Chapter 43 - Muspelheim

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*Two months later*

"Remind me again why you wanted us to get captured?" You asked Thor as you were both bound in chains you could easily get out of in a cage on Muspelheim

"Because, little sister, we need information" Thor said simply

"How long do we have to wait? I'm starting to cramp up!" You complained. It felt like you had been there for two hours

But then the bottom of the cage fell out and you were falling with Thor through the air.

"Fuck!" You gasped

"Y/N of Asgard. Thor, Son of Odin" a deep voice coming from one of Muspelheims Fire Giants came from in front of you as you dangled back to back with Thor, upside down

"Surtur!" You greeted him. You had really learnt your Asgardian lore and history and you recognized the Giant before you.

"Son of...a bitch!" Thor chuckled to himself for making a funny. "You're still alive! I thought Odin killed you millennia ago!"

"Not until I fulfil my destiny and lay waste to your home" he announced proudly. Stupid giant

"Oh! So you're the one in Thors nightmares where he whimpers like a girl?" You sniggered

"Little sister! Not in front of the Fire Giant" Thor scolded you, embarrassed, but it just made you laugh

"So you have seen Ragnarök!" Surtur said

"Hey, wait, I can't see him!" You chuckled as you were slowly rotating around and now Thor was back to facing Surtur

"We both can't look at him!" Thor informed you, like you hadn't figured that out already. You were back to back for Gods sake. "So, tell me about Ragnarök"

"When my crown is reunited with the Eternal Flame, I shall be restored to my full might! I will lay waste to the mountains and the fields. The palace and the city!" Surtur jibed

"What, that funny looking monobrow?" You asked as you turned to be the one looking at him and you nodded to his head

"The Eternal Flame Odin keeps locked on Asgard?" Thor asked of the fire giant

"Odin is not on Asgard" Surtur said simply

"What? How's that? I swear that's where we left him" You asked, confused

"Thors absence has left the throne defenceless" Surtur smirked

"So, if we were to, let's say, rip off your monobrow crown and lock it up, Ragnarök won't happen?" You asked, making sure you got it right.

"Ragnarök has already begun. You cannot stop it. I will make you ALL suffer!" Surtur declared

"Alright Thor, I'm bored of this clown. Can we kill him and save our home?" You asked Thor

"Yes, because that's what heros do" Thor said as he reached out to summon Mjolnir to him. Gods, he was a drama queen.

You put a shield around you and Thor and expanded it, breaking the chains hold on the two of you and you landed on your feet on the floor.

You both fly back away from Surtur as Thor throws Mjolnir at Surturs head that seems to just piss him off

"Come on, I thought you were the God of Thunder, not Love Taps!" You yelled to him as the walls seemed to spawn an army of fire demons that were all running at the two of you.

You fought back to back with Thor in unison as you had been these past two months and it was fun.

You were crushing the fire demons with your magic and slicing them in half with your sword. You were very skilled with your sword now and knew there was no way Sif could keep up with you now.

You laughed maniacally as you drove your sword through two of them and threw them at another group.

A Fire dragon crashed through the room and was coming right at you. "Get the crown, I'll take the dragon!" You called to Thor as you smirked at the dragon and ran for it, a battle cry your Asgardian ancestors would be proud of filling the room.

You launched yourself at the dragon and stabbed him in the eye, half blinding him as it thrashed around and flung you into the wall.

You got yourself up and launched at him again, slitting his throat as he cried out in pain and breathed fire at you. You shielded yourself from it and created a huge sword out of your magic and sliced the beast's head clean off.

You dusted off your suit and looked down at the dragon head feeling proud of yourself.

"Heimdall. I know it's been a while, but I could use an exit!" Thor shouted, running over to you with Surturs crown on his back tied in chains

You held the dragon's head and waited for the bifrost but nothing happened

You looked to Thor and he shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know why Heimdall was taking his time either

"Heimdall?!" You called up, trying to call to him yourself

Then suddenly the bifrost lit up around you and you were both flown through space to Asgards bifrost chamber

Thor looked at you and then at your feet and saw the dragon head you had bought with you.

"Why do you have a dragon head?" He asked, looking confused as usual

"Well you got a souvenir and I wanted one too!" You grinned to him which made him laugh at your antics and he turned back to the stairs in the bifrost chamber. "Heimdall why di-" but he cut himself off when he saw Heimdall wasn't on the dias. Instead there was a bald guy with a tattooed head who looked like he had no idea what he was doing.

"Who are you?" You demanded of the man.

"Im Skurge. I fought with Thor on Vanaheim" Skurge answered looking to Thor. Thor just shrugged his shoulders. He had no clue.

"Where's Heimdall?! You could have gotten us killed!" You roared to Skurge advancing up the steps and you drew your sword to his throat

"The traitor? He disappeared before his trial. No one knows his whereabouts!" Skurge whimpered beneath your fury

"What? Traitor?!" Thor questioned as confused as you were

"Yeah, you see, Odin charged Heimdall with negligence of duty, but he disappeared before the trial" Skurge explained further

"Now, I know your dads a dick but he wouldn't do that to Heimdall. Somethings not right" You turned to Thor, worried.

He seemed to think about it for a few seconds then flew off towards the palace without a word. You rolled your eyes and ran out the chamber after him and flew off into the air with your magic after him after shouting to Skurge to get the dragon head sent to your room

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