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3 Years Later.

"I can't believe you are dragging me to this stupid party," Daisy sighs. She stands next to the bar as Caitlyn laughs slightly into her drink, "I don't dance nor do I want to,"

"You have more of an obligation to be here than me. Being my mother's assistant and all," Daisy rolls her eyes at Caitlyn's comment.

"I'm not the councilors daughter,"

"No, but you are part of our house. And work for her," Caitlyn comments. Daisy shrugs, leaning against the bar as she sips her drink. She doesn't respond to the girl as her eyes scan the crowd. They narrow in on the high society Piltovians conversing, getting drunk and dancing with one another.

Daisy doesn't need the cane anymore. Her body doesn't move as it once did, but it's far better than before. She's just scared of breaking her brace. It's the one thing keeping her body upright and making her feel somewhat like her normal old self.

Daisy's eyes narrow in on Azalea and Robert. They now live with each other over her mother's shop. Daisy refuses to live with them so she still currently lives with her aunt, uncle and Caitlyn. Caitlyn follows Daisy's glare and lets out a sigh when she sees where it's landed on. However, she knows better than to comment on it.

While Daisy has opened herself a lot more, it's only to Ekko, Caitlyn, Viktor and Jayce. Sometimes Mel, since besides her aunt, Mel is the only tolerable council member.

Daisy's so focused on her mother, she doesn't see the man approach her. Caitlyn leans back and watches the girl's reaction, "Care to dance?" The man asks her.

"Fuck off," Daisy says, leaning back and sipping on her drink.

"It's just one dance,"

"And no is a full sentence," Daisy replies, "So fuck off," The man looks at her with wide eyes. Daisy still hasn't taken a glance at him as she continues to look over at her mother and stepfather. With a numb look, the man walks away.

Someone whistles and lets out a low chuckle, "Really know how to kick a guy down, huh?" Daisy turns to look at Jayce with a slight smirk.

"He asked at the wrong time," her eyes turn to the man, "But I think he's doing just fine," Daisy comments, nodding her head towards the guy who approached yet another girl and is taking her towards the dance floor. She chuckles lightly to herself, "If he can pick himself up that quickly than I'd really have to lower my standards to say yes to someone like him,"

Caitlyn looks at her cousin in wonder. She's never said yes to any person who has asked her to dance, on a date or really anything. Daisy just sticks to her bubble and seems content with it.

Growing up has done wonders for Daisy. Her face is sharper and her hair is cut down to a bob. Daisy often gets teased by Jayce for her very blunt rejections to people. She's been asked out throughout the years, she just never goes.

She doesn't trust anyone to get close enough. The only people she trusts are Caitlyn, Jayce, Viktor and Ekko. Caitlyn is her cousin and Jayce and Viktor have known her since she was a teen and they were adults so that's weird. And well, Ekko's Ekko.

With Caitlyn being an enforcer, Daisy was able to tell Ekko everything she knows. But Daisy knows Caitlyn doesn't realize the full extent of her job. She has no idea the enforcers are paid to attack the Firelights. Daisy only knows this because Ekko told her.

Daisy feels a presence next to her, she turns and smiles at Viktor, "Not going out to dance?" Daisy asks the man.

"Not a dancer," Viktor replies. Daisy smirks slightly.

"You danced with me last time,"

"Because you are an acceptable partner," Viktor replies. Daisy lets out a slight chuckle.

"You know, if you asked Skye, she'd probably say yes,"

Viktor stays quiet as he processes what Daisy says, "I'm not a very good lead,"

"I don't think she'd mind," Daisy says, "Unless you don't want to, that is," Daisy watches Viktor, waiting to see a reaction. But he doesn't give one, he just continues to sip on his drink.

Daisy moves on from the conversation and continues to stare out at the crowd. She stands up straighter when her aunt comes over, "Daisy, do you mind running back to the house quickly? I left a present for Councilor Shoola there,"

Daisy nods at her aunt, sending Caitlyn a wink who rolls her eyes since Daisy's getting out. Daisy walks out of the party, the bottom of her dress blowing slightly from the wind. On nights like tonight, where there's a celebration in the city, it's the closest Daisy ever gets to being back in the Undercity.

Daisy closes her eyes as she makes her way back to the house, basking in the chaos.


Over the years, Vi has had to endure multiple beatings. Not only did she have to fight in the Undercity but she had to fight in prison. However, when it came to the guards, there was no fighting back. There was only enduring.

When she first arrived at Stillwater, many of the inmates thought she was a drug addict because she was constantly calling out her sister's names. Every night she woke up crying. The night where she lost everyone replaying in her head.

But, like always, Vi toughened up. She put on an extra layer to protect herself because weakness wasn't allowed in Stillwater. If you want to survive, that is.

There is one thing about the beatings that Vi liked. Every time they left, and she fell to the ground, when she opened her eyes, Daisy would be staring back at her. It wasn't the Daisy she saw last. Hair soaked in blood, laying on the ground bruised and... gone.

Vi would open her eyes and Daisy's soft blue ones would be staring back. It's the exact same as the night they told each other they loved one another. Vi continues to hold onto Daisy's voice as she said those three words. She hopes she never loses Daisy's voice in her head.

In prison, no one talks with each other. So Vi keeps her memories close. It's the only way she can keep her heart and sanity.

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