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It's finally Vi's birthday and Daisy was shitting her pants. A part of her was now regretting her gift idea. What if Vi hated it? What if Vi thought it was too much? Oh dear god, Daisy can't do this. She's never felt so nervous about giving a gift. But, for some reason, she wants Vi to love it. She cares what she thinks.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Lincoln knocks on the door of Daisy's room. He looks at his sister and raises his eyebrow, "You look nice. You know it's just gonna be Vander's family and ours, right?"

Daisy looks down at her outfit. She's wearing a red skirt with tights, a black shirt with a hole in the back that she covers with a jacket, "No reason. I'm dressed normally," Daisy says.

Lincoln scoffs, "Yeah, okay. Let's go," Daisy nods at him, grabbing her bag with Vi's gift, and follows him out the door. They meet up with their father and say goodbye to their mother who gives them a cake she baked for Vi's birthday.

"Make sure to tell Vi I said Happy Birthday," She tells her children.

"Of course, ma," Lincoln tells her, giving his mother a kiss on her forehead as he gets ready to leave. Daisy also gives her mother a hug and starts to walk out the door with her brother and father.

"Be safe!" Azalea calls from the door. Kylo gives his wife a nod as he leads his children through the streets. Most people stay away from Kylo, knowing he's close with Vander and isn't a man to mess with.

He stops when a woman approaches him. She's tall, taller than most women, and an intimidating look. She eyes Daisy and Lincoln quickly before turning to their father, "Kylo," She says.

"Sevika," Kylo turns his head, "What do you want? My children and I are heading to Vanders,"

"Just want to continue our conversation from earlier," Daisy turns her head up towards her father who glares at the woman.

"Well, now is not a good time. Speak to me later," Lincoln turns to his sister and gives her a confused look as they both notice the rough tone in their father's voice, "Let's go kids," He pushes on their shoulder and both the kids look towards the lady one last time as she smirks at the trio.

"Who was that, dad?" Daisy asks.

"Works with me and Vander. Sh-she's one of Vander's close workers. Top-ranked," Daisy nods. Lincoln still looks confused as to why his father was so hostile but decides not to question it in front of Daisy.

When they reach The Last Drop, Daisy walks in first with a new excitement. she spots Vi first, running up behind her and giving her a hug, "Happy Birthday!" She exclaims. Vi jumps slightly and turns around to face the blonde. She smiles down at her, laughing as she hugs the blonde.

"Thanks, Darling," Daisy blushes slightly as she looks down. She turns to Powder, Mylo, Claggor and Ekko who are staring at the duo- all with different faces. Mylo is confused, Claggor doesn't really care, Powder is smiling at them while Ekko is glaring.

Daisy smiles, "Hey guys," She waves at them.

Before they can reply, Lincoln steps in and gives Vi a hug, "Happy Birthday short stuff," He says. Vi rolls her eyes at him.

"Fuck off dickwad," She says before returning the hug.

"Our mother baked you this," Lincoln holds out the cake to Vi who graciously accepts it, "Dais and I also got you this gift," Lincoln hands her a pair of boxing gloves that they got and some new bandages. Vi blushes at the gift- not used to receiving anything.

"Thanks, guys. You didn't have to get me anything," Vi says. Daisy smiles up at her and turns to the group.

"Of course we did!" Daisy smiles up at the girl, "So, should we cut into the cake?" She suggests. The group nods and Mylo runs first to the food, him and Claggor fighting over on who gets the first piece. Vi just sits back on the couch and smirks at them.

Daisy cuts a few pieces of cake and brings it over to Powder, Ekko and Vi. Ekko and Powder's eyes widen as they grab the piece of cake and dig into it. Vi smiles at the girl, thanking her briefly, before looking down with a soft smile. Daisy grabs her own piece and sits down next to the girl, "So, what did you get,"

"They grouped together and made me a machine to practice fighting on," Vi says.

"Well, then the boxing gloves were a perfect gift," Daisy smiles at the girl. She leans forward so her lips are next to Vi's ears, "I got something else for you. Meet me on the roof when they get distracted?" Vi looks at the girl, confused but nods anyways.

"You didn't have to get me anything else,"

"Please, as far as I'm concerned, that was Lincoln's gift... He just doesn't know how I got my gift," Vi rolls her eyes, knowing that she's implying that she snuck out again.

"You know, you're not supposed to do that anymore," Vi teases the girl.

"It was for a good reason," Daisy smiles, turning back to the group and paying attention to the conversations going on. Vi keeps a smile on her face as she tries to think of what Daisy got her. She noticed the backpack but didn't think of there being anything more.

After the group gets distracted, Daisy grabs Vi's hand and leads her out the room. Vi follows the girl, her heart beating in anticipation of what's to come. What could it be?

When they get to the top, Daisy sits on the ground and pats the spot next to her for Vi to sit down. Vi complies, sitting down next to the girl and keeps her eyes on her. She watches as Daisy rummages through her bag and smiles when she sees what she wants, "Okay, close your eyes," Vi gives her a look, making Daisy laugh, "Please?" Vi sighs before closing her eyes.

Daisy smiles at the girl, grabbing the jar and pulling out the Violet. She's happy the flower lasted long enough to show Vi. Daisy also grabs the necklace and holds it in her other hand away from Vi as she raises the flower so it's in front of Vi's face, "Okay, open," Daisy whispers.

Vi opens her eyes and sees the Violet in front of her face, "Woah," She mutters, grabbing the Violet and examining it, "How'd you get this?"

"Topside," Daisy replies, "There's a whole field of flowers. I need to show you it," Daisy smiles at the pinkette who looks at her with adoration. Vi doesn't respond as she continues to examine the flower, "And because I know this flower won't last down here, I got you this," Daisy holds out the necklace to her friend. The pink-haired girl furrows her eyebrows at the necklace as she gently takes it into her hand, "I know you don't really wear jewelry or anything and it's not a Violet. It's a Daisy. A violet, or-uh, purple Daisy. So you know it's sorta like the both of us, preserved," Daisy stutters out nervously. She starts to fumble with her fingers as Vi still hasn't responded, "Sorry, uh, they never had Violet's. And you know with a Daisy it's a part of me with you- not that you need a part of me with you-"

"It's beautiful," Vi cuts the girls rambling, "You're beautiful. This is beautiful. I love it," Vi blushes as she watches the girl smile gently at her.

"Really?" Daisy asks.

"Yeah, really," Vi smiles at the girl.

Daisy bites her lip and looks down. Vi keeps her gaze on the girl. Daisy looks back up at the girl, her smile softening as she stares at the pinkette, "I'm glad," Daisy whispers back.

Daisy watches as Vi gulps, her body not moving as the two girls watch each other. Before any of them can do anything else, the door opens and Vander stands there. He raises his eyebrows at the girls, "You're missing the party. What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Just talking," Vi says.

"Mhm," Vander says unconvincingly, "Better come inside. It's freezing,"

"Yeah, sure Vander," Vi looks down at the blonde girl, standing up and offering her a hand which she accepts, "Come on, Darling,"

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