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Before Vi got back to The Last Drop with Vander, she told him to go ahead as she went to the rooftop to get the stuffed bunny she told Powder about a few nights before. If she's leaving, she wants Powder to have something to remember her by. When she walks down to the basement, Mylo and Claggor are the first to notice her, "Vi, where you been?" Mylo asks.

"Rumour has it the Lanes is gonna fight," Claggor adds.

Daisy looks up from her book and furrows her eyebrows when Vi doesn't answer and walks over to Powder. She turns to Lincoln, who is sitting next to the girl sharpening a knife. Lincoln shrugs at his sister and the two of them look over at Vi. The pinkette sits down on the bed next to Powder, looking down at the girl who is working on one of her latest bombs, "Look!" Powder exclaims, "I made them for the enforcers. These are smoke bombs and these two are filled with nails," Powder shows her sister her bombs with excitement, "I think they're going to work this time,"

"Me too," VI whispers, putting a hand on her cheek as she caresses it lovingly. Powder smiles up to her sister, "You know, Powder, what makes you different makes you strong. Always remember that," Powder frowns slightly at her sister who gives her the stuffed bunny. Lincoln keeps watching Vi- he knows that bunny. He was there when Vi lost it. Vi walks over to Daisy, "Can I talk to you for a sec?" Daisy nods at Vi, putting down her book and following the girl upstairs. Vi grabs her hand, taking her to the back where they can have privacy. Daisy looks up at her girlfriend with a confused glance.

"What's-" Daisy gets cut off when Vi's hands grab her cheeks and pulls her into a kiss. Daisy widens her eyes in shock but she melts into the kiss. Vi kisses Daisy hungrily, holding onto her for as long as she could. The two have to release each other to get air. Daisy watches her girlfriend with a curious smile, "What was that for?"

"I love you," Vi says.

"I love you too," Daisy replies. She tilts her head confused.

"Say it again," Vi whispers.

Daisy furrows her eyebrows, "I love you, Violet... what's going on?"

"I just needed to hear it," Vi says. She pulls Daisy into one last kiss before walking out of the door. Daisy stands there, confused as to what happened. She stands there for a bit, trying to understand. Lincoln followed the two girls up, his head turning when he watches Vi leave the last drop. He watches as Daisy walks out of the room, leaning against the bar with a confused glance.

It wasn't hard for Lincoln to put two and two together. He's always understood Vi's thinking- it's what made them great co-leaders. He knows what she's planning, it's exactly what he would have done. Vi's protecting her sister, just like Lincoln would have done. Or will do.

He follows Vi out and keeps close to her. He watches as Vi breaks open the door to Benzo's. Lincoln lets out a sigh, following Vi into the building. When Vi hears the footsteps, she turns around and her eyes widen when they meet Lincoln's hard glare, "Lin-"

"No." Lincoln says, "You are not doing this,"

"It's the only way,"

"Then I'll stay. Daisy and Powder need you,"

"No," Vi says, "Daisy needs you,"

"She won't if she has you. I know you'll take care of her and Powder is still growing- she needs her sister. Let me do this," Vi and Lincoln glare at the other. Both ready to take the fall if anything were to happen.

"How could you leave? After you promised Daisy you never could?"

"How did you-"

"I heard you. I was in the room, Vi. Daisy needs you. She can get through my arrest with you, and Powder needs you,"

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now