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Azalea was pushing Daisy in her wheelchair around Piltover to get Daisy out of the house. While she was hoping this would benefit the girl, Daisy kept her eyes on the book in her lap rather than all the places Azalea was showing her, "I grew up over there," Azalea points to an area in Piltover. Daisy just nodded, not looking up.

"Is there a point as to why we are outside?" Daisy asks. She feels like everyone knows she's from the Undercity. It's like she has eyes on her all the time, even if that isn't the case.

"Fresh air," Azalea replies, "And Cassie's got some people for us to meet," Daisy raises her eyebrow at her mother referring to aunt Cassandra as 'Cassie' but she doesn't comment on it, "And we can get some mother daughter time,"

"Hm," Daisy hums lightly, looking back down at her book to continue reading. She hears kids laughing and she starts to grip her book harder. They don't have to worry about anything. They're still kids- innocent and naive, "Do you know who she is introducing us to?"

"Caitlyn's tutor, Jayce. Along with his science partner, Viktor," Daisy nods lightly. She looks up when she notices the flower patch she took Vi to. It feels like forever ago. She can see her and Vi, sitting on the bench. Daisy's heart starts to hurt as she looks back down and decides that's the last time she's going to look up. She just reads and hopes the book will transport her anywhere but here.

Back at the Acadamy, Cassandra was talking to Jayce and Viktor. She also informed the council about the new residents in Piltover. Cassandra, being a high member in the Piltover society, must introduce Daisy and Azalea. She has to show them how they can contribute to their high society, "Azalea trained Daisy all throughout her childhood. I expect once she has recovered, she can fit in. She's just... quiet. She barely speaks and when she does it''s usually to have some snarky remark. Zalea always mentioned how charming and kind her daughter was... whatever happened to her has affected more than just her body,"

"Do you know what happened to her?" Jayce asked.

"No," Cassandra replies, "Just that she was in an accident in the Undercity and her father is alive, but out of the picture. Daisy is refusing to to talk about it," Cassandra turns to Viktor who, until this moment, wasn't sure exactly why he was here, "Me and Azalea were speaking and we hope that you could be a friend to Daisy. You understand the Undercity and also you also understand..." Cassandra trails off as she looks down at Viktor's cane.

"Being a cripple?" Viktor suggests. Jayce coughs lightly, never underestimating how his new partner never shies away from his thoughts.

"Well, yes. Sorry," Cassandra says, "She's a beautiful girl. After some time, I think we can find a way for her to contribute to society,"

"How's Caitlyn with her?" Jayce asks.

"Caitlyn's already fond of the girl. Visits her everyday. Daisy is keeping her distance, but Caitlyn has made some progress in friendship," Cassandra trails off, "She needs it. I think Daisy will see that she needs it as well,"

The group turn around when Caitlyn walks in with her father. A pile of books in her hand as she walks over to Jayce with an excited smile. Before Jayce was able to successfully prove Hextech, Caitlyn was quite sad at the idea of not getting to see her only friend anymore. However, she gets to see Jayce more now. Although, he and Viktor are usually busy with their inventions, "When's Daisy going to get here?" Caitlyn asks her mother.

"Should be here anytime," Mrs. Kiramman replies.

"Great! Father and I found these books for her. I was hoping to give them to her," Caitlyn exclaims. Before anyone could reply, the girl in question had finally arrived. Her mother pushing her wheelchair while she looks down at a book. Caitlyn only then realizes it's the book on how to make arrows. She's seen Daisy read it multiple times now, but hasn't yet asked her about it. When Daisy looks up, the first person she looks at is Viktor. Her eyes narrow slightly as she sighs.

"You've got to be kidding me," Daisy mutters. She puts down her book and grabs her wheels to turn around, but her mother stops her and keeps her facing the group.

"This is why we wanted her to meet you first," Azalea says with a smile. Daisy furrows her eyebrows, giving her mother a look before turning back to the group.

Jayce steps forward, holding his hand out to Daisy, "I'm Jayce. This is my partner, Viktor," Daisy looks at his hand before turning her head up to look at the man. She tilts her head slightly.

"The men who created magic," Daisy comments. When Jayce furrows his eyebrows Daisy adds a comment, "The woman hired to wipe my ass is a huge gossip," Viktor smirks from behind Jayce who looks at the girl with slightly wide eyes.

"Charming," Jayce chuckles, "You should probably keep those comments to yourself when you meet the council," Daisy widens her eyes, turning to her mother with a glare.

"I'm meeting the council?" Daisy asks.

"It's just because of how you got up here," Cassandra steps in, "It's not usual for people from the Undercity to come up covered in blood and then stay. It's just procedure to make sure you're not a threat,"

"Do I look like a threat?" Daisy questions, pointing to her chair.

"Eh, well, you are reading a book on how to make arrows," Viktor comments. Daisy looks down at her book then back up at the man. She doesn't respond as she holds the book closer to her chest.

"Look, Daisy," Azalea leans down to her daughter who looks at her, "We can just get this over with. After that, we can start fresh here," Daisy's eyes harden when her mother says this. She doesn't want to start fresh. Viktor continues to observe the girl, curious at why she doesn't want to be here. When he was a boy, he dreamed of coming to Topside to study at the Academy. He felt lucky to be able to live here.

"They're ready for you," A girl informs Mrs.Kiramman who nods at her. Cassandra decides that it will look better if she pushes Daisy in- to prove yet another point that Daisy is her niece. Daisy nervously grabs the arm rest on her wheelchair. She tries to keep her composure and tries to think about herself before the accident. She thinks of herself surrounded by Vi, Lincoln and the rest of her second family. When she was fully happy with everything.

When they enter the room, Daisy looks around at each council member. Her eyes stop on a woman at the table with dark skin and gold makeup. She was very beautiful and very young to be on the council. Her eyes then found Professor Heimerdinger, who was well known even in the Undercity. He's about 300 years old and was one of Piltover's founders. It's hard not to know him.

Cassandra stops Daisy, walking over to her own seat where she gives Daisy an encouraging nod, "Councilors. This is my sister Azalea and my niece, Daisy. They were the ones who came up from the Undercity just over 2 months ago. I want to pledge to welcome them into my house and introduce them into our society. Azalea grew up here and can contribute by being a seamstress. She already has customers from our own city. Daisy, I believe, can be a positive contributor to our society once she is of age,"

"How old are you, dear?" Heimerdinger asks Daisy.

"16, professor. I'll be 17 near the end of the year," Daisy replies. Cassandra sends her a proud smile, happy that Daisy is using a more charming tone that her mother used to describe.

"So young," Heimerdinger comments, "Now, all we want to know is what happened to you? We just want to make sure that our city is safe," Daisy restrains herself from rolling her eyes. They would never believe her about Silco. Piltover will always underestimate the Undercity.

"There was an explosion in one of the factories in the Undercity. I was helping out there and was caught in the crossfire," Daisy replies. She wasn't completely telling the truth, but she wasn't lying either.

"What did you do in the Undercity?" One of the blonde haired councilors asked.

"I studied with my mother," Daisy replies, "She talked very highly of growing up in Piltover," Daisy curls her hands tightly around her arm rest as she gives the council a strained smile.

"Well," Heimerdinger says, "I think we have learned all we need to. Shall we take a vote? Everyone for Azalea and Daisy staying and joining the Kiramman house, say I," Daisy watches as each light around the table lights up.

Cassandra looks to her sister and niece, "Welcome Daisy and Azalea. You are now officially citizens of Piltover,"

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now