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Daisy never got the chance to talk to Vi. Luck was not on her side and the next day, Daisy woke up sick. She had a high fever and her mother stayed by her side to take care of the girl. Daisy insisted Lincoln tell Vi that she was sick and that the girl wasn't ignoring her. Of course, Lincoln agreed and decided to go over to The Last Drop to check up on the pink-haired girl.

When he arrived, Vander informed the boy that Vi was at the arcade with Powder, Mylo and Claggor, "How is she?" Lincoln asked, "How did she react to Powder?"

"She was angry, furious even, but you know Vi- she can't stay mad at that girl for more than a few minutes," Vander told Lincoln.

"Thanks, Vander. I'll see you later," Lincoln tells him as he leaves the bar and makes his way to the arcade. When he arrives, he leans against the door and raises his eyebrow at Vi who is furiously punching the machine she was gifted for her birthday.

Claggor and Mylo walk over to Lincoln and lean up against the wall with the guy, "She's really kicking the crack out of that machine, huh?" Mylo tells him.

"Yeah, she beat her high score," Lincoln observes.

"4 times already," Claggor mutters. Lincoln looks over at him with raised eyebrows.

"That bad, huh?"

"She spent most of her time here," Mylo comments.

"I'm not deaf, you know," Vi calls out to them and throws one last punch at the machine. She turns to the group of boys, her eyes faltering as she notices the missing blonde.

"It's not like that, Vi," Lincoln sighs, "Daisy's sick. She has a fever, I promise. She wanted me to come here to check up on you,"

"Right," Vi mutters, getting back into a fighting position, "I get it," Vi says, not believing a word that comes out of the boy's mouth. She starts to fight the machine again, tuning everything out as she let all of her anger out on the machine.

How could she be so stupid? Vi kept thinking. Of course she wouldn't like me. We are two opposite people. It's stupid to think this was all going to work out. Vi keeps punching the machine and Lincoln decides to walk over to her. He places a hand on her shoulder and Vi turns around to punch him. He dodges out of the way and holds his hand up in surrender, "Hey, I was being serious. She's sick," Vi lets out a sigh and drops down to the ground to sit on the edge. Lincoln follows her movements and watches her with a sad smile, "How are you doing?"

"Fine," Vi replies shortly. She keeps her face forward and neutral, "How's Daisy?"

"She's okay," Lincoln says, "She wants to talk to you, you know?"

"Right," Vi says, slowly picking at her bandages, "I can tell,"

"She's sick, Vi. I'm being serious," Lincoln exclaims. Vi stays quiet as she continues to pick at her bandages. Lincoln looks over at Vi and Claggor. They shrug at him and his shoulders deflate. At this moment, Powder pops up from just finishing fixing one of the machines.

"Oh, hi Lincoln," Powder says in a shy voice. Lincoln smiles at the girl, going over to sit with her. Powder sits there in the same stance as her sister, playing with the ends of her fingers as she keeps her eyes on her lap, "How's Daisy? Why isn't she here?"

"She's at home, sick," Lincoln replies and Powder nods.

"Hopefully she's better soon," Powder whispers.

"Yeah, hopefully everyone is," He replies, "How are you little one?"

"I'm alright," Powder whispers, "I feel bad. I didn't mean to say what I did. It just slipped out- I was excited for Vi. Daisy makes her really happy," Powder says lightly, looking over at the others to make sure that they aren't listening, "I'm really sorry,"

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now