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When Daisy woke up, she barely felt like she was awake. There was a pounding in her head and everything around her spun, "Daisy!" She hears Vi's voice. Daisy's head lolled to the side and stops on Vi who is looking at her with extreme concern.

"Wh-what?" Daisy barely whispers out as her head falls to the side. She remembers being kicked in the head, but that wouldn't make her this messed up, right?

She then spots Powder, looking at Daisy from across the table, "Powder, let her go, please?"

Jinx narrows her eyes at the pinkette. Daisy doesn't know how long they've been here for, or how long the two sisters have been talking, but they must have started before she woke up. Her head turns to the side and she sees Silco also sitting there, watching the sisters, "Does she even knows what happened after her supposed death?" Jinx asks, "Does she know what you did?" Daisy furrows her eyebrows, not sure what's going on.

"Yes," Vi whispers, "I told her. I never meant to leave you Powder!"

"You never left," Jinx says, "I always heard your voice in the shadows. Prickles on the back of my neck. Pushing me, picking me up when al the colours were black. You're the reason I'm still alive,"

"I spent so many nights in that shitty prison on that freezing floor. Hungry, bloody, counting the hours. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting back to you. I thought everyone else was dead,"

"Yeah, like her. Yet you somehow got to her first. Was with her this whole time," Jinx says, pointing at Daisy, "She always took you away from me,"

"It's not like that Powder! I love her, but you're my sister. I love you too!"

Jinx scoff, "Too," She mutters, "Are we still sisters?"

"Nothing is ever going to change that," Vi says. She looks over to Daisy who looks pale. The blonde stays quiet as she tries to keep her eyes open.

Jinx glares at the pinkette who keeps looking over at Daisy. She rolls her eyes before going to the back and grabbing a tray. She carried it out, sporting the Hextech Gauntlets that Vi was previously wearing, and drops the tray on the table. Her hand, now free from the Gauntlet, hovers over the cover, "I paid your girlfriend's family a visit," Jinx smirks over at Vi. Daisy raises her head, her vision blurry.

"Powder, what did you do?"

"I made her a snack," Jinx smiles at Vi. When she opens the dome, Vi expects to see Azalea, Caitlyn, or even Cassandra on the platter. However, on the tray is a single cupcake with a Gemstone on top of it, "Sheesh, I'm not that crazy," Jinx leaves the room and rolls in a scared looking Caitlyn. Daisy makes eye contact with Caitlyn, her eyes feel heavy as she stares at her cousin in fear.

What's wrong with Daisy? Why does she feel so awful?

As if sensing the blonde's confusion, Jinx walks up to the blonde, grabbing her face and turning it towards her, "You're starting to look like the Daisy I see," Jinx says as she puts a comforting hand on Daisy's cheek, "All pale and dead," Daisy narrows her eyes, confused as to what's going on. Her heavy eyes move over to Vi who she sees is crying. But from what? Why would Vi be crying looking at her?

"Powder, please don't," Vi's voice cracks as Caitlyn thrashes in her chair.

"How about we play a little game?" Jinx says, "You see sister, I already injected Daisy here with a very deadly serum created by our lovely doctor down here. Currently, she's gonna die at a very slow rate," Jinx walks towards Vi and goes down to her sisters level, holding out a gun, "Shoot the enforcer and you can have Powder back. I'll inject Daisy with the cure. If you don't, well, then we can have some fun and guess which one is the cure and which one is another dose so we can speed up the process," Daisy looks up at Powder, everything starting to come together.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now