Chapter 62 - Face off with Thanos

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"Alright, Thanos will be here any minute. We need to come up with a plan," Tony urged everyone

"Ambush will be the best bet. He won't know our number before he get here," You suggested

"Ambush, I like it!" Star-Lord agreed

"Well, who of us is going to meet him off the bat?" Peter asked

"Stephen? To draw him in with the Time Stone?" You suggested, gesturing to the necklace that homed the stone

"Good idea," Stephen nodded his agreement

"Alright, the rest of us go hide and wing it? To keep the...others happy?" You offered

"Yeah, yeah, alright," Tony rolled his eyes and you all went to go and find hiding spots around Stephen


When Thanos appeared, he used the Space Stone to put himself about 30 feet away from Stephen. From where you were hiding to Stephen's right side, you could see that Thanos now had 4 of the six Infinity Stones: Power, Space, Reality and Soul stones and you knew right away the encounter you were about to get into wasn't going to end well.

"Yeah, you're much more of a Thanos," Stephen said from sitting on the steps he had decided to wait on

" I take it, the Maw is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission," Thanos sighed, you could actually hear pain in his voice when he said it.

"You may regret that," Stephen simply suggested

"Where do you think he bought you?" Thanos asked. You were getting bored of the casual chit-chat.

"Your home?" Stephen guessed, looking around at the wasteland that was all around.

"It was. And it was beautiful," Thanos said as he used the Reality Stone to show what his home had once looked like. You had to admit that it used to look beautiful and so full of life. "Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution"

"You mean genocide," Stephen all but spat

"But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass," Thanos sighed again

"Congratulations, you're a prophet," Stephen replied sarcastically

"I'm a survivor," Thanos countered him

"Who wants to murder trillion," Stephen accused

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist; I call that... mercy." Thanos said, a light tone to his voice as he snapped his fingers. "The hardest choices require the strongest of wills."

"I think you'll find our yours," Stephen said as he stood up in a defensive position, his hands glowing orange with his magic

"Ours?" Thanos asked and then he looked up and saw a huge piece of debris flying at him that Tony had launched at him.

"Piece of cake," Tony remarked, hovering in the air above the wreckage he had caused below when the debris impacted with Thanos

"It's gonna take a lot more than that to kill the ballbag!" You shouted as you got in position to attack

The debris on top of Thanos turned purple and flew out in small chunks all around him, leaving Thanos seemingly unscathed. He looked to the air and found Tony and directed the debris to fly at him.

While Tony was busy with the debris, you flew at Thanos, aiming a punch at his face. He caught your wrist, mere centimetres away from his face, the Power Stone glowing. "Ah, so you're still alive, my child," He smiled at you.

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