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Daisy stays quiet as Vi carries her off to a safe place. Her eyes stay drifted away as her mind continues to replay that night over and over again. She sees Vi lower Caitlyn to the ground. She then moves Daisy off her back and onto the ground next to Caitlyn. Daisy leans her head down on Caitlyn's shoulder, making the pinkette look at her with concern when she notices Daisy's blank look.

"Are you guys going to be okay?" Vi asks the two girls.

"Yeah, go on," Caitlyn tells Vi. Vi nods, sending another look of concern at Daisy before running forward. She tries to make her way back towards the bridge, but she's slow as enforcers keep running through the street.

When she gets to a good spot, Vi's eyes drift down when she sees Silco carry off Powder in his arms.

"Daisy?" Caitlyn asks, "How are you feeling?" Daisy doesn't respond but Caitlyn can see her chest moving slightly faster than normal, "We, we'll get you back soon, okay?" Caitlyn can feel Daisy nod slowly on her shoulder.

When Vi heads back to the two girls, Caitlyn looks over at her with a sad look, "It's gone," She says, pointing to the empty canister where the Hextech crystal once was, "It was all for nothing,"

"We have to get off the streets," Vi says, her eyes slightly glossy at the thought of losing Powder and Ekko. And to top it off, the missing gemstone.

"I know a place," Caitlyn says. Vi nods at the girl walking over to the two of them. She first helps Caitlyn stand up and leans her against the wall. She then goes over to Daisy who is still slumped against the wall.

"Hey, Darling. I'm gonna lift you now," Vi whispers. She gets a small nod in return, making the girl frown at the lack of response. Vi picks up the girl, moving her to her back and sighing softly to herself when she also has to support Caitlyn.

As they're walking, Caitlyn keeps sending her cousin looks. She hasn't seen her like this in a while. But she also doesn't understand exactly what she's thinking and feeling.

When they get back to the house, Caitlyn takes them to her window, "Okay, darling, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to push you through first," Daisy nods at Vi and lets her push the girl through the window. Daisy lets out a small grunt, and her eyes harden when she falls through the window and on the ground. She has to wait for Vi to get through, help Caitlyn up, before going back down and picking Daisy up.

Caitlyn leans up against the chair in her room as she watches Vi scoop her arms behind Daisy's back and under her legs. Like a groom carrying a bride into their honeymoon suite.

Daisy leans her head down so it's resting in the crook of Vi's neck. She closes her eyes and tries to focus on just Vi, "Who lives here? Another councillor friend of yours?" Vi asks Caitlyn.

However, before Caitlyn replies, everyone freezes when the door is kicked open and Cassandra Kiramman stands there pointing a gun at the two. Both Daisy and Vi stand there with wide eyes while Caitlyn watches from the side, also with wide eyes.

"Daisy?" Cassandra says. She turns to Caitlyn, "Caitlyn?" Azalea appears behind her sister, widening her eyes when she sees the pinkette, "Vi?" Azalea asks.

They don't get to question more when Mr.Kiramman walks in, spots his daughter, and pulls her into a hug, "Oh, we were so worried! Thank goodness you two are safe!" Tobias says hugging his daughter and looking at Daisy with a smile. It drops when he notices her demeanor, "What happened?" He asked.

"Her brace broke," Caitlyn replies for the girl.

"And you brought a stray," Cassandra comments, looking at Vi with a conflicted look. Vi doesn't seem to mind as she continues to look around the room in awe.

"That's Vi," Azalea says, "She was Daisy's girlfriend," She gives her sister a look, walking over to her daughter and Vi with a smile, "Oh, it's so good to see you again,"

"Nice to see you too," Vi replies, giving the girl an awkward smile.

"Could we have a word, Caitlyn?" Cassandra looks at her daughter who lets out a sigh, nodding.

"Vi, I'll show you to Daisy's room. Then we can call the doctor," Azalea says. Vi nods, looking down at Daisy who sighs and leans herself against the pinkette. Vi continues to look around the house in wonder as she carries Daisy to her room.

When they reach the room, Vi widens her eyes even more. It's so different than the room she's used to Daisy residing in. The walls are lined with books, there is a much larger bed and there are various trinkets laid around.

Vi walks over to the bed, laying Daisy on there. Azalea watches from the door, still surprised at seeing the pinkette with her daughter. Daisy looks over and sees Robert walk up to her mother. She never even noticed him before. Her eyes glare slightly, making Vi turn and raise her eyebrow at the man, "I called to doctor," Robert tells Azalea who smiles at the man.

"Thanks, hun," Azalea tells the man. Azalea walks over to Daisy, going to pat her hair slightly but Daisy moves her head. Azalea's hand freezes before pulling away. She clears her throat, "Right," She mutters. Azalea turns to Robert, grabbing his hand before walking out the door.

"Who was that?" Vi asks.

"Mom's boyfriend," Daisy mumbles, "They live with each other above her shop,"

"Huh," Vi says. She looks over at her girlfriend who is staring at her bed with a blank look, "What's wrong?" Vi whispers, "Tell me what you're thinking," Vi brushes hair out of Daisy's face, staring at her with a concerned look.

"I haven't broke my brace before," Daisy whispers, "It just, what happened... it flashed me back to the cannery. I-I couldn't move. Everyone was gone. I woke up here, alone. My mom is with Robert... she moved on so quick. It's like he's the most important person to her and she doesn't even try to remember Lincoln. She never talks about him. And after the accident, she just looked at me like a chore she has to take care of. She and I just don't get one another," Daisy sputters out. Her tendency to ramble starts to show. Daisy squeezes her eyes tight, "I can't do anything when I'm like this. I'm stuck... I'm weak,"

Vi doesn't hesitate to scoop Daisy up and hold her. She holds the back of Daisy's head and cradles it close to her. Daisy just closes her eyes and lets the girl brush her hands through the girl's blonde hair, "You're nowhere near weak. You know why?"

"Why?" Daisy whispers.

"You survived all of that... and you still manage to be one of the best people I know," Vi answers, "I never understood how a heart so pure could love me,"

"It wasn't hard. You have a good heart," Daisy says. Vander's words repeat in Vi's head.

Vi just smiles, holding onto Daisy tighter than before.

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