Chapter 8 - And so it begins

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"Let us head down to the training room so you don't break anything" Loki instructed and you followed him into the elevator.

You noticed that he had started to look a lot better than when he had first arrived at the tower. The dark circles had gone from under his eyes and his hair looked like it had a new life to it. He had also filled out his clothes a bit which made him not look ill any more and you were glad to see him looking like a normal person.

You sat in the middle of the room on the training mats when you arrived there and worked on forming your magic into shapes. Once Loki had explained to you how you should feel your magic and see it as a part of you, you were able to make shapes from it in no time.

"Now that you can mould it, concentrate on making it into a physical form rather than just visual" he instructed and told you to throw your magic at the training dummies that were in the room

By the time the team were on their way back from their mission you had only managed to make the dummies move ever so slightly which made you sigh

"What did you expect? That you could take on an army in three hours?" He scoffed as you were heading back to the lounge

"No, i just didnt think itd take this much effort and now i'm so tired" You stiffled a yawn behind the back of your hand

"Well you did just use your magic for the first time properly" he said sounding annoyed which just made you scrunch up your nose


You spent the next three days training with Nat in the morning and learning your magic from Loki in the afternoons but by the fourth day you were so exhausted that you fell asleep in the middle of your training with Nat...while in the middle of a she threw a punch at your jaw.

"Y/N! Are you alright?" She gasped as you were thrown across the room and she rushed to your side

"Oh shit" you mumbled as you sat up and rubbed your jaw, even then still barely able to keep you eyes open. "I'm just tired. I convinced Loki to reluctantly help me a bit with learning how to use my magic and its exhausting doing all of this."

"Come on, let's go and talk to the team about it. Im sure theres something that we can work out" Nat said helping you off the floor from where you had landed and you made your way up to the lounge

Not everyone was there but the majority of people were, which was enough to be able to discuss the situation.

"Alright, what about alternating the days you train? Will that work?" Tony suggested, worried about how tired you looked

"Yeh, i can give it a try" You said sleepily fighting to stay awake

"Well, take the rest of the day off and get some rest and you can train with Nat tomorrow and start your new schedule from there" Steve said, looking worried about the state you were in too.

"Yeh, good plan. I like this plan" You were babbling by this point and were instructed to go to bed and get some rest which you didn't argue against in the slightest and as soon as your head hit the pillow you were asleep.


You ended up sleeping for the rest of the day and through the night. When your alarm went off the following morning you looked at your phone and your eyes went wide when you saw how long you had been asleep for.

You rushed to get down to the kitchen to grab breakfast before your training with Nat again

You were surprised to see Tony in the kitchen when you arrived. You knew he didn't manage to sleep very much but he was usually in the labs until 9 o'clock and came to get breakfast when more of the team were awake. You weren't surprised to see that Loki was nowhere to be seen, seeing as though Tony was there.

"Good morning, Princess. You want some eggs and bacon?" He greeted you when he saw you walk in

Your eyes went wide and your stomach growled its hunger in that moment. "Apparently my stomach says yes. And good morning to you too" You smiled and felt the heat of the kettle to see if Tony had already boiled it. He had so you made yourself a coffee and sat down at the table while Tony plated you a good amount of scrambled eggs and bacon

"So, your magic lessons with Reindeer Games? How are they going?" He asked before he shoveled a big mouthful of food himself

You were surprised at the topic of conversation but answered either way, "They're good. I can finally make my magic actually hit something rather than just pass through it"

"How is he teaching you if he can't use his own magic?" Well, this was news to you. You thought about it for a short few seconds and realised that you hadn't actually seen him use any of his magic and you were surprised you hadn't realised it sooner.

"You know, I didnt even realise he hasn't been using it. He's just been telling me what to do and how to feel it so far" You shrugged while also wondering how Loki was able to read other peoples minds if he couldn't use his magic, but you would ask him in private at another time.

"Alright then, as long as you're not doing anything dangerous" He really did care about you and it made you feel all fuzzy inside. "By the way, you may want to take a nap after dinner because there's a party here tonight"

You nearly choked on the eggs you'd just put in your mouth at that. "What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"It's nothing big big and it's no big deal. And i didnt want you freaking out over it like you are now" he laughed at your reaction

"You're insufferable, you know that?" You stuck your tongue out at him playfully. "It's a good job i love ya"

He smiled at that and he tried to hide it but i saw how happy it made him which put a smile on my face and we finished up our breakfast as the others started to make an appearance

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