Chapter 6 - Intrigue and mystique

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The following day you went back to your usual routine of waking up at 8am and going down stairs to grab breakfast before training with Nat and you were surprised to see you weren't the first one up. Even more surprised to see that it was Loki that was up before you

"Good morning Loki" You said in a sing-song voice to see if he would react or acknowledge you were there. The only acknowledgement you got, however, was a quick flick of his eyes from his book to you and then back to his book.

You shrugged to yourself and thought It's a start, for the fact that he didn't just outright ignore you.

You popped four slices of bread in the toaster and turned the kettle on to make some coffee then retrieved the butter from the fridge

With the coffee and toast made you separated the toast onto two plates and took your breakfast into the lounge and placed one of the plates closest to Loki and curled up on your settee with your own and put the morning news on.

"That's for you" you pointed to the toast you'd made for Loki which he just glanced at and went back to his book. "Eat the damned toast you stubborn ass" you said with a little force behind it

Now that got his attention. He raised his eyebrows for a slight second and cautiously moved to take one of the pieces and began to eat it which put a grin on your face.

"Good, because you look like you're going to waste away and die of starvation if you don't eat" you added for good measure and continued to munch on your own toast and drink your coffee


The days went by and it was more of the same from Loki. You didn't think he had uttered a word to anyone the whole time but you caught him once or twice looking at you with his brows furrowed like he was concentrating on something. But when you caught him looking at you he quickly looked away and buried his nose back in his book.

Other than that, your routine just seemed to be eat, train, eat, chill with the team and sleep and while you really enjoyed it it started to become tedious. But you carried on with it because you knew you were nowhere near ready to go out on a mission with the team and that's what you were aiming for.

You weren't even allowed in on their SHIELD meetings which you found out about a week after Loki arrived when the whole team got called to one of the conference rooms and you and Loki were left behind in the lounge while they went off to meet about hero stuff.

While they were gone you caught Loki looking at you in that same way again and you raised your eyebrow at him which he returned and you couldn't help but laugh.

"Do I always have something on my face?" You asked once you calmed your laughing down

"Excuse me?" Loki asked in the most bored sounding voice he could muster

"Oh! He does speak!" You smirked getting a slight scrunched up nose reaction from him. "You keep looking at me. I'm just wondering if i have something on my face"

"No. When this room is full of people i can read everyone's mind except for yours" was his answer

"Alright, Edward" you chuckled slightly at your own joke and Loki just tilted his head slightly in confusion. "Just a joke from a book" you waved it off. "So, what then? You're trying to dig into my deep dark secrets? Newsflash for you, I don't have any". Internally you were wondering what else he could do other than read minds. The TV didn't really talk all that much about Lokis abilities when he was trying to take over New York other than he was really powerful and no one seemed to want to talk about Loki in the tower

"Oh, everyone has secrets, my dear" Loki gave a menacing smile

"Well they must be secret from me too then because i'm an open book" You said as you stretched out a bit and got comfy on the sofa, thoroughly enjoying this strange chat with Loki. Especially as you hadn't heard a word out of him the whole time he's been there

Out of nowhere your hands lit up with their blue shimmer and you smiled at them and said hello to it but out the corner of your eye you saw Loki stiffen slightly

"What?" You asked as you drew patterns in the air with you glow

"You're an open book you say?" Loki asked with a smile that made you feel a bit uncomfortable. "So have you told the buffoons that you're Asgardian yet?"

You had to do a double take at that and the smug look on Lokis face just got bigger. "You what now?"

"Oh, so you haven't told them?" He was really enjoying this and i didnt like it much

"Well, no, because i'm not" I laughed at the absurdity

"Well, you must have Asgardian blood in you somewhere because that magic right there? Thats Asgardian magic" His face had gone from menacing to intrigue now which made you feel less uncomfortable

"Seriously?" You asked in disbelief staring at your hands not knowing what to make of this revelation

"You really didn't know, did you?" He asked, a slight wave of sympathy washed over his eyes but it was gone as quickly as it came

"To be honest until a few weeks ago i thought it was just a glow until i got shot and it leveled a whole floor of one of Tony's buildings" You admitted, yet you didn't know why you were telling him this.

Yes you do, because he knows about it and can teach you, you reprimanded yourself

Loki must have seen a look on your face and guessed what was going through your mind because out of nowhere he scoffed "Not a chance am I teaching you how to use it"

You didn't manage to say anything other than get a glare off because just then the elevator dinged and the whole team piled out into the lounge from their meeting

"Brother! Lady Y/N! How are you?" Thors voice boomed from behind you

"I believe Y/N has something to tell you, brother" Loki said slyly as you heard a few gasps at the fact Loki had spoken a full sentence let alone a word

"Lady Y/N, what is it?" Thor asked worriedly coming to sit next to you along with the rest of the team

"Loki said my magic is Asgardian" you managed to eventually get the words out of your mouth

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