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Daisy was at the dinner table with just Azalea and Robert. She had just turned 18 and her mom wanted to celebrate her daughter becoming an adult with a nice dinner. Daisy wasn't sure why her mother asked if aunt Cassandra, uncle Tobias and Caitlyn could eat out for the night, but Daisy had a feeling her mother wanted something.

She looked at Robert awkwardly. Still not used to the man even though her mother and him have been together for some time now. Even though she now hates her father for what he's done, and for choosing Silco, Daisy feels weird seeing her mother with another man.

"Has Cassie talked to you yet, Daisy?" Azalea speaks up, "She had quite the surprise for you,"

"Yeah, she told me about the assistant job,"

"Are you going to take it?" Robert asks. Daisy shrugs at the man, pushing around some food on her plate.

"I guess. What else am I going to do? Then I can continue to stay with Caitlyn and live there,"

Azalea clears her through, putting down her fork and looking about that, "Right, there's actually something about that we wanted to talk to you about," Daisy raises an eyebrow at her mother and tells her to continue, "Robert and I have decided to move in together,"

"And we would like you to come live with us," Robert adds, "But, you're 18 now so you can choose where you want to stay,"

"Cassandra already said it's alright if you want to stay there," Azalea finishes their statement. Daisy just nods slowly at them.

"I'm gonna stay there," Daisy replies, "Plus, aunt Cassandra has an apartment building that just got rebuilt. She left a spot for Caitlyn and me to use whenever. We should be able to use it soon,"

"Right," Azalea says, "The one that blew up a few years back," Daisy smirks to herself silently. To this day, she has not told anyone that the building Vi, Lincoln, Mylo and Claggor blew up was her aunt and uncles. God knows how they would react when they found out. She found it even funnier when she found out it was Jayce's place.

Of course, she feels bad. But the culprits for it are dead. What difference was it going to make if she spoke up about it now?

"We will have a room, if you ever want to use it," Azalea says. She looks at her daughter and sighs. Sometimes it's like she's looking at a ghost.

Now, Daisy rarely looks at her mother. Let alone speak to her.

Daisy doesn't know why she keeps her mother at a distance. A part of her was always mad that her mother married her father and took Daisy up here. Azalea always wanted Daisy to be the reason they were able to come up to Topside.

And Daisy was the reason they came back up. Just not in the way the two expected.

What happened wasn't Azalea's fault. Daisy would never blame her. Daisy's just confused about how she feels about her own mother. To a point where it's almost unexplainable. All she knows is that Daisy was happy with what they had. Her parents wanted more, something different, and it cost Daisy everything while they received what they wanted: Azalea got to Topside and Kylo got more power and independence in the Undercity.

"What are the updates with the doctor?" Azalea asks.

"He's working me off the cane. Hopefully, soon I won't need it anymore. Although, my recovery has been longer than he anticipated," Daisy mutters the last bit. Daisy's been walking with a cane for over a year. Her stability has improved and she can move faster. But Caitlyn's dream of Daisy and her becoming enforcers at 18? Wasn't going to happen. Even if Daisy wanted to be an enforcer, her body isn't ready.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now