Chapter 53 - Saving your people

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"Here, look. Up in the mountains" Val said as she pointed to the heat sensor map on the console of the ship. "There's a large mass of heat signatures inside it"

"That must be where Heimdall took the citizens for safety," You commented

"Yeh, but look. That must be Hela. She's coming for them," Val added, pointing to another heat signature that was fast moving towards the mountain.

"Drop me off at the palace. I'll lure her away from them and you go and get them out of there," Thor instructed

"You're not facing her alone. I'm coming too." You told Thor

"And if my love is staying with you then so am I," Loki insisted like you knew he would

"No, it is too dangerous for you both" Thor warned you

"If you die, I die, brother" You looked him in the eye and held out your arm

"Very well, little sister" Thor grinned and took your forearm in his hand as you took his forearm in yours in the traditional Asgardian handshake

"And you're mad if im letting the two people in the whole of the cosmos that i love run into danger without me," Loki added, offering his arm for Thor to take too Which he did

"Alright then. Revengers! Assemble!" You mocked Steve even though he wasn't there. You got a grin from Thor and Loki and a terrified look from Bruce

"It's your funeral," Val sighed as she pulled you up to the palace grounds to let you out

"Wait here," Thor instructed of Val once the three of you were off the ship as he ran into the palace

"Hurry up, we haven't got all day!" Val called after him. You used your magic to search Thor's mind to see what he was up to and grinned. "What's that face for?" Val asked when she saw you grinning like a cheshire cat

"He's going to get the ship a weapon" You replied having seen what Thor was up to

Not five minutes later Thor returned with some sort of cannon to mount on the ship, much to Val's delight

"Here, I found this in the armoury too" Thor told Val as he handed her some sort of wrapped up armour.

When Val unfolded it se let out a small gasp, as did you

"The armour of the Valkyrie" You both whispered

"Your majesties. Don't die. You know what I mean," She said to the three of you just before she closed the hatch of the ship and took off for the mountains

"Well, what's the plan, brother?" Loki asked once Val was clear of the palace

"Now, we get her attention," Thor simply answered and the three of you took off for the throne room in the palace

Once there you looked around and your heart sank. It was a mess! Hela had really done a number on the place while you were off on Sakaar locating Loki and Thor. There were items from the vaults strewn across the floor by the throne, including Gungnir, the Allfather's spear.

You reached the foot of the throne's dais and noticed a large amount of rubble and rocks spread out over the floor that looked like it had fallen from somewhere high. You looked up and saw that the mural on the ceiling that once showed Odin and Thor over the prospering 9 realms now shows Odin and Hela surrounded by the chaos of them conquering the nine realms, Mjolnir in hand and her army of undead Draug around them.

You picked Gungnir up off the floor and handed it to Thor. "This should get her attention" You suggested.

Thor nodded and took Gungnir from you and climbed the stairs up to the throne and took his rightful place. He hit the bottom of Gungnir on the floor three times, hard. The sound resonating all round you, almost too making you cover your ears

"Now what?" Loki asked as he looked around looking like he didn't know what to do with himself

"Now we wait," Thor answered

"Maybe we should hide and try and ambush her?" You suggested

"Good idea," Loki agreed and the two of you went off to hide behind large pillars in the room

You began to wonder if Hela was ever coming after you had waited for ten minutes until you heard her approaching.

"Sister..." Thor said when he spotted her walking through the room. A weird feeling started in your chest at the sound of Thor calling this hag his sister. You knew she was but she didn't deserve it

"Nice to see that you're still alive," Hela sarcastically commented, her footsteps getting closer

"You know, I would love nothing more than for someone else to rule over Asgard instead of me. But it can't be you. You only know chaos, destruction and death," Thor said, not moving an inch.

"Move. You're in my seat," Hela said, ignoring Thor's previous comment

"Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war," Thor said as he stood from the throne

"But must always be ready for it," Hela finished off the wise words of the Allfather and the two of them charged at each other and engaged in combat

When do we jump in? You asked Loki

When you see an opening

So you stayed where you were for now while you listened to Thor and Hela exchange blows.

Hela had one of her black swords drawn and Thor was using Gungnir as his weapon as he didn't have Mjolnir. Hela's sword and Gungnir were crossed and they were both pushing on each other and Hela was prevailing. Soon Thor was on the floor and looked like he needed help. That's when you jumped in.

You created a shield in front of Hela and threw her halfway across the room with it. She wasn't expecting it and she landed hard on her back as you rushed over to Thor to help him up and Loki came out of his hiding space and started throwing daggers at Hela to cover the two of you

Hela recovered fast and was back on her feet in no time. She was now wielding twin blades instead of just the one of them and she charged for the three of you.

You drew your own sword and blocked an attack from her that was going to impale Thor if you hadn't. She glared at you and unleashed a burst of her own magic which sent you flying backwards as she continued to attack Thor and Loki.

"Y/N!" Loki called just as you were about to smack into the wall but you cushioned yourself with your magic and floated in the air for a second before letting yourself back down on the ground

You felt something disturbing coming from beyond the palace walls. You didn't know how to describe it but it felt bad and wrong. You knew that the people were in danger and you had to do something.

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