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Daisy spent most of her time with Lincoln and the rest of the gang. A big part of this is because Arya started to ignore her and Luke and Briant work with her, so they're, by extension, also ignoring her. She passed them once on the street and both Luke and Briant gave her a sad smile.

The plus is that Daisy got even closer with every one of Vander's kids. Especially Vi who now approached Daisy more than Daisy approached Vi. Daisy started to see deeper than the skilled fighter who never backed down from a fight.

For instance, Vi was extremely caring. Daisy watched as Vi constantly stuck up for Powder and her friends. She was extremely loyal, fierce and courageous. It's like she's constantly holding the weight of the world on her shoulders and somehow managing to always keep it lifted.

Daisy hopes to never add to that weight.

Because of this, Daisy wanted to do something for Vi. She wanted to do a job to take one off of Vi's shoulders. However, she knows that Vi, Lincoln and everyone else would disapprove. So she did what she does best, she snuck out and never told anyone. Daisy hesitates but ends up grabbing her bow before she goes. It doesn't hurt to have some extra protection.

Daisy makes her way to the bridge between Piltover and the Undercity. She knows this is risky territory, but she doesn't mind the risk as long as the reward is good enough. She decides to stay on the roofs since it is a lot more safe to stay out of sight. It may be nighttime, and most people are asleep, but Daisy doesn't want to risk running into the enforcers.

Daisy remembers her mother talking to her about this one shop she used to love as a child. It would sell various items- all were valuable. Before she came, Daisy mapped out the easiest way to get to and from the building without being seen. She's hoping that by the time she gets there, she'll figure out a way to easily get in.

When she spots the store, Daisy was quick to survey the area. She spots a vent on the side that was close enough to the roof, "Should be an easy entrance," Daisy mutters to herself before jumping across the rooftops, landing with a slight roll. She examines the vent. It's a bit lower than she thought, but she should still be able to make it. She pulls herself down, hanging off the roof as she opens the vent and starts to crawl through. Once she spots the storefront, Daisy drops down. Just in case, she keeps her hair and face covered with her hood and a mask in case they have extra security. She walks around the store, not wanting to completely damage them but wanting enough to help her friends out.

She grabs some stuff that she knows Benzo will pay good money for. Her eyes stop on a small, sparkly clip. Daisy grabs it and puts it in her pocket to give to Powder later, thinking about all the clips she usually wears in her hair.

When she decides it's time to go, Daisy looks around for a simple way to get back up to the vent. She looks over at the wall and shrugs before running up it, using it as a support before kicking off it, jumping towards the vent. She latches herself onto the vent and pulls herself up.

Daisy lets out a small huff, crawling out the vent and pulling herself back onto the roof. There, she starts making her way back to the Undercity. Daisy stops when something catches her eye. Turning, she sees a field of flowers that stretches for miles, "Pretty," Daisy mutters to herself. She makes a mental note to remember the location. She's always wanted to see a flower in person rather than just a photo from a book Lincoln stole for her once.

Once Daisy gets to the bridge, she hops down and makes her way to The Last Drop before she had to get home. When Daisy gets there, she peeks inside the bar to see Vander manning the bar. Daisy sighs, pulling up her hood as she walks around the bar to look for a back entrance. She climbs up to the roof, testing a window and smiles happily when she gets it open. Daisy pulls herself through, puts down her bow and sneaks down to the basement.

She lets out a small snort when she spots Mylo and Claggor passed out on the couch. Mylo is drooling as half his body is falling off the couch. Daisy smiles at Powder's sleeping form before walking over to Vi's bed. She stops when she looks at the sleeping girls face. Daisy's eyes soften, taking in the girl who now looks relaxed. She almost doesn't want to wake up Vi but knows she has to.

Daisy nudges the girl. Vi wakes up startled, swinging a punch at Daisy who moves out of the way. She pushes Vi back, covering her mouth as her body holds down Vi's. When Vi realizes who it she calms down and furrows her eyebrows at the girl. Daisy removes her hand, "Hey," She mutters, "I was scared I was going to be at the end of your fist for a second," Daisy jokes.

"You'd never," Vi whispers. Daisy smiles lightly at the girl, "What are you doing here?" Vi asks, looking around to check if Powder and the others were still asleep, "Lincoln's gonna kill you. What time is it even?"

"About 3 am," Daisy says, "I got you something. Had to give it to you before anyone else saw," Vi sits up, furrowing her eyebrows at the girl. Daisy turns to her bag and pulls out some of the items she stole. Vi widens her eyes when she sees what the girl has.

"Where did you get these?" She quietly shouts.

"Topside. There's this shop my mom told me about," Daisy smiles at Vi's shocked face, "They had a bunch of stuff. Get up early tomorrow and take it to Benzo's. He'll pay you good for it," Vi furrows her eyebrows as she looks at the stuff. Why was Daisy doing this? What does she get out of it?"

"Why?" Vi asked. Her head turns with confusion as she stares at the blonde girl.

"I wanted to help. You do so much... I just wanted to take a load off this time, I guess," Vi watches the girl as she blushes under her gaze. A smile reaches her face. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for her. No one ever gives Vi anything. Mostly, good things get taken away from her.

"Thank you," Vi mumbles, "Wait you went Topside? Are you crazy? You could have got hurt!" Daisy smirks at Vi. It's quite cute how much she cares.

"Don't worry, I only snuck in. No one even saw me- it's what I do best. I've had enough practice," Daisy laughs, "Oh, right," Daisy mutters, turning back to her bag as she searches for the clip to give Powder. When she finds it she hands it to Vi, "Don't sell this. I got it for Powder. Her birthday's coming up, right?" Vi nods at Daisy, taking the clip and smiling down at it.

"She'll love it," Vi whispers.

"Good," Daisy whispers, "I have to go. My mom has an early lesson for me and if I don't get any sleep it's gonna be even more intolerable,"

"Lesson?" Vi questions.

"On how to be a lady," Daisy says, rolling her eyes. Vi chuckles. Her mind starts to picture Daisy in these lessons. She imagines her in a fancy dress, her hair flowing down as she has a soft smile on her face. Vi's cheeks redden slightly at the image she put into her mind.

"Thank you, really," Vi whispers. Daisy nods at her.

"Yeah, of course. I'll see you later," Daisy gives her a hug, quickly kissing her cheek where Vi barely noticed it. She watches as the blonde rushes out of the room. Her eyes stay put on the door as she raises her hand towards her cheek.

A wide, dumbstruck grin stays on Vi's face as she goes back to sleep.

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