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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of death, explosions, fire and pain.

They all start making their way to the cannery. No one speaks. This is the most important task they've ever done. Vander's life is at stake and they're going to do everything they can to make sure that he gets out of there.

Daisy follows Lincoln who's leading the pack since he knows the location better than anyone. When they reach the warehouse, they overlook the area to see what they're up against, "I thought there'd be more," Mylo mutters to the group.

"They're probably inside," Vi says, "Prepare for the worst," Each person nods their head and starts to make the jump down to the warehouse. They check each corner, but there's barely any guards around.

"Up here," Lincoln whispers, pointing up to an open at the top. One by one, they all climb up to the rooftop and crawl towards the open window. Before they go in, Vi quickly looks at Daisy who was already looking at her.

"You ready?" Daisy whispers. Vi nods, placing a comforting hand on Daisy's cheek before crawling through the open window.

"We're clear," Vi whispers up to the group. Mylo, Claggor, Daisy then Lincoln all go through the window and head to the door where they're keeping Vander. All are on the lookout for any incoming attacks. But it's clear... too clear.

When Vi opens the metal door, she lets everyone go in before following herself. Vander looks up, chained and beaten on the chair, "Vi," He manages to say, "What are you doing here?"

"We're breaking you out," Vi tells her father figure, smiling up at him. She turns to the group, "Mylo, start working on the chains. Dais, can you help?" Daisy nods at her while Mylo gives her a funny look.

"You know how to pick locks?"

"I spent most of my time sneaking around places. Of course I do," Daisy tells him. She grabs a pin from her hair, getting it ready to help open chains. Mylo just shrugs before turning to Vander's chains to start working on them.

"How did you guys get in?" Vander asks. His head hangs there which makes Daisy nervous as she works on picking the lock around his ankle, "There are guards everywhere,"

"It was easy," Vi says, "We found an open window and-" Her voice trails off as she realizes that it was too easy.

"Oh, no," Vander sighs, "You guys have to go!" He shouts at the group. Nerves fill his system as a chuckle is heard in the distance. Daisy turns and sees a man walking out of the shadows. The first thing she notices is his scarred face.

"Welcome," The man, Silco, says. He slowly claps as he makes himself seen, "You have my congratulations, but I'm afraid, this is going to be a very short reunion. Have you heard the rumour? Vander the coward fled town with his children. And they were never seen again," Silco turns his eyes towards Kylo's children, "He killed Kylo's children in the process. To keep them quiet," Daisy widens her eyes as Vi closes her fist furiously, "Unless, they join us, of course,"

Kylo then walks out of the shadows with the rest of the group.

"Fuck you!" Lincoln shouts towards their father, "You fucking traitor!"

"Lincoln, you and Claggor find a way out. Mylo, Daisy, keep working on those locks," Vi tells them.

"What are you-" Daisy starts, but Vi cuts her off.

"What I have to, trust me," Vi says. She walks over to Vander's gauntlets, throwing them on and walking out the door. Daisy gets up, but Mylo grabs her shoulder.

"Trust her. The quicker we unlock these, the sooner she can stop fighting," Daisy sighs at Mylo, nodding at him and turning her attention to the locks. She casts Vi one quick look, smiling proudly when she knocks out a grown man with one punch.

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