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Daisy hasn't left the house since she came back. The bruise is now healed but Daisy doesn't want to run into Arya, Luke or Briant. At least not now. Her parents were okay with her wanting to stay inside- they banned her for about a week for sneaking out and now keep extra tabs on her. However, she was able to convince them to let her go with her dad to Vander's so she can hang out with Vi, Mylo, Claggor, Ekko and Powder; which she was okay with.

Currently, she's on one of her lessons with her mother. She's leaning against the wall as her mom ties up her corset. She whispers a small, "Jeez," as her mother pulls on her corset tighter, "You're gonna break a rib, mom,"

Azalea rolls her eyes, "You're being dramatic," She says, "My mother was worse," As she says this she pulls it tighter one last time making Daisy squeak. She barely lets out a deep breath, standing with her now straighter posture. Her mother walks over to her, lightly brushing her cheek as she examines her daughters cheek.

"It's gone now, mom," Daisy sighs.

"I just hate that you got it,"

"It happens," Daisy shrugs, "Lincoln is covered in bruises all the time. Same with dad,"

"And I don't like it for them either," Azalea places a small kiss Daisy's forehead, the latter smiling up at her mother, "Oh, and your friends are coming over. Lincoln told me,"

"Wait what?" Daisy says.

"Yes, uh, Vander's children. Your father and Lincoln invited them,"

"Oh," Daisy says, "When are they coming?"

"Should be here soon," Azalea says, making Daisy widen her eyes.

"What! Come on take this off of me!" Daisy says, turning around to bring the strings to her mother. Azalea just shakes her head.

"You look lovely dear. Plus it's practice eating with it," Daisy keeps her eyes wide as she thinks about the others seeing her like this. Oh god, Vi's gonna see her like this! She's going to look so proper in front of them and that's something she never wanted. Just on time, there was a knock on their door and Daisy runs to the bathroom and locks herself in there. In there, she tries to reach for the strings but these things weren't meant for one person to take them off.

"God how do people do this on their own?" Daisy mutters to herself.

At the door, Lincoln opens the door and greets his friends. They all walk in and look around- they've never seen Daisy and Lincolns house before. Kylo greets Vander, them doing a 'manly' handshake as they start talking about business. Vi looks around awkwardly. Powder stands at her side examining the house. They don't have a lot, but they have enough. When Azalea walks through the door, Vi is shocked at the resemblance between Daisy and her mother. She's like a younger version of her mom. I wonder if Daisy will look the same when she's older, Vi thinks to herself. She shakes her head at the thought as she shaker her mothers hand.

"Where's Daisy?" Powder asks, looking around for the blonde.

"Stubborn girl locked herself in the bathroom. She's trying to get her corset off," Azalea tells the girl. Powder furrows her eyebrows, confused at what a corset is.

"Daisy," Kylo yells, "Come down here,"

The group hears a sigh upstairs as Daisy opens the bathroom door and walks downstairs. Vi's throat closes slightly as she spots the blonde. She has on a light pink corset pairs with a black skirt. She looks over at the boys, "You make fun, you-" She stops when she catches her mothers disapproving gaze. Daisy rolls her eyes as she walks down and meets the group, giving each person a hug.

Vi keeps her eyes on the girl, her eyes not able to take them off of her. There's something about the blonde that is so enchanting.

Vi can't help but chuckle as Daisy sits up straighter every time she meets her mothers gaze, or how she starts to speak slower to make sure she says everything correctly. She also can't help but notice how Daisy has had red cheeks for this whole dinner. Daisy doesn't speak for most of the dinner, taking in the conversation. She looks up at Vi, watching her with the rest of the table. Vi then realizes that she was asked something and looks over at Azalea, "Oh, what?" Vi says. Daisy chuckles under her breath as Vi takes a quick glance at the girl.

"I asked how old you were," Azalea repeats herself, giving the girl a slight smile.

"Oh, 15. I'll be 16 in a few weeks though,"

"Ah, so you're between Daisy and Lincoln in age," She comments. Vi nods at the girl.

"16, that's a fun age," Azalea says, "It's when I met Lincoln and Daisy's father,"

"What were you doing in the Undercity at 16?" Mylo stupidly asks. Claggor kicks his shin, making Mylo glare at the boy.

"I was a bit too curious for my own good. Unfortunately Daisy got that from me," Azalea says, looking at the girl who smiles down at her plate.

"Of course, we didn't date for a few years after. My parents didn't approve. It wasn't until I was in my early 20s where I decided to come down to the Undercity and marry their father," Azalea looks at Kylo fondly who returns the look. Daisy smiles at her parents. Vi however looks down. Her and Powder's parents used to love each other like that. They never had a lot, barely had beds, but they had each other.

Daisy notices Vi's slightly sad look and clears her throat, turning to her parents, "Uh mom, dad, can Vi and I be excused? I want to show her one of my books," She says. Her mother smiles at her daughter, giving her a nod. Daisy jumps up and motions for Vi to follow her. Vi furrows her eyebrows but follows anyway. When they're out of sight, Daisy grabs her hand and runs up to her room. Vi laughs lightly as she follows the blonde.

Daisy opens her room door and walks in. Vi follows, looking around the room as the blonde looks around. She pulls out a sweater and turns to the pinkette. Daisy turns her back to the girl, "Can you take this off?" She asks. Vi's eyes widen as she looks at the girl, "Don't worry, Vi. I just need you to untie it then turn around," Vi nods at the girl, gulping before walking up and going to untie the strings.

Daisy shivers lightly as she feels Vi's breath on her neck. She keeps her heart beat steady as Vi slowly unties the corset, "Done," Vi whispers. Daisy nods turning to Vi to signal for her to turn around. Once the pink-haired girl is turned around, Daisy takes off the corset and pulls the sweater over her head.

"You can turn around now," Daisy says. Vi turns and looks at the girl.

"You look good," She says. The blonde blushes slightly, thanking the girl and turning around towards her bookshelf. Vi looks around as she spots various things. Lots of books, some photos of her, Lincoln and her old friend group.

"Here is it," Daisy says, sitting on her bed and patting the spot next to her. Vi sits down next to the girl, looking down at the book titled Flowers All Over The World.

"You brought me up here to look at pictures of flowers?" Vi said.

Daisy shrugs, "You said you've never seen one before. Can't exactly grow one down here," Vi leans down as the girl points towards the book.

"This is a daisy," Daisy says, pointing the flower.

"Pretty," Vi mumbles. Just like Daisy Vi thinks.

"And here's a Violet," Daisy says, "Pretty and colourful, just like you," Daisy says with a smile. Vi stutters slightly as Daisy laughs, "It's funny. You're all tough and stuff but have the name and look of a Violet," Vi looks at the girl as she stares at the photo of a Violet. The blonde turns to the pinkette, a smile on her face as she makes eye contact.

"Thank you," Vi says.

"Of course," Daisy whispers back. Daisy turns back to the flowers and smiles as she looks through the photos. Vi keeps her gaze on the girl, before turning it down as well. Soon, Powder joins them and Daisy shows her all of the flowers in the book. Powder sits in-between the two girls, leaning her head on the blonde-haired girl as she flips through the pages.

All of them are content.

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