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A few days later, Arya apologized to Daisy for how she reacted. Daisy forgave her, of course, she was far too sweet to do anything but. She still saw her friends less than before, now much closer to Mylo, Claggor, Powder and Vi than she was before. Visiting them was now always a highlight to Daisy's day. She was happy when Vi told her how much she got from Benzo and Powder's reaction to the clip. Vi also kept Daisy's secret of sneaking out which Daisy was thankful for.

Now, Daisy is being the lookout for Arya, Luke and Briant as they steal something from a shop. She has her bow ready to go just in case. Daisy watches from a distance as her friends raid the store. She smile slightly when she sees them leave, running up the wall to climb to the roof. They run over to Daisy and smile at her as they show off their haul, "Nice job. But we gotta go," Daisy says. They turn and start running across the roofs. Daisy stops when she spots a familiar group ahead, also performing a job.

"Seriously?" Arya mutters. Daisy turns to give her a look but turns back to the group. Her hair spotting pink hair from above. Daisy's eyes furrow as she sees someone, or someone's, approach the group. She becomes even more concerned when a fight breaks out, "Come on," Arya says.

"No, just wait," Daisy says. She nocks an arrow into her bow, keeping it ready just in case.

"What are you gonna do? Kill someone?" Luke says. Both teasing but there's some seriousness in his voice.

"Of course not! Only hurt... if I have to," Daisy says. She keeps her eyes on the group as she watches them fight it out. She sees one of the boys, a rather large boy, start to make his way towards Powder. Daisy's eyes widen as she sees he has a knife on him. She raises her bow, aiming it at the brutes arm, before releasing it. Daisy watches as the arrow flies. She smiles triumphantly as the arrow lodges itself into the mans arm. She nocks another arrow, as the group now turns their attention to the girl, and she releases another arrow. The arrow lodges itself in the man who attacked Vi's leg.

The group of boys ran away, not sure how many more arrows would come after them if they would stay. Vi and the others look around confused at their saviours. Vi is the first to spot the blonde hair in the distance. Daisy raises her arm to wave at the group, "Come on," Daisy says and runs down the building to reach them.

When Daisy reached her brother and his friends she smiles lightly as she grips the bow, "Daisy?" Lincoln says. He looks down at the bow and points at her, "That was you?"

"Don't act so surprised, Lincoln,"

"I should, you're supposed to have a lesson today,"

"Moms not feeling well," Daisy explains. She turns towards the others who are looking at her with a dumbstruck look, "Hey guys," she waves at them. Mylo lifts his hand, waving it slowly as he looks at her with a dumb look on his face.

Luke, Briant and Arya trail behind her, crossing their arms as they look over the group, "Well, guess you guys needed your asses saved," Arya says. Daisy turns to her to give her girlfriend a look, but Arya ignores her as she keeps her eyes on Vi. Both glaring at each other.

Lincoln clears his throat, "Yeah, guess so. Thanks Daisy," Daisy nods at them, a smile graces her face as she scans the group.

"Nice haul?" Daisy asks the group. Mylo steps up, a triumphant smile on his face.

"Not too bad, you guys?" He looks over at look with a challenging look.

"Not too bad," Luke says back. Daisy chuckles to herself as she watches the two boys challenge each other. Both are egotistical and want to be better than the other.

"Well, okay then," Daisy says turning to her brother, "I'm gonna head back home. Before mom realizes I'm not there," Lincoln nods at his sister, turning to the group.

"I'm gonna head with her. Make sure she gets back," Lincoln tells them.

"You need us to come with?" Vi asks, looking over at the girl who gives her a soft smile.

"It's okay. I'll meet you guys tomorrow," Vi nods at Lincoln. Saying goodbye to the blonde girl. Daisy turns to her friends and says goodbye. Arya walks towards her, pulling the girl into a kiss that makes Lincoln roll his eyes and Vi glare at the pair. Powder looks at her sister, seeing her glare at the couple so she also glares at them to support her sister with whatever was going on. Daisy pulls back, giving her girlfriend a confused look at the neediness in front of her brother. Arya sighs before turning away.

"Let's go," Daisy whispers, "Bye guys," She says to the group, walking away from them and back to her place with Lincoln.

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