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Daisy was sitting in the arcade with Vi, Mylo, Claggor, Lincoln and Powder. While she technically wasn't part of the group that had to lay low, Daisy was still laying low with the group. She was currently sitting on one of the benches, sitting crossed-legged and working on some arrows. The book Vander gave her sits by her knee as she looks over it for instructions.

However, Daisy keeps getting distracted by her girlfriend fighting her boxing machine. Every time Daisy looked up, she couldn't help but stare at her sweaty girlfriend punching the machine. Vi's caught her multiple times, smirking slightly, but Daisy gets even by winking at the girl and making the pinkette blush.

"Remind me, why do we even bother with this dump?" Mylo says from the side. Daisy looks over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Vander said to lay low," Vi replies, taking off her boxing gloves, "Enforcers never come down here, so this is as good a place as any," Daisy looks back down, finishing up one of her new arrows. So far, she has made an arrow that launches a net around someone, a shock arrow, and a paint bomb arrow (inspired by Powders paint bomb). Her new one was simple, it was a plunger arrow. The use of it, Daisy wasn't sure yet, but it was simple and fun to make.

"Oh, what's the matter, Mylo? You worried Powder's gonna beat you again?" Claggor teases Mylo from the other side of the room. He and Lincoln are sitting off to the side. Claggor watches everyone while Lincoln sharpens one of his knives.

"Hey, if she didn't keep fixing those things, then I wouldn't keep missing!" Mylo exclaims. Daisy gives him an unimpressed look. Vi told her this morning about how last night Powder overheard Mylo complaining about her and Powder got upset. Mylo was always on her case about jobs. Mylo looks over at Daisy, an eyebrow raised, "How's that arrow gonna be useful?" He asks the girl.

Daisy just smiles, notching the arrow and holding it up towards the wall. She quickly changes the target and releases it at Mylo. Daisy giggles as the arrow launches itself and lands on Mylo's forehead, "It could be used for that," Daisy says to the boy. Mylo gives her an unimpressed look as Vi gives her girlfriend a small smirk.

"Haha," Mylo says in an impassive voice. Powder then jumps up from behind the machine, she looks at Mylo and giggles at the plunger arrow stuck on his forehead. Mylo sighs, pulling the arrow out of his forehead. Powder connects to large wires together which turns on the machine.

Vi walks over to Daisy, rubbing her bruised hands as she has a conflicted look on her face, "You guys know I wouldn't take you on a job you couldn't handle, right?" She asks them. Daisy looks over at the girl who avoids her gaze.

"Are you kidding? That was the best job we've ever done!" Mylo exclaims, "Maybe, next time, just don't bring Powder," Daisy rolls her eyes slightly as Powder looks at him with an annoyed look. Then, she starts shooting at the targets Mylo was previously missing, and she shoots all of them.

Once Powder finishes shooting, she gives Mylo a triumphant look as she walks over to the window. Daisy gives the girl a high five as she walks away. Daisy's smile drops when she hears a commotion outside. Powder also hears it and starts to walk towards the window. Daisy watches the window, putting the book in her bag and throwing it over her shoulder.

"Hey guys, you should see this-" Powder starts to speak but is cut off when the window breaks and a man is thrown through it. Vi grabs Daisy's waist, hoisting her up. Daisy looks at the enforcers with wide eyes.

"Search them," The male enforcer says. Daisy recognizes it as the young enforcer from the other night.

"Go ahead, idiots. We've got nothing," Mylo tells them. Daisy lets out a shaky breath as one of the enforcers comes up to her. He flicks a piece of blonde hair. Daisy turns her head towards Vi who is looking at the enforcer with a glare.

Vi turns her head to Powder, who is shaking a bit and looking nervous. When she looks down, Vi notices the gemstones in Powders pockets. Vi turns to Claggor, who pulls down a lever to kill the lights. Mylo and Powder kick the enforcers out of the way while Daisy quickly grabs one of her shock arrows and sticks it into the enforcer's arm, shocking him so she could run away.

Mylo starts to shoot at the enforcers, but his aim is shit and he doesn't hit one of them. It's only until Vi throws a piece of her boxing machine and knocks the enforcer out. Lincoln runs up to his sister and grabs her arm to start running. Claggor pushes one of the enforcers away while Vi runs to her sister and pulls Powder with her.

They keep running through the streets, trying to avoid enforcers. Vi leads the group, constantly looking back to check up on everyone. When they get blocked from both sides, Daisy stops. Vi looks back and her eyes widen when they see her girlfriend, "Daisy!" She shouts towards the girl.

Daisy grabs one of her new arrows, muttering quickly, "Please work, please work, please work," As she loads an arrow. Daisy takes a deep breath and releases the arrow. She pauses and turns her head when the arrow creates a rope that trips all of the enforcers running at them, "Not what I meant to do but that works," Daisy mutters before turning around and running back to the group, "Come on!" She yells, grabbing Vi's hand who is gripping Powders.

They hear a whistle and look up to see Ekko, "Up here!" He shouts. The group all climb up. Powder is the last one to climb and Vi helps her up the ladder. One of the enforcers almost got to Powder, but Vi kicked the ladder down sending him flying onto the rest of them.

"You gotta hide those crystals," Vi tells Powder.

Powder looks at her sister and nods, "Yeah, no shit,"


At The Last Drop, the group sits in the basement before the meeting Vander is hosting with all of The Lanes. Daisy was leaning up against the side of the couch, a book in hand that she couldn't focus on. Her mind was on Vander's deal and whatever her father was up to. Vi, after checking up on Powder, walked over to the girl. She lifted up Daisy's legs, draping them over her own as she looks at her girlfriend.

"Hey," Vi whispers, "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Vi teases the girl. However, her face drops when the blonde continues staring at nothing, "Daisy?" Vi whispers, shaking the girl who finally looks over at her.

"Huh... oh, sorry. What did you say?" Daisy asks.

"What are you thinking about?" Vi asks, her hand comfortably rubbing circles along the girl's thigh.

Daisy leans her head on the couch. She stares at her girlfriend's hand that is placed on her thigh, "I saw something yesterday," Daisy whispers.

"What?" Vi asks.

Daisy hesitates. She doesn't know if she should tell Vi about Vander. It would hurt her knowing what he's doing. And she wants to decide this with Ekko, "I saw my dad," Daisy whispers, "I don't know what he was doing or who he was with, but he was doing something dodgy. He took some kid somewhere... I'm afraid he's in trouble,"

"Have you told Vander? Lincoln?" Vi asks.

"I haven't told Lincoln what I saw. I asked Vander if he noticed anything different about my dad. Apparently, he doesn't like how things are being ru-" Daisy stops herself. Her eyes widen and she jumps up. What if her dad knew about Vander's deal and that's why he's been so weird? Because he didn't like it?

"Dais? Darling, what's wrong?" Vi asks. Her hand goes to Daisy's cheek as she checks on her. Daisy looks at her girlfriend with wide eyes. She opens her mouth to speak but the door opens and Vander calls down to them.

"Meetings starting. Come on," He tells the group.

Daisy looks to Vi who is staring at her with concern, "I-I'll tell you after. I promise... I'll need to tell Lincoln as well," Vi's eyebrows scrunch together but she nods anyway. She grabs Daisy's hand and they all walk up to the meeting.

When they get to the top, Daisy's eyes meet her father's. She feels her body go cold as dread runs through her body.

Daisy's scared she's asking all the right questions. She's not sure if she wants to find the answers.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now