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Vi couldn't help but stare at the cousins in shock. Her head looks between the two as she tries to find the familiarity between them. The only thing she can come up with is their eyes- they're the same shade of blue. Vi's eyes trail up Daisy's body. This new, older version of her is now becoming her new thoughts of the girl. She's taller than Vi, much to Vi's annoyance. However, she has long legs that Vi doesn't mind looking at.

Daisy somehow got even more beautiful, Vi thought.

Her hair is cut shorter and her last bit of baby fat is gone. Vi smiles when she spots the bracelet on Daisy's wrist. She still wears it, "Your cousin?" Vi questions, "You, uh, ended up meeting that side of your family then?"

"Yeah," Daisy whispers, "I live with them. After..." Daisy closes her eyes. Letting out a small sigh, "We have to go, Caitlyn. It's not safe down here,"

"I can't- the investigation!"

"You're not even an enforcer anymore, remember?" Daisy says. Her eyes harden as she looks over at Caitlyn.

"It doesn't matter. Figuring this out is the right thing to do. Help me, Daisy. Help us," Caitlyn places her hand on Daisy's shoulder. Vi glares lightly at it as Daisy lets out a small, "fine,"

"Where are we going?" Daisy asks. Caitlyn turns to Vi who clears her throat.

"Follow me," Vi says. Daisy nods, walking next to Caitlyn.

"How's your back?" Caitlyn asks, concerned.

"It's fine," Daisy replies shortly. Her eyes are on the back of Vi's figure, still not believing the girl is here.

"Are you sure? I can check-"

"It's fine, Cait," Daisy cuts the girl off. Vi turns her head slightly at the nickname, her eyes narrowing. Even if they are cousins, Vi keeps replaying Daisy's old words of not wanting to meet her Topside family. Now here she is, all buddy buddy with one of them. Daisy motions for Caitlyn to stand back slightly, speeding up to walk next to Vi.

Vi turns her head to look at the girl, her eyes softening when she meets her eyes, "Where were you?" Daisy asks softly.

"Stillwater," Vi replies, "I was arrested that night," Daisy nods. Her eyes trail down as she walks next to the pinkette, "So, you were Topside?"

"Yeah," Daisy mutters, "My mother found my, uh, body. She, Ekko and an enforcer carried me up there to my aunt who got me a doctor,"

"Ekko, he's okay, right? And your mother left the house?" Vi asked, surprised.

"Yeah, he's fine. Hopefully, you can see him soon. She heard about the explosion... she found Lincoln and the others as well. But they were gone," Daisy trails off. She walks so close to Vi that her hands brush against the girls. She looks down at Vi, her eyes not being able to keep them off of her.

Vi's got really hot. Not that she wasn't before, but with the tattoos, more muscle definition and piercing... Daisy can't say that she hasn't got more attractive with age.

"If I knew you were there..." Daisy starts.

"I know," Vi cuts the girl off. Both of them always drifting their eyes to the other, "Why'd you stay up there?" Vi asks, pointing up top. Daisy trails off, her eyes falling to the ground as she thinks about the recent years. Her eyes water slightly as she shakes her head, walking ahead leaving the pink-haired girl confused. She watches as Daisy walks over to a man sitting with a drink, Daisy grabs the drink from his hand and downs it before walking away before he can react.

"That's a sensitive subject," Caitlyn whispers to the girl.

"Why?" Vi whispers back, looking at the girl who Daisy lives with.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now