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Daisy was confused about what Vi wanted to talk about but was excited either way to get to spend some time alone with her. Even if it was only for mere moments. She kept glancing at the pink-haired girl as the group walked back towards The Last Drop. When Vi met her eyes, she gave Daisy a smile that made Daisy's heart soar.

As they were walking, the boys were joking around while Daisy carried Powder on her back. Vi offered, but Powder wanted Daisy too. Vi smiled at the girl who was running around with Powder on her back. The blue-haired child giggled as Daisy kept her motions erratic, making the girl jump around like she was on a roller coaster.

"Oh looks like we are switching rides," Daisy says as she winks at Vi, jumping and passing (more like throwing) Powder onto Vi. Vi steps back at the impact while Powder screamed in excitement, "See Powder, Vi's always gonna catch you," Daisy says in a teasing tone. Daisy then runs to her brother and jumps on his back. He stumbles at his sister's weight but carries her anyways.

Vi's cheeks redden when she notices Daisy's skirt riding up slightly.

Vi pulls her eyes away from the girl as she focuses on carrying Powder. Her thoughts drift away but she tries to keep them at bay. Her heart hammers in her chest as she thinks about the conversation she's about to have with the blonde-haired beauty. Vi was so nervous she practiced with Powder earlier on how she was going to go about it. That wasn't Vi's best moment- she didn't exactly want to stoop down to talk to her 10 year old sister about this, but Vi isn't someone that is great at expressing her emotions. She wanted to do this perfectly.

The thing is, nothing ever goes perfectly.

So while they were walking back to the bar, a conversation came up that ruined all of Vi's plans, "So, Daisy, you can obviously get a chick," Mylo starts. Daisy raises her eyebrow at him as she silently questions him where this is going.

"I wouldn't put it like that," Daisy says slowly.

"Okay, well you're a girl that likes girls. That's double the knowledge-"

"Still wouldn't put it like that-"

"So how'd you get one? Cause there's this girl that I've seen multiple times now and I want to know how to get her," Mylo finishes. Daisy smirks at the boy as she jumps off of her brother's back and tilts her head at the boy.

"Like you're currently seeing her or you've seen her from afar?" Daisy asks, a slightly teasing tone in her voice but also being serious.

"Seen from afar," Claggor answers for Mylo. Mylo looks at him with wide eyes, smacking his shoulder as he lets out a small dude and shrinks down.

"That's fine," Daisy reassures the boy, "You just gotta strike up a conversation, get to know her a bit and then when the time feels right, ask her out," Daisy says, "It's not easy, but it's also not rocket science,"

"Oh! Oh!" Powder says, making the group turn to the girl as she jumps off of Vi's back. Vi looks at the girl with a questioning gaze, "You should ask Vi how to ask someone out! She has a great speech prepared for Daisy!" Daisy and the rest of the group widen their eyes. Vi's mouth hangs open as she stares at her sister in shock. As if Powder realizes what she just revealed, she turns to her sister with a guilty look.

"Wow, you could never keep a secret, huh Powder," Mylo chuckles as he tries to lighten the mood.

Daisy ignores him as she looks over at Vi who is standing there with her fists clenched and eyes glaring, "Yeah, my mistake," Vi says before running off. Powder runs after her sister, calling out multiple apologies.

Lincoln looks over at his sister, still shocked at the news himself. Daisy stands there, shocked over the outburst as her cheeks flame up, "We should go," Lincoln tells Mylo and Claggor who nod at him.

"We'll check on Vi and Powder," Claggor replies. Lincoln nods at them, grabbing his sister's arm gently and pulling her away from her spot.

"Are you okay?" Lincoln asks gently, "How are you feeling?" Daisy continues to stare numbly as they keep walking, "You know it's okay if you don't like her? Vi's a big girl she can handle it. But you have to tell-"

"I do like her," Daisy interrupts Lincoln, "I like her a lot. Almost to a point where it hurts that she ran away. I should have gone after her I was just..."

"Shocked?" Lincoln suggests. Daisy nods at him, a sad smile on her face as she looks down to the ground, "Then you can tell her that next time we see her. We see her most days- she will be happy to hear it,"

"Yeah," Daisy mutters, "I hope she's not too hard on Powder. It wasn't right what she did, but she's just a kid. She's sort of naive and doesn't have all her social cues, but she never means any harm,"

Lincoln nods at his sister, always interested to hear her point of view. Daisy has always been someone who can really look at a person and see them for their attractions rather than their faults. Both faults and attractions are beautiful to her- it's what makes them who they are, "She'll be okay. Vi has forgiven her for worst,"

"Yeah," Daisy says, "Let's just hope I can clear this up sooner rather than later."

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now