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After the incident with Lincoln, Daisy somehow got him to help her convince their parents to let Daisy go out. It's still pretty strict (Daisy can go out if she's with Lincoln or her father), but still better than nothing. As time passed, she got closer to the group. The only person who still held some reservations towards the girl is Vi.

Daisy was always confused as to why Vi barely spoke to the girl. When they did speak, Vi was very pleasant to her. But it was always Daisy approaching Vi.

Vi often smiles at the girl, especially when she's playing with Powder- who has taken quite a liking to the blonde haired girl. Powder often gets excited when Daisy comes along and shows the girl all of her new bombs. Daisy always shows the same excitement back.

One thing Vi really hates is when Daisy goes out with her friends. Lincoln loosened up and lets Daisy see her friends without telling her parents. He's already met them and isn't worried about what they do. Vi, however, doesn't like them.

Every time Daisy leaves to go see them, Vi gets a slight scowl on her face which always confused Daisy.

So when the girl was sitting in the basement hangout and got bombarded by Lincoln, Vi wasn't exactly pleased to hear the news, "Who are you dating?" Lincoln asks his sister with his arms crossed. Daisy raises her eyebrows at her brother and furrows them.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"Doesn't matter, who is it?"

"None of your business,"

"Seriously Dais? Who is it?" When Daisy stays quiet Lincoln huffs, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's still new. I'll tell you when I'm ready," Lincoln opens his mouth but the girls face makes him sigh.

"Fine, just be careful," Daisy rolls her eyes but nods at him anyways. He walks away, muttering a small, "She's gonna give me a heart attack one day," before walking upstairs towards Vander's bar. Daisy sighs and plops herself on the couch next to Vi. She feels a bit awkward being alone with the pinkette, but she promised Powder she would help with one of her bombs. Powder however went to see Ekko soon after Daisy got here.

"So, who is it?" Vi says. Daisy looks over at her in slight surprise, the pink-haired girl not looking at her as she wraps her hands.

"Does it matter?" Daisy asks.

"No," Vi replies shortly, "Just curious," Daisy replies without answering Vi's question. She leans back and starts to zone out as she thinks about telling Lincoln. Daisy started dating Arya not too long ago. The two of them have been friends for a while and only decided to give it a go. Daisy, however, doesn't want to tell Lincoln in fear that he won't let her go by herself anymore. Or that he would let her, but her parents won't. She hates how strict they are with her.

"I just... I only just got privileges to go out on my own. I don't want them taken away again," Daisy mutters. Vi looks over at the girl. Her eyes soften slightly as she sees Daisy's face. Vi's always thought Daisy was the most beautiful thing to come from the Undercity. Yeah, technically she was raised to be more like her topside mother, but she's from the Lanes. She keeps her skin bare of tattoos and isn't covered in scars like the most of them. She's honestly perfect in Vi's eyes.

However, Vi is shit at showing this.

So when she heard that the girl is now dating someone, she just got angry, "So what? You won't be able to see some bloke. Big deal," Vi huffs out. Daisy turns to her with a slightly hurt face. It's not that what Vi said necessarily hurt her, it was her judgement tone.

"You know, you really need to stop assuming things about me, Vi," Daisy says, getting up and walking out the door. Vi huffs and leans back into the couch. When Powder came into the room with Ekko, Vi tried to forget the previous conversation and looked at Powder with a small smile.

"How's that coming along Pow-pow?" Vi asks. Powder sits next to Vi with her new invention in her hand.

"Alright, still doesn't work though," Powder says slightly disappointed.

"You'll get it," Vi says comforting the girl. Powder looks around and furrows her eyebrows.

"Where'd Daisy go?" She asks. Her small voice confused as she looks around.

Vi lets out a sigh, "She left probably to meet whoever she's dating," Vi mutters. Powder looks over at her.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know Powder!" Vi says. Powder looks at her sister concerned about the tone she used. Ekko jumps down and looks at the girls.

"I know who," He says.

Vi looks over at him, "Who is it?" She asks. Ekko just motions for them to follow him. Powder and Vi look at each other and shrug before walking out of The Last Drop. Lincoln caught them leaving and asked to come as well. They walk through the streets of the Lanes and follow Ekko to one of the spots Daisy and her friends usually hang out.

"Where is she?" Lincoln asks. The group scan the area before Ekko taps them on their shoulder.

"Over there!" He says. bouncing up and down as he points them in the direction to one of the tables. Vi's eyebrows raise up in surprise when she sees Daisy sitting with one of her friends, Arya. She feels herself go red both in shock and slight jealousy when she sees Daisy lean up to kiss the blue-haired girl. Vi looks away from the couple, not wanting to watch them.

"Huh," Lincoln says, "I didn't expect that,"

Powder looks towards her sister and frowns at Vi's conflicted look. Everyone is looking at Daisy besides Vi. Powder grabs her sisters hand, making the pinkette look down towards her sister, a small smile lands on her face as she appreciates her sister being there. She looks at the two boys and clears her throat, "We should go," She says. The boys look at her confused but nod anyways.

Vi takes one last look, longing clear on her face.

Daisy still feels a pit of anger boiling in her stomach. Mad at Vi for constantly assuming things about her. She shouldn't be as mad as she is, but she doesn't want Vi to keep assuming shit about her- she just wants Vi to see her as she is. Daisy doesn't know why she cares. She just does. So when she reached the table where Arya is sitting, she sits down and forces a smile onto her face.

Arya talks to her about various parts of her day. Daisy sits and nods, paying attention the best she can. As much as she likes Arya, she can't help but feel a bit bored with her stories. She doesn't have that adventurous of a life. She just works and hangs out with Daisy, Luke and Briant. When Arya keeps going, Daisy decides to lean up and give her a kiss. The lighting blue haired girl looks down at her with a smile, "What was that for?"

"Just felt like it," Daisy smiles up to the girl. She turns her head to the side and furrows her eyebrows when she sees a block of pink hair on one of the roofs.

Was that Vi?

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