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Vi was picking Daisy up since they planned to spend the day together. Daisy wanted to show Vi the flower patch she went to on topside. So, she took some of her mom's clothes from when she was a kid for her and Vi to wear when they go up. Just so they can blend in.

Vi wasn't crazy about them going Topside, her never wanting to come up there unless she plans to steal, but one look at Daisy broke down all of Vi's rejections. So, that's how they got to where they are now.

Daisy smiles when she hears a knock on her door (after an incident where Vi came to her window, Daisy told Vi to go to the door whenever her parents know they are hanging out). Daisy hopped down the stairs and opened the door with a wide smile. She pulled her girlfriend into a kiss, then shouts to her parents that she was leaving before walking out with Vi. She holds her girlfriend's hand as they walk through the streets. Vi laughs at the blonde who eagerly pulls her through the streets.

Daisy pulls them into an alley near the elevator that connects the Undercity to Piltover. She passes the clothes to Vi who makes a face of disgust at the clothes, "Don't worry. It's just for a few hours," Daisy says.

"Have you ever done this?" Vi asks, "Like wear your moms clothes to blend into topside,"

"No," Daisy replies, "not during the day. But I'm sure we'll be fine. You don't have any bruises or anything and the clothes help. We won't be going too far in anyways," Vi nods at her girlfriend, not too worried about her judgment.

Vi keeps lookout while Daisy changes behind her. A part of her wants to look, but she wants to respect her privacy- she's gonna see when Daisy wants her to. When Daisy's done getting changed, Vi turns around and looks at her with a raised eyebrow, "You really look like a Piltie, Darling," Vi chuckles.

Daisy gets a look at herself and she groans, "God I look like my mother," She sighs before taking Vi's place being the lookout while the pinkette changes. After a few minutes, Daisy hears a groan.

"I'm not wearing this," Vi says sternly. Daisy turns around and looks at the girl. Her head tilts as she analyzes her.

"You look beautiful in whatever you wear," Daisy says, "And hey, at least I got you pants rather than a dress,"

"Mhm," Vi says. She's blushing at the beautiful comment and tries to brush it off, "Let's just get this over with," She says, grabbing her girlfriend's hand as they make their way up to the roof. Daisy, to Vi's surprise, is a faster climber than Vi. And that's impressive considering Vi is an excellent climber.

Daisy sits at the top of the climb, a smirk on her face as she watches her girlfriend, "Beat ya," She teases the pinkette.

"Fuck off," Vi snickers, "I was like half a second slower,"

"Mhm," Daisy laughs. She grabs Vi's hand as they walk through the streets of Piltover to the flower patch where Daisy got Vi's birthday gift. Vi keeps looking around nervously, prepared to run in case someone sniffs them out as Undercity kids.

But no one noticed.

The girls never got a second glance as they walked to the flower patch. When they got there, Daisy watched Vi to see the girl's reaction. Vi stares at the field with an astonished look, "Come on," Daisy whispers to the girl. Grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the field. Vi lets to girl guide her so they're in front of the patch, "You're not allowed in. That's why I came at night before- it's a bit too risky to go in during the day with enforcers around. But look at all of this," Daisy whispers. She takes in the view and smiles at it. Vi looks over at her girlfriend, smiling at her, not sure how she got so lucky. Vi usually wasn't the lucky one.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now