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Daisy and Lincoln waited for Liz to walk out of the brothel. When she finally appears, she gives the sibling a smile as she carries a backpack on her shoulder, "Are you guys ready?" Lincoln nods at the girl, grabbing her hand as the group walks towards The Last Drop. Daisy walks a bit farther behind the couple, watching them interact with each other. Daisy smiles at her brothers relaxed figure. She's happy he has someone that helps him relax and feel calm.

When the group walk into The Last Drop, Daisy sends a smile to Vander before walking over to him, "Hey, Vander. Are they in the basement or at the arcade?"

"Basement," Vander replies. Daisy gives him a nod, thanking him before leading Liz and Lincoln down to the basement. When they open the door, Daisy greets the group and sits on the couch next to Vi. The pinkette smiles at her girlfriend, grabbing Daisy's hand and holding it on her lap. Vi turns and look at Lincoln and Liz at the door.

"Hey guys, this is Liz," Lincoln starts, "Liz, this is Mylo, Claggor, Powder and Vi- Daisy's girlfriend," Liz smiles at the group and waves at them. Daisy gives her an encouraging smile while the rest of the group just stare at her. They're not really used to new people.

Lincoln grabs Liz's hand and walks her over to the couch opposite of Daisy and Vi. Powder looks over at the new girl, her eyes looking her over, "You have really pretty hair," She tells Liz. Daisy chuckles lightly at the blue haired girl who is curled up to her sisters side, opposite from the side Daisy is at.

"Thanks. I like yours as well," Liz replies. Powder smiles at the girl. Vi looks at the girl weirdly, analyzing the new girl.

"How do you know Lincoln? He never goes out," Vi says in a monotone voice. Daisy snorts from beside her, finding her partner's inability to trust new people slightly amusing. Liz is absolutely no threat to any of them.

Daisy leans down into the couch and watches the situation with amusement. She watches the duo, curious on what they're going to say since she is the only one that knows where they actually met. Daisy widens her eyes and chokes on air when Liz answers, "Oh we met at the brothel. I work there. It's where we just came from,"

Mylo, Claggor and Vi sit there with wide eyes. Even Daisy sits a bit dumbly at Liz's honesty, "You work at the brothel?" Mylo asks.

"Yeah. My mom was friends with the owner, Babette. After she passed, Babette gave me the job," Liz tells them. When she looks at their faces she giggles slightly, "I just clean up the brothel. It gets very dirty," Liz laughs and smirks at the group. Daisy turns her head and furrows her eyebrows, she thought Liz... worked there, worked there.

"Wait... you don't..." Daisy trails off and Liz looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

Liz sees Daisy's face and laughs, clutching her stomach, "No. Not that there's anything wrong with that profession. I just clean up the rooms after they're done," Daisy continues to look at her questionably and Liz smiles, "So this whole time you thought me and Lincoln..." Liz trails off as Daisy's eyes widen and she shrinks back into her seat.

"Well you had a pregnancy scare so I just assumed," Daisy whispers slightly. Vi looks down at her girlfriend- she now being the one amused by her partner, "I'm sorry for assuming. I-"

Liz breaks out in laughter and the whole group looks at her shocked. When Liz calms down she shakes her head, "Well I guess I do one hell of a good first impression," Daisy chuckles slightly, still feeling embarrassed about the situation.

"Wait, so you were just at the brothel?" Vi says turning to her girlfriend.

"Yeah," Daisy mutters, "It was... interesting," Vi raises an eyebrow at her girlfriend who looks over at her, "I didn't do or see anything. I just went to find Lincoln,"

"I know," Vi says, "I'm just imagining you in there," When Vi realizes what she said, she quickly corrects herself, "Not like that,"

"Mhm," Daisy says, "Okay, can we please switch the topic?" The group all quickly agree, as the atmosphere is way too awkward for the group of friends. Daisy watches as they all start to flow into a comfortable conversation. The door of the basement opens and Ekko walks through the door, sitting on the floor and starts talking about some of the customers who came into Benzo's shop.

Daisy lifts up one of her legs to rest on the couch as she leans her head down onto Vi's shoulder. Instinctively, Vi leans her head down to the blondes so it's resting on top. She rubs soft circles on the girls palm as they both listen to the group talk: Ekko talking to Powder about some machine he's been trying to fix in the shop, Mylo teasing Lincoln for going to the brothel but also asking questions on what it is like. Which also brought Liz into the conversation as he asks about some of the best stories she's seen. Claggor sits there sharpening one of the knives he found on an old job. Vi watches Powder and Ekko curiously, thinking back to the claim Daisy made the other night about them ending up together in the future. Daisy just sits back and observes with a smile on her face. Happy to have found these people in her life.

And you know, if someone told Daisy that this was going to be one of her last happiest moments with all of them, Daisy would have tried to hold on a bit longer.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now