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Moving forward, Daisy and Vi somehow got closer. Whenever they saw each other, they just gravitated towards the other. Like there was a constant pull that dug into them and pushed them towards the other. Every small touch sent a new feeling into Daisy. She wouldn't describe them as butterflies, she remembers feeling nervous around Arya, like any second she could melt in nerves; but with Vi, she felt unconditional comfort and excitement. Like coming home for the first time in months.

It wasn't difficult for Daisy to figure out she liked Vi. It was something that made more sense than ever. She wanted to be close to her, to send small touches. Her eyes always cast down to the necklace Daisy gave Vi, a smile always erupted on her face as her chest swelled with pride. 

Vi chose to wear a Daisy along her neck. Even when she didn't have to.

Although Daisy had this realization, she still hasn't told Vi. There hasn't been a good time since they are both busy. When they are together, they're not alone. Daisy loves Powder, but she's always taking up her sister's time. She loves Mylo and Claggor, but they are also taking up her time. Daisy loves Lincoln, but he doesn't leave her and Vi alone.

Basically, everyone gets in the way of Daisy and Vi being alone. Even Ekko popped in looking for Powder the first time Vi and Daisy were alone with the other. 

Vi is also feeling this frustration. It's been long enough since Arya and Daisy broke up, months really. And Daisy's birthday is coming up so Vi wants to give the girl something special, just like the girl did for her. She also wants to finally tell the blonde-haired beauty how she feels, and she'd prefer if it wasn't on the girl's birthday in case she completely rejects the pinkette.

So today, Vi decided that she was going to tell the blonde. No matter what- even if she dies of complete embarrassment, she is going to tell the girl. But something told Vi that even if Daisy didn't feel the same, they could move forward and still be friends. 

The group is currently sitting at Jericho's eating lunch. Daisy sits in between Lincoln and Vi. She's laughing at Mylo who's tossing the fish and trying to catch it. He catches them most of the time, but when he misses, Daisy quickly caught it and held it over to his mouth to drop it in, "Can't waste anything," Daisy teases the boy who rolls his eyes. She licks her thumb clean and Vi has to look away, she smirks slightly to herself.

When Vi turns back to the girl, she noticed how her whole demeanor changed. Vi furrows her eyebrows, turning her view in the direction where Daisy is looking. Her eyes harden when she spots the familiar electric blue hair. Vi stands up, but Daisy is quicker. She grabs Vi's arm, muttering a small "don't," as the group now looks towards where the two girls are staring at. Lincoln crosses his arms protectively and steps up next to his sister.

Daisy steps forward, both Vi and Lincoln grab her arm to pull her back, "What are you doing?" Lincoln and Vi say synchronously. They look at each other quickly before turning their gaze back on the blonde.

"Please, just trust me. I'll stay in your guy's view. Just trust me," Daisy says lightly. Lincoln sighs, letting go of her arm but Vi keeps her grip on the girl. She doesn't want Daisy to go over to them, "Trust me, Vi," Daisy whispers. 

Vi looks over at Lincoln who gives her a nod. She lets out an angry sigh as she lets go and leans back on Jericho's stand, "Don't go out of sight," She mutters. Daisy gives her a small nod and thankful smile as she walks towards the group that has already spotted her. 

Luke and Briant look over at each other with a conflicted look as Arya stays frozen, "Hey," Daisy mutters to the group. 

"Hi," Luke and Briant mutter back. Daisy cringes at their awkward tone but doesn't blame them. She turns to Arya who looks at her with a guilty look. Arya looks behind Daisy towards the 5 faces staring at them.

"So I was right. You and pinky, huh?" Arya mutters, kicking the ground as her hands stick in her pocket. 

Daisy sighs, "No," She says, "Maybe one day. You know that's not why we broke up though," Arya looks to the ground ashamed as Luke and Briant look anywhere but the two girls, "What you did was awful,"

"I kno-"

"You hit me," Daisy says, her voice lowering, "For no good reason. You never do that to someone you care about," Arya looks to the ground as Luke and Briant stare at the blonde girl shocked, obviously not hearing that part of the story. Daisy sighs, "I just... needed to say that. Tell you it was wrong even if you already knew,"

"You hurt me," Arya says quietly. Daisy looks at her shocked.

"You hurt me," Daisy says, "I didn't know I was hurting you. That wasn't intentional. What you did was intentional. You don't intentionally hurt someone you care about," Arya shifts on her feet, "I guess I never really knew you like I thought," Daisy says. She looks over at the two boys and smiles lightly at them, "I hope you all are okay. It was nice knowing you," 

Daisy turns away from the group and walks back to Jericho's. A new lightness in her chest. Lincoln is the first to walk up to, "Are you okay?" He asks. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just got some closure," Daisy smiles at him. She walks over to Vi and bumps the girl's shoulder, smiling up at her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Vi whispers so the others don't hear her.

"Yeah," Daisy smiles at Vi, leaning slightly into the girl's side, "I'm great,"

"Can I talk to you later?" Vi asks Daisy. Daisy nods at the girl.

"Sure. We can go to the roof or something when we get back to The Last Drop," Vi nods at the girl, her hands sweating slightly.


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