" She coughed, terror in her eyes

"Oh just do it!" You argued with her through your own coughing putting her one hand over her mouth and nose with the blazer and grabbed her other to drag her out of there

You paused for a couple of seconds at the door to see what was going on outside of the office and it was more of the same. The whole floor was covered in that gas.

You both ran to the stairwell and made your way safely to the ground floor which was utter chaos. People were running and screaming and you even heard gunshots which made you duck back behind the door.

"Are people shooting out there?!" Pepper asked worriedly

"I would say so, yeh" you answered and opened the door a crack to see what was going on. You couldn't tell who was shooting or where they were. "We're gonna make a break for the doors. Keep your head down and don't stop for anything, okay?"

She just nodded her understanding and you positioned her between the wall and yourself with a protective arm around her and you both exited the stairwell and ran as fast as you could while crouched down.

You felt her flinch every time she heard a gunshot but she didn't slow down. She was a real trooper.

You were nearly at the door and you felt a wave of relief wash over you as you saw them getting closer but that was shattered by a gunshot and a searing pain shooting through your left shoulder

"Go!" You screamed at her and pushed her forwards towards the door as you fell to the floor. In the next instant you felt your whole body enveloped in heat and the whole world around you seemed blue and a rush of energy seemed to have left you just as you hit the floor.

Everything around you smashed and shattered and all sound instantly disappeared right after that. Even the gunshots and screaming and when you turned your head to look at the room you saw everyone was lying on the floor.

So much for a good day, you thought and with that the pain in your shoulder became too much and you passed out

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