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Daisy leans slightly into Vi as they watch the meeting. Many of The Lanes is angry at the enforcers flooding their streets. They want to fight, but of course, Vander wants to try and keep the peace.

"We should hit them back," Sevika shouts, "We've got the numbers to beat them," Daisy watches the woman with a curious glance. She knows that Sevika is part of Vander's group, but she was also doing something with her father.

"Yeah. Let's teach them what it means to mess with us!" A man shouts from Daisy and Lincoln's father's side. The crowd starts to cheer and agree with Sevika and the man's statement. Daisy keeps her eyes on her father who is looking at Vander with a hard stare.

"You sure that's what you want?" Vander asks. The crowd starts to cheer. Various voices shouting, Let's do it as Vander looks around the crowd, "We crossed that bridge once before and we all know how that ended,"

"You're just protecting your kids," One of the men scoff.

"I'm protecting our people. I'd do the same for any one of you. We look out for each other. It's the way it's always been. This will blow over. We just need to stand together," While Vander's speech was good, it isn't enough to convince The Lanes.

"The Vander I knew, the one who built the underground, wouldn't be afraid to fight," Sevika stare at the man with a hard glare. Vander walks over to her, his eyes glaring down at the woman.

"Do I look afraid?" Vander says.

"No," Sevika says, "You look weak," She signals to a group to follow her. Daisy watches as her father stands up and moves next to Sevika. Vander looks over at Kylo, his body deflating as he looks over at the man with a sad look.

"Think about your kids, Kylo," Vander says quietly to the man. Daisy looks between the two. She squeezes Vi's hand harder as she watches them.

"I am," Kylo says. He takes one last look at his kids before leaving the bar with Sevika and the others. Daisy stares at the door with wide eyes while Lincoln glares at it. His fist balled up. Daisy watches as Lincoln walks out of the bar towards where their father left. Daisy gives Vi and the group a sad smile before running out and following Lincoln.

It didn't take long for the siblings to catch up to their father. Lincoln angrily calls out their fathers name as Daisy stands next to him. Kylo turns around, and when he spots both of his children, he lets out a sigh and motions for the group to stay back, "I'm doing what I think is right. Vander doesn't know how to lead anymore. He's gone too soft. We have to fight for our home,"

"What about moms home? Does she know what you're planning?" Daisy asks.

"She doesn't and it will stay that way," Kylo says in a stern voice, "Her home is with us,"

"But her sister still lives up there. If you guys go to war, and her sister suffers from it, mom will never forgive you," Lincoln says. He turns and looks at his sister then back to their father, "We won't forgive you,"

"We will tell mom. Whatever you're planning- it won't end well," Daisy says. Kylo's eyes harden, hating that his children do not agree with him. Kylo never wanted to betray his old friend, but he's gone soft. Kylo can't let his children make him soft as well.

"You would always go back to your friends. I am going back to mine. Don't come back home- you're not welcome anymore. Your mother will not find out," Lincoln and Daisy stand in shock as their father walks away from them. Kylo turns to his children, "You'll soon see that what I'm doing is for our family. You can come back then," Daisy feels her eyes well up in tears, Lincoln looks over at his sister, notices her tears and puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. He pulls his sister into a hug and lets her cry into his shoulder.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now