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Daisy and Vi walked back to the basement hand in hand. They're both happier knowing that they talked it out rather than hold in their feelings. When they get in the basement, Daisy gives Lincoln a smile when he looks at her with a questioning gaze. He smiles when he catches his sister's gaze, and Daisy lets Vi lead her to the couch where they hang out.

"Hey, Ekko," Daisy says when she notices the boy next to Powder, "When did you get here?"

"About 10 minutes ago," Daisy nods at him. She grabs a book before leaning back into Vi. She keeps the book angled so Vi can look at it over her shoulder if she wants to. Daisy continues to read on the couch for the next little bit. The group still has to lay low, so there isn't much they can do.

Ekko sits on Powder's bed with the girl next to him as they start to look at one of their gadgets. Claggor sits on the floor reading a book while Mylo and Lincoln play a game of cards. The group looks up when they hear the sound of the toy monkey clanging their cymbals together. They all jump up at the noise, knowing it's the symbol Vander set for when enforcers are searching the area.

Quickly, everyone gathers their things and throws them away before jumping up to the ceiling, holding onto the beams to hide from the incoming enforcers. Vi grabs Daisy's hips, lifting her up to the top. Daisy leans down, holding out her hand to help each person up to the ceiling. Daisy watches as an enforcer walks down to the basement. He searches the area to look for any sign of the kids. Daisy tries to control her breathing as she watches the enforcer.

Daisy feels Vi stiffen up next to her. She looks over at her girlfriend whose eyes are planted on Powder. When Daisy turns her head, her eyes widen when she notices the girl starting to slip. Powder struggles to hang on, but her grip keeps slipping by the second. Vi watches with a scared look as Powder's grip gets worse. Daisy looks down at the enforcer, praying he leaves soon so Powder can let go.

Daisy starts to let out a sigh when the enforcer leaves. His check was way too thorough (even though Daisy knows he was just doing his job). Powder finally lets herself let go and she falls to the ground. Vi jumps down first and checks on her sister, picking her up and making sure she's okay. Quickly, Vander walks through the door and surveys the kids, "You guys alright?" He asks the group. Vi looks at him angrily.

"No, we are not alright! They almost saw Powder! What if they had taken her?" Vi shouts at the man, angry at the thought of Powder being taken.

"Nobody is taking any of you. I won't let that happen," Vander tried to soothe the girl, but it doesn't work.

"It's already happening! You heard them. They won't stop until they find us. It's time we fight back!" Vi says. Vi slams her fist into the wall, making the group jump slightly at the girl's movements, "And if you won't, I will," Vi finishes her speech. Daisy grabs onto Powder's hand as they watch the pinkette speak to Vander.

"I've heard of this type of talk before," Vander sighs, "Come on," He says, taking one last glance at the group before signaling for Vi to follow him out. Vi doesn't look back at the others as she follows him out of the door. 


Vander leads Vi out to the bridge that started it all. Where the last war was. Vi leans herself against one of the walls, her head in her hand as she sighs, "Why are we here?" She asks Vander.

"You still don't understand," Vander sighs.

"What I don't understand is how can you work with them? We were here. We saw what they did. I grew up knowing I'm less than them. That my place is down there. I want Powder to have more than that, and I'm willing to fight for it,"

"So was I," Vander says, "I was angry. Just like you. I led us across this bridge thinking things could change. If I hadn't... your parents would still be alive," Vander looks over at Topside and lets out a sigh, "Has Daisy ever told you why her mother never leaves the house?" 

"Yeah," Vi says, "What about it?"

"Daisy is just like her mother. Or like her mother was. Carefree, good... happy. That day ruined it for her. I caused that," Vander sighs, "A lot of people suffered from what happened. I was just trying to keep that from happening again," Vi keeps her arms crossed as she leans against the wall, "I know you wanna hurt the topsiders for what they've done to us. But who are you willing to lose? Mylo? Claggor? Lincoln? Daisy? Powder" Vander leans in when he says the last two names. He walks over and stands next to the girl, "Nobody wins in war, Vi,"

"Daisy said something similar to that," Vi whispers.

"Well, she's a smart girl,"

"Yeah," Vi sighs. She leans her head against Vander's arm, "What are we going to do? The enforcers will come back,"

Vander sighs, "I... I don't know. I'll, uh, figure it out," Vi's eyes trail down to a small memorial set up on the bridge. Her mind starts to think of a plan, one that everyone won't like, especially Daisy after their promise the other night, but Vi can't help but feel like this is the only way. 

Vi's going to turn herself in.


omg we are so close to the end of act 1 :(( There's going to be one or two chapters left of act 1. 

Get ready y'all

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