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Daisy sat anxiously on her bed as she waited for Vi and the others to come over. Today was her birthday. She was finally 16. Daisy examines her appearance in the mirror. She feels anxious as she's wearing a small, flowy dress. Lincoln found it for her on one of his jobs and gave it to her for her birthday. Azalea fixed it up for her daughters big day. Azalea knocks on the girls door, coming up behind her daughter and places a comforting hand on her shoulder, "You look beautiful, honey," Azalea grabs a headband and places it on the girls head, completing the outfit, "Vi's gonna love it. If that's what you're worried about," Daisy blushes slightly.

"You-you're alright with it, right? Me and Vi?" Daisy hesitantly asks. Before, her mother would only want her to be with someone from Piltover. She never cared if it was a man or woman- she just wanted them to be from Topside.

"I just want you to be happy, Dais," Azalea sighs, "You're young-" Daisy furrows her eyebrows at her mother who catches her gaze, "But you're old enough to make your own choices," Daisy sighs but accepts her mothers answer anyways. It's not the perfect answer, but for now, it works. As long as Azalea doesn't look down on Vi as a match because of her Undercity status. The Topside is Azalea's dream, not Daisy's. Even if Azalea dreams for her daughter to bring her back to Topside, she can't force her into anything.

There is a knock on the front door. Daisy widens her eyes as her mother chuckles at her daughter and pats her on the girls head, "Your guests are here," Daisy follows her mother out of her room. She hears Vanders and her fathers voice in the other room. Daisy walks into the room and searches for the pinkette.

"Happy birthday," Vi's voice speaks from behind Daisy. She jumps slightly, turning around to meet her girlfriends eyes. Vi's eyes widen when they lock with Daisy's. She looks Daisy up and down, her eyes roaming the blondes body, "You look really pretty-beautiful," Vi whispers.

"Thanks," Daisy smiles shyly, "You look nice as well,"

Mylo comes over and throws his arms around the slightly blushing girls, "We get it. We all look amazing, now... when is the cake coming out?" Daisy turns her head as she chuckles at the boy, "Oh, and happy birthday,"

"Thanks," Daisy mutters, sending the pinkette one last smile before meeting her parents in the kitchen to greet Vander and the rests of the guests: Claggor, Powder and Ekko. Vi keeps her gaze on the girl that she's so mesmerized with. Mylo chuckles at the girl before leaving her. Vi watches as Daisy laughs at something Lincoln tells her. She catches the girls gaze and signals for Vi to come join them.

Vi walks next to the girl and joins her in the conversation. Daisy subtly grabs the girls hand and holds it behind her back. She leans into Vi as they all talk about random topics. Vi doesn't interact with them much as she just focuses on Daisy's touch, "Ah, 16. That was a fun age, right Kylo?" Vander looks over at his friend, a teasing smile on his face.

Daisy looks between the two and tilts her head, "How long have you two known each other?" She asks.

"Since we were kids," Kylo tells his daughter, "Me, Vander and Benzo all go way back,"

"It was 16 when you-" Vander starts but Kylo cuts him off with a glare.

"What?" Powder asks from the side. Her and Ekko ending their conversation to listen to the adults.

"It's when he first did... adult things," Azalea hesitantly explains. 16 was an average age for the most of them, although, some do lose it later or earlier. Daisy and Vi automatically turn red at the thought, "Which you should only do when you're an adult and can make adult decisions. It's important to be saf-"

"Mom!" Daisy and Lincoln yell from the side. Daisy gives her brother a weird look.

"Who do you-" Daisy starts but cuts herself off, "Wait, nope. I don't want to know," Daisy looks around, "There's, uh, nothing to... ah fuck," Daisy whispers to herself as she gets flustered. Vi stares at the girl with wide eyes while Mylo and Claggor snicker from the side. Daisy leans back on the counter and sips water while avoiding everyone's gaze.

"How about we change the subject?" Vander suggests which the group agree to. Vander hands the blonde a small gift, "Happy birthday, Daisy," Daisy smiles up at the man, thanking him as she grabs the gift. She opens it gently and smiles down when she sees a book on making arrows, "I heard you're a good shot. Thought this may come in handy,"

"Thank you, really," Daisy smiles at them. Thankful for sentiment. Vi gently taps Daisy's back, signalling for her to follow her as they left the room. Daisy lets Vi grab her arm as she leads her to the girls room- remembering where it was from the last time she was here.

When they enter the room, Vi pulls Daisy into a sweet kiss as she smiles at the girl, "I got you something. And don't even bother telling me that I didn't need to. I wanted to," Daisy nods at the girl. Smiling at her as they sit on the edge of the girls bed. Vi passes Daisy a small package. Daisy thanks her before opening the package and seeing a small bracelet in there. On it, there's a clip that opens and has a small photo of Vi and Daisy. It was one that Daisy insisted on taking- she's especially happy now that she had it taken.

"Uh, Ekko and Powder helped me make it. I'm sorry I couldn't affor-" Daisy cuts Vi off by kissing her on the lips.

"I love it," She whispers, "It's perfect," Vi smiles at the girl, pulling her in a kiss.

"So," Vi starts, "The conversation earlier was interesting," Daisy blushes slightly.

"Yeah, sorry about that. That was embarrassing,"

"Yeah," Vi chuckles. It gets quiet between the two so Daisy clears her throat.

"Have you..."

"No," Vi chuckles, "Have you, I mean, with Arya..."

"No," Daisy replies, "Not with anyone," Vi nods at the girl. She's weirdly happy to hear that. Not that it would change anything if she did. The two avoid eye contact as they awkwardly talk about their non-existent sex lives. They're still young, but they both know people around the age, even younger, who have already. They even know people their age who work at the brothel. Daisy starts to play with the end of her sheets, it becoming the most interesting thing. She clears her throat, "You know... I would, with you," Daisy whispers. Vi turns her head towards the girl, her cheeks heating up.

"I-I would with you to," Vi whispers. Daisy looks up and smiles at the girl. The two of them are blushing messes as they speak about the topic.

"We should go back down," Daisy whispers to the girl. Vi nods, standing up and offering a hand to the girl who gladly takes it. Both of them wearing grins on their face for the rest of the night.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now