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Daisy asked Caitlyn if she could give Vi and her some time alone. They've barely had any with all the chaos that's been going on. She just wanted them to fully catch up. It had been 6 years since they saw one another. Daisy listened patiently as Vi was describing her life in prison. She could see in Vi's face how hard it was. She was beaten a lot and had to fight to gain respect (how she doesn't have more scars is crazy to Daisy). Daisy also looked at her new tattoos.

"I can't believe you did some of these yourself," Daisy mutters, her thumb tracing the VI on her cheeks. They've both sitting upright on Daisy's bed and face one another, "My girlfriend the badass,"

"So we're still dating?" Vi asks in a teasing tone, happy for the first time in a while.

"Never technically broke up," Daisy replies, "I haven't been with anyone since," 

"Neither have I," Vi says. 

"No prison hookups?" 

"Not much time to," Vi says, "Never really wanted to anyways. No topside hookups?" Vi chuckles but her face drops when she notices Daisy's sad look.

"No, uh, a few tried. When I had a cane I kinda just wanted to feel something, so I said yes to one person. They started kissing me and I freaked. They were nice, thankfully, but I just... never moved on from the past," Daisy explains. Vi grabbed the girl's hand, rubbing small circles on the back of the blonde's palm, "I'm glad I didn't, though. Now that I know you're here,"

Vi smiles at the girl, pulling her into a kiss. When they break apart Vi smiles cheekily, "Happy almost 7 years then," Daisy laughs, pulling the girl into another kiss. Vi's hand snakes around the blonde's waist, pulling her up and onto her lap. Daisy happily straddles the girl, keeping her hand placed behind Vi's neck as the other snakes into her hair. Daisy starts to pull Vi's jacket off of her. Throwing it to the side of the room as the girls continue to make out. 

Vi, feeling bold, moved her hands under the girl's shirt and Daisy got the hint. She pulled away and helped Vi take it off. Vi stops, taking a moment to admire the girl she's always felt lucky to call hers. Her hands trail down Daisy's side, moving towards the back where they stop on the girl's new brace. Daisy freezes for a second before relaxing in the girl's grip, "Are you okay?" Vi asks.

"Yeah," Daisy nods, "But I need this off," She says, pulling the end of Vi's shirt who laughs but complies. Soon, the two girls are both shirtless and making out again. Vi moves her hand to the back and clips off Daisy's bra. Her hand now roams Daisy's bare chest as her mouth lowers from the blonde's lips, trailing down to her bare chest. Daisy's breathing becomes heavier as she now focuses on the feeling of the pinkette's tongue gliding along her nipple.

Daisy acts quickly, taking off Vi's bra and repeating the pinkette's actions. Vi closes her eyes. She's never been touched like this ever. For the past 6 years, the only touch she's had was one with pain. But now, she's so happy it's Daisy's touch she's feeling. When she feels Daisy start to unbutton the pink-haired girl's pants, Vi opens her eyes and looks at the girl, "You sure?" She asks.

"Yeah," Daisy breathes out, "Just don't treat me gently," She pulls the girl back into a kiss. Their speeds go from soft to rough and back to soft again. Both of them want to enjoy this long-awaited journey. 

Daisy's the one who gets into Vi's pants first. The two girl's quickly remove their remaining clothes and Daisy balances herself over Vi, "Is that okay?" She asks when her hands start to explore Vi's pussy.

"Lower," Vi says, grabbing the blonde's hand and pulling it to her sweet spot, "Oh shit! There," Vi breathes out. Daisy nods, moving her lips to the pinkette's neck as her hand starts to work. She hears Vi let out a soft moan, making the blonde smirk into her neck. Daisy moves her lips to the pinkette's breast. She swirls her tongue around it as Vi reaches down and grabs the girl's hip, moving the blonde's lower half up and down to follow the movements of her fingers, "Ah, fuck, I love you," Vi breathes out. Daisy moves her body up, her lips kiss behind the pinkette's ear as her bare body becomes flushed with Vi's.

"I love you too, baby," Daisy whispers. Vi feels herself becomes more wet at just the sound of Daisy's voice. She lets out a small moan, flipping them around. Daisy widens her eyes up at the girl. She's quickly distracted when she feels Vi's lips on hers. 

Daisy lets out a soft gasp when she feels Vi's fingers enter her, "You okay?" Vi checks on the girl.

"Yeah," Daisy breathes out, "Speed up a bit," Vi complies with the girl. She trails kisses down her body, going lower until she reaches Daisy's pussy. With her fingers still inside her, Vi lowers her face and glides her tong along her clit. Daisy lets out a moan, pushing herself forward so Vi is buried between her thighs. Daisy grips onto the sheets as Vi continues to work. 

Daisy's never felt this good before.

Vi moves herself out of the blonde, widening Daisy's legs as she pushes herself in between, connecting the two of them, "Just tell me if it hurts, okay?" Vi says. Daisy nods, watching the girl before letting out a small whimper when she starts to move.

"Wait, wait," Daisy says, "We gotta flip," Daisy points to her back and Vi nods. They reposition so Daisy is on top. Vi grabs the girls hips, moving them along hers as the two of them let out a moan. Daisy uses the girl to steady herself. Vi sits up so their naked bodies are flushed together.

Vi and Daisy move together. Speeding up as the two of them continue to explore the other. Daisy grips Vi's back, pulling her closer as she feels herself come undone. She listens as Vi's fast breathing start to slow down. Both of them finished off their high. 

Daisy pulls away from Vi, looking down at the girl with a smile on her face. Vi just looks up at the girl who she completely adores. 

They always knew it was gonna be with the other. It just took some time to get there.


Daisy and Vi stayed in bed for the rest of the day. The two of them catching up over lost time. The two of them were now exhausted after a few... explorations. Now, Daisy sits up as she trails her hand over the large tattoos on the back of Vi. Vi keeps her eyes closed as she enjoys the soft touch of the blonde.

The two of them stay unclothed. Vi is laying on her stomach with her arms draped around Daisy's waist. It's amazing how perfect life could be if they just stayed in this position.

"I can't wait to introduce you to Viktor. He's from the Undercity and he's so smart. Without him, Hextech wouldn't have happened. Not that anyone knows since they would never put someone from the Undercity as their face for change," Daisy says to Vi, telling her about all the people she actually likes up here. 

"Can't wait to meet him," Vi says. Although, she can't help but wonder how long they'll stay up here. Or if they will even go back to the Undercity. Vi's not sure what they'll do, but as long as she's with Daisy, she doesn't really care.

Daisy's been wondering this as well. She can't see Vi wanting to stay up here, but Daisy already said after her back injury, she needs to be nearby the Doctor. The incident on the bridge is proof enough. 

Right now, all Daisy knows is that she's happy in this moment. She's not gonna worry about the future for now.

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