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When Azalea and Daisy left the council room, Daisy took control and rolled herself out of the room. There was a small balcony outside that Daisy rolled herself to. She looked at one of the workers, who saw her approach and opened the door for the girl. She goes out and overlooks Piltover. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks out to the city.

"You know," A voice speaks up, "Most people would be happy to become citizens of Piltover," Daisy looks over and sees Viktor looking at her.

"I'm not most people," Daisy replies.

"So I see," Viktor replies. He walks over and stands next to her, overlooking the city.

"I'm not going to be your friend just because you're from the Undercity," Daisy tells him, "That's a stupid reason to be friends,"

"I agree," Viktor says, "I was just checking up on you," Daisy falters slightly. She looks over at the man and looks down at his cane.

"What happened to you?"

"I was born like this," Viktor says.

"How do you... how do you accept it?" Daisy asks the man. She turns to him and looks at the man curiously.

"I just know it does not make me any less capable. Where my body fails me, my mind thrives," Viktor turns to the girl, "You survived an explosion. That in itself is something that should give you hope. Everyone has a choice, Daisy. You can choose to move forward and better yourself; or, you can continue down your path and self destruct,"

Daisy goes quiet as she processes the mans words. She chuckles slightly, "I'm sorry for being a dick earlier. I've kind of been rude to everyone... even if they've tried to help," Daisy sighs, "I lost everyone I love in that explosion. My father was the reason why he was there... he isn't a good person. I-" Daisy trails off, "I don't know why I'm telling you this. Just, I'm sorry about my comment earlier. I know you're here because you're from the Undercity and well." Daisy nods to the cane, making Viktor nod in response.

"You use a bow and arrow? And make arrows," Viktor comments, changing the subject. Daisy's lips lift slightly, turning to the man, "You should come by the lab sometime. Jayce and I could always use a new perspective,"

"I'm not a scientist," Daisy sighs.

"Still. You're welcome anytime," Viktor says.

"Sure," Daisy nods, "Thank you,"

The balcony door opens and the two turn to see Caitlyn and Jayce standing there. Daisy looks over at Viktor, who gives her a look making Daisy sigh. She turns to Caitlyn, "Do you want to show me around Piltover? My mother tried but I wasn't listening," Caitlyn looks at the girl slightly shocked before nodding her head and walking over.

"Of course. I can even show you our library. It's one of the best overseas," Caitlyn comments. Daisy nods at the girl, waving goodbye to Viktor and Jayce as Daisy rolls her wheelchair towards the girl. Caitlyn walks next to the girl as they leave the building. She tries to think of what to say to end the silence. It's not an awkward one, but Caitlyn wants to learn more about her cousin.

"So you shoot?" Daisy says, breaking the silence. Caitlyn looks over at the girl with a confused look, "I saw the portrait in your living room. You were holding a rifle,"

"Oh, yeah. Last year I won a shooting competition, actually,"

"Congrats," Daisy says. They continue to move down the streets of Piltover. Caitlyn glancing over at her cousin.

"You use a bow?"

"Mhm," Daisy hums, "For a few years. Needed something to protect myself with,"

"Protect yourself?"

"Undercity isn't the safest place. My parents never let me leave after my mother was attacked because she looked like a topsider. I look like her, so they were afraid I was also going to get attacked," Daisy trails off, "I snuck out a lot. I was a good climber, but I needed to do more and I learned how to shoot a bow," Caitlyn nods, processing the information. This is already the longest conversation they've already had.

"I, um, I couldn't help but notice the photos your friend, Ekko, brought you," Caitlyn stutters, "Were they your friends in the Undercity? I'd love to meet them,"

Daisy stops, her eyes drifting down, "They're dead,"

"Oh, I," Caitlyn stutters and Daisy shakes her head, "I'm sorry," Caitlyn whispers.

"Don't be," Daisy mutters, "My father was part of the reason they're dead. My brother, Lincoln. Mylo, Claggor, Powder... and my girlfriend, Vi," Daisy's voice cracks slightly, "They died the night my mom took me to your house," Caitlyn looks at the girl, shocked at her confession. Now she's starting to understand Daisy's actions. Why she has been so guarded and quiet... even mean at times. Daisy lets out a sigh, "I'm sorry I was so rude to you. You were only ever kind to me. I jus- after my father, and all the death, I don't have a lot of trust or faith in people," Caitlyn nods at the girl.

"It's okay. I couldn't imagine going through that,"

"Can this stay between the two of us? I don't want to keep explaining to everyone but... I trust you," Caitlyn smiles at Daisy. She feels happy to have earned the girls trust.

"Of course," Caitlyn holds out her hand, "Friends?"

Daisy looks down at Caitlyn's hand, she lets out a small smile thinking back to the moment where Vi and Daisy first became friends. Daisy grabs onto Caitlyn's hand, "Friends," She smiles up at the girl. Caitlyn smiles back, happy to see Daisy smile for the first time in the 2 months she has known the girl.


Was feeling generous with the triple update today!

Hope you are all enjoying so far :). Right now, I'm just building up a bit more of the 'in-between'. Just to shape up Daisy's character and show her growing up into adulthood!

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