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Ever since Vi and her sister, Powder, were taken in by Vander she hung around the same five people: Powder, Mylo, Claggor, Ekko and Lincoln. They spent their time on the streets of the Lanes and scrapped pennies just to survive.

These were the closest people Vi. They were her family. Her and Lincoln were the oldest of the group. This made them the leaders as they usually were the ones that decided on what jobs they did and didn't do. The kids followed them and trusted all of their judgment calls. Being the oldest and both having the weight of the responsibility on their shoulders, they naturally became extremely close. They had to trust each other to make sure their operations ran smoothly and that they were on the same page.

Another thing they had in common was that they wanted to keep their little sisters safe.

Vi was always confused on why she never met Lincoln's infamous sister. He talked about her all the time, them practically being twins with only a 10 month age difference (Lincoln being born in January of the same year as his sister). However, he never let his sister come on jobs with them. It was his parents rules.

Lincoln's mother was originally from topside. While this caused the group to distrust him at the beginning, they soon learned he was a true Undercity kid. He was born here, just like the rest of them.

His mother left the topside to be with his father. His father helps Vander run the undercity along with Benzo. Even with these close relationships, Lincoln's sister was never seen by the group.

They've heard stories, of course. Stories of the infamous Daisy who almost blew up the kitchen when her mother was trying to teach the girl how to properly cook a meal. The Daisy who liked books and had her brother grab her some.

The girl who was her brothers best friend.

Vi always wondered why they never met the girl. Lincoln usually shrugged it off, saying, "Mom and dad don't really let her go out much," And never elaborating as to why. What they didn't know is that while their mother moved to the undercity because of her love for their father, it was a place that still terrified her. It's one thing to let her son go out, but she was not letting her little girl go out onto the streets of the undercity.

A girl like Daisy doesn't belong there.

However, Daisy longed to see the world. Behind her families back, she always snuck out. She met a few friends with her adventures. There was Arya (a girl Daisy's age with beautiful lightning blue hair and grey eyes), Luke (a rather annoying but loyal best friend, with blonde hair the same as Daisy's and brown eyes) and then there was Briant (a quiet but fearsome fighter with bright red hair and hauntingly dark eyes). They made life seem not so small for the blonde-haired beauty.

Unlike Daisy, they looked like they belonged in the Undercity. They were strong and fearsome, whereas Daisy still had her innocence from being sheltered for her whole life. Although they never looked at that.

At 14 years old, the siblings lives were about to mesh for the first time.

Lincoln was out on a job with Mylo, Vi, Powder and Claggor. It was one of the Powder's first jobs and the group were particularly nervous about her coming along. The 8 year old blue-haired girl was excellent at fixing their machines and could even climb like the rest of the Lanes, but she had a tendency to make jobs... more difficult.

In spite of that, Powder wasn't the reason this job was going to get messed up. It was the long blonde hair that Lincoln spotted up ahead.

It took a few seconds for Lincoln to realize the hair belonged to his sister. He ignored Mylo, who was calling towards the boy asking why he stopped, "You have got to be shitting me," Lincoln said, making the group all look at him confused. Their faces turned into one of surprise when one of their leaders started chasing after something, or someone in the distance.

"Lincoln!" Vi shouts at the boy, annoyed that he is leaving the job. The group of friends follow him around the rooftops as he chases down a mystery person.

"Daisy!" Lincoln shouts. The blonde haired girl freezes, surprised at hearing her brothers voice. She makes a quick dash, jumping across the roofs with speed that both impresses and scares her brother. She turns a corner and spots her father in the distance. With a stroke of surprise when she almost catches her fathers gaze, the blonde-haired girl misses a step and falls off the roof.

She luckily only fell a small distance, releasing a small, "Ow," as she starts to dust dirt off of her clothes. She hears multiple footsteps and freezes. She doesn't have time to stand up as she hears someone clear their throat.

"I know it's you. What are you doing out?" She hears her brothers voice. Daisy winces slightly, turning towards her brother with a guilty smile.

"It was... stuffy?" Daisy says with a small smile. Lincoln keeps an unimpressed look on his face as Daisy's falter, "I'm sorry, okay? It was stuffy! I was bored and mom was distracted so I just wanted to look around," Daisy explains. She notices the other 3 pairs of eyes on her, but ignores them as she tries not to crumble under her brothers intense stare.

Daisy sighs, "This was the only time, I promise!" Daisy looks up at her brother, his dark eyebrows shooting up in disbelief.

"How were you able to climb like that if it was the only time?"

"Well, uh.... it was the only time you noticed?" Daisy says in a small voice as her brother lets out a sigh. Someone clears their throat behind Lincoln and Daisy finally looks over at the eyes that are burning into her.

She makes eye contact with the girl that had pink hair first. She's standing looking at them with an intense glare. But when her eyes meet Daisy, they soften slightly. Daisy makes a note of the bandages that are wrapped around her hands.

Vi watches the interaction between Lincoln and the blonde-haired girl. She's annoyed that Lincoln ran away from the job that was supposed to be easy. Her eyes glare into the back of Lincoln's head while just a small section of blonde hair is in her peripheral vision.

When the girl steps out, Vi's eyes soften as she takes a small intake of breath. The girl must be from topside. Vi's never seen a girl like her down here before. The pinkette watches as the girl walks towards her, a small smile on her face as she looks up at Vi with sparkling blue eyes. The girl sticks out her hand towards Violet.

"Hi, I'm Daisy."

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now