Chapter 17 - You're stronger than you think

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*Loki POV*

Loki was sat lounging in his bed while the Avengers were off on their mission and couldn't help but notice how agitated he was for some reason. He couldn't concentrate on the book he was reading and he realised that he was worrying. It was a strange feeling, not one he often had and even less often for someone else. And he didn't like it. He kept on telling himself to stop being stupid and that he didn't care, but he couldn't shake the feeling.

Then he felt a sudden rush of magic energy bust through the tower. No, it wasn't through the tower, it was in his mind. That put him on edge, much to his annoyance, as he was worried what had happened to you on your mission. He kept telling himself that it was only because you were the only person that was even mildly interesting around here but what he wouldn't admit to himself was that it was a blatant lie.

After that bust of magic he couldn't sit still. He found himself pacing around his room in circles trying to shake it off but nothing was working. It made it worse when he could hear the whole teams minds approaching as the Quinjet neared but not yours. He waited for it to land and couldn't stay in his room any longer. He had to see what was wrong


*Your POV*

You woke up to the familiar sight of the hospital room in the Avengers tower, but this time you weren't cuffed to your bed

"Y/N?" Lokis voice came from beside you

"Hm?" You mumbled as you sat up, noticing the ache at the back of your head as you did

"How are you?" He asked, worry on his face. Ha! You knew he cared, which made a small smile play at the corners of your mouth

"Well, i feel like I was hit by a car" You laughed at your own joke. God you were lame

"You used a lot of magic up today. I felt it from here. You need to be careful" Loki warned you, but it wasn't harsh, it was in a caring way

"Really? I don't feel like i did that much" You admitted, feeling a bit down

"You completely healed the Hawks injuries which made you pass out" Loki told you with a raised eyebrow

"I-what? I healed him?" You asked, confused

"Yes, we haven't gone over healing yet which is why it's impressive you did such a good job with it with the extent of his injuries. But it was a lot for your first healing" he told you. You could see a little glimmer of pride showing in his eyes. "I think you may have an affinity for it"

"That's so cool!" You said in amazement. Magic was so cool!

"Yes, but you must remember your limits. You're still fairly new to using your magic. It's still getting stronger" Loki emphasized again

"Yeh, of course. I didn't even know I was doing it. The way it made me feel when I saw Clint lying there in all that blood...Oh Loki, it was horrible" You choked, holding back tears as you remembered Clint.lying there, literally dying.

"Yes, those with strong affinities for healing often find themselves drawn to the injured, wanting to help them. But it can be dangerous" he explained to you and you were listening intently to every word

"Okay. Self control, don't go overboard. Got it" You said determinedly

"Well, you need more rest but the nurses said you can leave here once you had woken up. Shall we go and see the others? They were very worried about you" Loki suggested

"And what about you? Have you been here the whole time?" You asked pushing your luck

"I-yes. They called me down when they brought you home when they were not sure what was wrong with you" He told you, trying not to sound worried which just made you grin.

"Come on lets go tell them i'm not dead yet" You laughed as you got yourself out if the hospital bed and went up to the lounge together

"Here she is! My hero!" Clint exclaimed when he saw you walk in and came right over to give you the biggest hug you ever received from him, picking you up off the floor as he did

"Hey, Hawkeye! I'm glad youre not dead!" You giggled as he spun you around before setting you back down again

"Thanks to you!" Nat smiled from across the room

"Jesus, kid! Yous scared me to death!" Then came Tonys big hug which nearly knocked you over. "Don't scare me like that again!"

"I'll try not to" You chuckled

"So, healing magic? It is very highly regarded on Asgard. You're very powerful, Little One" Thor smiled to you. "Dare I say it, you may one day give my brother a run for his money, as you Midgardians would say" and you felt Loki shuffle a bit behind you

"I doubt it but thank you, Thor" you grinned to him. The thought of you being more powerful than Loki was absurd

"We must take you to Asgard some time soon and see what Mother thinks" Thor suggested and you felt Loki tense up

"Really? You'd take me to see your home?" You asked in awe. You'd always wanted to visit Asgard and see its golden palace and rainbow bridge of the bifrost. Loki had told you a bit about it while you had been training and it sounded like the most beautiful place ever.

"Of course! You're somehow linked to there anyway. It's your birthright" Thor informed you. Huh, you'd never thought about it that way before

"Well, anyway, as riveting as this has been, brother, Lady Y/N needs to rest after using so much magic today" Loki said with a hint of annoyance and also hurt in his voice

"But of course. Go rest now, Little One" Thor said as he turned you around and nudged you into the elevator, Loki following you

You could see that he was annoyed when you were both standing in silence, waiting to get to your floor

"You okay, Loki?" You asked, worried

"I'm just fine," he said sharply.

Sorry, you thought to him

It's not you. Its Thor talking about going back home like i would be welcomed there

Well, Odin sounds like a big ass wipe but Thor said you and Frigga are close. It'd be nice for you to see her again

Yes, I would like to see mother again

Neither of you said or thought anything else as you walked to your rooms until you went to close your door behind you

"Get some rest, you need it after today" Loki said before you said goodnight


The following morning when you went down to the kitchen to get breakfast and turn the news on, you didn't know whether to feel proud or mortified when you were on the news

You watched as bystanders had recorded you healing Clint in the middle of the road and then passing out. You did have to admit that the healing process was beautiful to watch. Your whole body became encased in the blue shimmer of your magic and you saw as it went from your hand and spread all over Clint

"That's one way to get your name out there" Lokis voice came from behind you. You nearly fell off your settee and screamed because you hadn't heard or felt him come in the lounge.

"Dear god, you scared the shit out of me!" You panted trying to calm your racing heart down

"My apologies" he chuckled and came to sit next to you. That was a first, Loki has not openly chose to sit next to anyone the whole time he had been there

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