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Vi did indeed get sick. The last few days of Daisy's sickness were spent in bed with Vi who was dealing with the worst of the flu. Daisy felt bad, knowing she gave the girl her sickness, but Vi kept on insisting that it was worth it.

After they were both okay, Daisy went back to her house to deal with her parents. They were mad, of course. Not understanding why their daughter needed to go to Vander's so late at night and while being in bed sick. Her mother was particularly upset when she noticed the bruise on Daisy from when she fell off the roof (not that Daisy told her mother it came from getting dizzy and falling off the roof).

"It was for a good reason!" Daisy argued with her parents, "It was important to me,"

"Why was it so important?" Kylo asks, "How was it important enough for you to risk your safety?"

"I had to see Vi. I had to explain..." Daisy trails off and her parents raise their eyebrows.

"Yes?" Azalea asked.

"Vi and I are together- w-we just got together," Daisy says, wanting to let her parents know that she was dating Vi. Not wanting to hide this, "There was an incident and I didn't want to go on with Vi not knowing. I had to tell her," Her parent's demeanor softens as they look down at their daughter. Daisy's anxiously playing with her hands as she waits for her parents to react.

"Vi, she's a sweet girl," Azalea says. Daisy looks up at her mother as she listens to her, "We'd love to have her over again," Azalea turns to her husband who has a conflicted look on his face. Daisy furrows her eyebrows as she wonders what's going on in her father's head.

"Thank you for telling us," He finally says, "We'll have Vi over soon," Daisy nods at them. She smiles brightly before pulling them into a hug.

"I know we are hard on you sometimes, but... we will try and give you some more le-way. Like with Lincoln. But you have to be more honest with us," Azalea says. Daisy smiles up at her mother and nods excitedly.

"So," Daisy says slowly, "That means I can visit Vi? Without Lincoln?"

"As long as you tell us," Kylo says, "And try to get Vi to come pick you up. I'll have a talk with her but I trust you two won't do anything stupid and she'll look after you. However, if you step out of line, we are putting restrictions back on," Her father says sternly. Daisy bounces up happily as she hears the news. She can finally be more free! Well, more free with her parents knowing.

"Thank you, thank you!" Daisy happily says, "I will!" She smiles up at her parents before heading up to her room. When she gets there, Daisy drops down on her bed and smiles up at her ceiling. A part of her wants to run to Vi and tell her about what her parents said, but she just left Vi's. She doesn't want to be seen as needy or anything.

"So you and Vi, huh?" Lincoln says from Daisy's door. Daisy jumps slightly and looks over at her brother, "Not surprised. How'd it go?" He asks. He sits on the edge of his sister's bed and looks over at her with a smile.

"Good," Daisy whispers, "Really good. I don't think I've ever felt like this before. It's slightly overwhelming," Daisy chuckles.

"Good," Lincoln whispers, "I think that's how it's supposed to be," Daisy nods slowly, her mind stuck on the past couple of days, "And you finally got some freedom," Lincoln says, "You're welcome for that,"

"Yeah," Daisy whispers. Her brain finally processes what he said and she whips her head towards her brother, "Wait what? What do you mean?"

"I talked to mom and dad. Tried to convince them to give you some more freedom. Especially since you'll be 16 next week. I told them you would sneak out anyways, might as well have a relationship where they know where you are," Lincoln explains. Daisy sits there in slight shock as she processes what her brother was saying.

"Thank you," Daisy whispers, "I really appreciate it,"

"It's no worries. You deserve it," Lincoln says, "And if Vi hurts you I'm kicking her ass,"

Daisy laughs. She has to clutch her stomach as she imagines how this would go, "Please, Vi would kick your ass and you know it,"

"Yeah, but don't tell her I admitted to that," Lincoln says, "It's much easier to convince mom and dad when you have Vi at your side,"

"I know," Daisy smiles, "I don't think anyone wants to be on the end of Vi's fist. I can only imagine how much stronger she'll be when we're adults,"

Lincoln pauses, he too gets this image as his face goes white, "Yeah, that's something I really don't want to see," He says with a slight laugh. Daisy laughs at her Irish twin. She leans down and rests her head on her hands as she now imagines Vi older. She's not sure how she'd look.

Lincoln looks around Daisy's room, his eyes stop on the bow in her closet and he smirks, "You should also tell mom and dad about that. We can go practice- they'll appreciate knowing that you can protect yourself with something at least," Daisy rolls her eyes.

"They already know," Lincoln looks at Daisy in surprise, "I told them after the incident with Arya. Dad wanted to show me how to fight but I showed him the bow. They weren't happy at first, but now they appreciate that I at least know one thing," Daisy smirks at her brother, "Maybe I can go with you guys on jobs,"

"Don't push it," Lincoln says making Daisy laugh.

"I know," Daisy mutters, "But if it's ever a big thing- I'm coming. The older I get the less you can tell me what to do. Plus I'm an excellent shot," Lincoln rolls his eyes at his sister's cockiness as Daisy smirks, "And I'm a great lookout,"

"Yeah, yeah. We'll see," Lincoln says, leaving it at that.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now