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When Daisy woke up the next morning, the first thing she saw was Vi's sleeping figure. She smiles up at the pinkette, moving her hand to brush a piece of hair out of her face. She feels a weight on her waist and quickly realizes it's Vi's arm.

Daisy can feel herself burning up, the fever still very present. Vi's body heat isn't helping, but Daisy doesn't have it in her to care. She turns and spots the sleeping figures of Powder, Mylo and Claggor. Daisy sighs and leans back down into Vi, "Stop moving I'm trying to sleep," Vi mutters to Daisy. She looks up and spots Vi looking down at her, smiling down at the blonde.

"Sorry," Daisy smiles up at the girl. The moment is ruined when Daisy sneezes and the pink-haired girl remembers that the girl is sick.

"Fuck," Vi mutters, "Stay here," She whispers, giving Daisy a quick kiss on her forehead, and gets out of the bed. Daisy furrows her eyebrows and sits up to watch Vi leave the room. She leans her head back on the wall and blinks as her eyesight becomes a bit dizzier.

"Still worth it," Daisy whispers to herself as she closes her eyes and recalls last nights events. She smiles to herself as she thinks of Vi's lips on her own. When Vi enters the room again, Daisy opens her eyes and smiles at the girl. Vi sits down on the edge of her bed and gives Daisy a bowl of soup.

"Eat up. You need it," Vi whispers. Daisy grabs the bowl and scootches over so Vi can sit next to her on the bed. They already slept in it together and made out so Daisy's accepted that Vi doesn't care about getting sick.

Vi happily climbs into the bed with Daisy, her head leans on the girl's shoulder as Daisy slowly eats the soup. Vi smiles when Daisy leans her head down so it's resting on Vi. They sit in a comfortable silence as Daisy continues to eat her soup.

The pair are interrupted when Vander walks down the stairs. He stops and stares at the duo who don't move from their position. He has a small smile on his face as he clears his throat. The duo look at him, smiling, "Hey Vander," Daisy says, "Sorry about showing up last night. Thank you for telling my dad and letting me stay,"

"No worries, Daisy. How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good," Daisy smiles, "Well, uh, I still have a fever," She smiles sheepishly and Vander nods. He looks over at Vi who has a comforting look on her face.

"Vi can take you home. Or you can stay here until you're better. I already talked to your parents, so it's your choice,"

"She can stay here," Vi speaks up, "I'll stay with her,"

"Mhm," Vander chuckles, "I'm sure you will. Stay away from Powder and Mylo for now. They're a pain in the ass when they're sick," The duo nod at the man. Vander starts to walk out of the room, but he stops at the top of the stairs, "Door stays open, yeah?" Daisy chuckles at the man as Vi blushes slightly.

"Yeah, yeah. Got it, Vander," Vi mutters as Daisy giggles next to the girl. When he leaves the room, Vi looks over at the girl who continues to eat her soup. This time Daisy leans against Vi as she enjoys the soup. When she's finished, she puts the bowl on the floor and turns towards the pinkette.

"Thank you," Daisy whispers, leaning into the girls side as she looks up at her.

"No worries," Vi replies, "I now get you for a couple of days,"

"Mhm," Daisy mutters, "Then when you inevitably get sick, I'll take care of you to," She smirks up at Vi, "We can now stay in bed for days," She winks at the girl who laughs back at her.

"Who's moving fast now?" Vi questions. Daisy just smiles up at the girl as she leans up and kisses the girl. Vi's hand wraps around Daisy's waist, it sneaking up her shirt so it rests on her skin. They continue to kiss until Daisy pulls back and starts to cough. She feels her stomach start to rumble and so she jumps out of bed and runs to the washroom.

Daisy releases the contents in her stomach as she hunches over the toilet. Vi goes up behind the girl and starts to rub the girls back as she continues to throw up. Vi's face contorting in slight disgust but she stays there anyways, "Uh we are way too early in the relationship for this," Daisy mutters. Her head falling to the floor as she curls up in a ball.

"Relationship, huh?" Vi says in a teasing tone.

"Mhm," Daisy sighs, "I'm all yours, if you'll have me," She pulls her head out to smile up at the girl. Vi leans down and pulls some of her blonde hair out of her face as she rubs her thumb along her forehead, wiping some of the sweat of the feverish girl.

"Of course," Vi mutters, "I'm all yours," Daisy smiles up at the girl. Her face turns green as she lurches back up and goes for round 2. Daisy pulls away and flushes the toilet, leaning against the wall as she grabs Vi's hand and rubs circles on the back.

"I so didn't imagine vomiting when this happened," Daisy mutters.

"I'm just happy it's happening," Vi replies.

Daisy snorts, "I knew you were such a softie. It's always the tough ones who are," Daisy gazes at the girl and lets herself sit with a soft smile on her face. Vi just watches the girl, mesmerized at the sight in front of her. Even with sickness, Daisy is still the prettiest thing Vi ever did see. She doesn't think anyone could ever top the sweet ray of sunshine in front of her.

"Oh fuck off. It's just for you,"

"And Powder," Daisy mutters, "You're great with her," She leans her head against the wall and closes her eyes. Vi chuckles when Daisy raises her arms to signal for Vi to pick her up. Vi leans down, grabbing the girl just under her butt and lifts her up. Daisy wraps her arms around the girls neck and wraps her legs around her waist like a koala.

Her sickness making her want comfort. Also, just Vi.

Vi lays her down on the bed, laying down with her. Daisy unwraps her legs but she keeps her arms wrapped around the girl as she keeps her eyes closed. Vi chuckles but does everything she can not to move and disturb the girl.

Soon, Daisy has drifted to sleep. And not even her dreams could top her new reality.


Hi! This isn't the best but I'd thought I'd share this photo! It's just a rough concept reference photo I did. I do them before I sketch stuff but I thought you guys may enjoy seeing a photo of Vi and Daisy together when they're older!

If you guys want to see more concept photos just let me know and I can post them as chapters when I have time!

I am starting to get more into the other league characters because of arcane and I had no knowledge of the ship between Lux (the face claim for this story) and Jinx so I thought that was funny. Also, found out Lux is 5'10 so of course she is going to be a tall queen here! We love when Vi's love interests are taller than her.

 Also, found out Lux is 5'10 so of course she is going to be a tall queen here! We love when Vi's love interests are taller than her

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Also I found this photo on tumblr and someone drew Lux arcane style and I just love it. Credit is all for them and their user is included in the photo :)

 Credit is all for them and their user is included in the photo :)

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