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Daisy was the only one that wasn't knocked unconscious as Ekko, under the mask, took her away, "You drop me I punch you," Daisy muttered. Ekko rolled his eyes, thankful he has a mask on since his old young boy crush on Daisy was peaking through with her ass next to his face.

"Relax, we're here," Ekko says, putting Daisy down.

"You know they're fine, right?" Daisy says, nodding towards the unconscious Vi and Caitlyn.

"I thought Vi was dead. What was she doing with Jinx? Does she work for Silco now?" Ekko fires the questions at Daisy. The blonde raises her eyebrow at the boy, she crosses her arms and gives him a look.

"Are you serious? Vi would never. Caitlyn is on a manhunt to figure out the dealings in the Undercity to put a stop to Silco. Vi was in jail- Caitlyn broke her out. I've been with them, Ekko, they're not with Silco," Daisy gives him a slight glare, "And you! You told me Powder was gone!"

"She is gone. It's just Jinx now," Ekko mutters.

"That would have been nice to know! Maybe the two of us could have tried to get her back sooner. Now she's just been... Jinx for longer!"

"I tried!" Ekko says to the girl, "I tried to get her back. She attacked me and has killed multiple of my men. I wasn't lying- Powder is gone. And what are you even doing down here? You were never supposed to come back down!"

"I'm here now. I followed Cait down to stop her and bring her back top. When I saw Vi... I couldn't go back," Daisy whispers. She leans up against the wall, "They're safe, Ekko. You know Caitlyn and you know Vi. They're not with Silco,"

Ekko lets out a sigh, nodding towards her, "They're gonna be tied up in the back," When Daisy widens her eyes and tries to start speaking, Ekko cuts her off, "Just so they don't go running off when they wake up. When they're awake, I'll explain everything and untie them,"

"That's a terrible plan," Daisy mumbles.

"Well you're not the leader in these parts," Daisy smiles at Ekko's authoritative tone. Rolling her eyes slightly as she walks away.

"You gonna give me a tour or what?" Daisy asks. Ekko nods, walking towards the blonde and showing her around.

The first thing Daisy sees is the giant tree that guards the entire place. Her eyes widen at it, surprised that this can even grow in the Undercity. Daisy's eyes move over to the mural on the other side. As she gets closer, she sees everyone from her childhood, "That's everyone we lost. It helps remind us what we are fighting for," Ekko says. Daisy's eyes stay on Lincoln's face. Her eyes water slightly, "Why am I up there? You knew I was alive,"

Ekko stays quiet, making the blonde turn to him with a confused stare, "For a while I thought I did lose you," Ekko mutters, "When you got out, you weren't speaking. You weren't you. I get why, and I don't blame it, but I also wanted to commemorate that you lost a bit of yourself as well. You lost a bit of yourself for this fight and I wanted it to be remembered next to Lincoln and Vi," Ekko explains, "I'm sorry if you don't like it-" Ekko is cut off when Daisy brings him into a hug.

"It's beautiful," Daisy says. She turns back to the mural, "You even put yourself up there,"

"I lost myself for a bit too," Ekko replies. Daisy looks at him, wrapping a comforting arm around the boy as they look up at the mural.

One of the Firelights come up to Ekko, "They're awake," Ekko nods, putting on his Firelight mask.

"Can you show Daisy to one of the free rooms?" Ekko asks. The firelight nods, motioning for the girl to follow him.


Caitlyn was struggling in the grips while Vi stays still. Her face has a hard glare under the mask, "I should have known better than to trust you!" Caitlyn says to vi annoyed, "You have not led us into one, but two of Silco's traps!"

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now