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Daisy walks back to her aunt's home to get ready for the cocktail party she has to attend tonight. If she knew how many parties she would have to attend with her aunt, Daisy may have reconsidered taking the job. Daisy puts on a black turtle neck short-sleeved shirt paired with red trousers. She adds heeled boots to make it more formal. When Daisy looks at the back, she sighs lightly when the skintight shirt shows the outline of her brace, "I don't have time to change," Daisy mumbles to herself before heading out.

She meets Jayce outside of her house, them agreeing to walk over together, "You look nice," He says.

"Thanks," Daisy smiles, "Let's just get this over with,"

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Jayce says as he leads them over to the party. He notices that Daisy keeps pulling the back of her shirt, trying to make it looser, "No one notices but you, you know?" Jayce says, motioning his head towards her back.

"Everyone knows how I got here. They still look at me as the almost-dead-undercity girl," Daisy snorts, "Anyways, do you know if Caitlyn is already at the party? She wasn't back home,"

Jayce chuckles to himself, "She got put on the graveyard shift. There was an explosion at the docks. Caitlyn went to investigate it without the sheriff's permission," Daisy chuckles to herself.

"Sounds like her," Daisy mumbles.

When they reach the party, Mel's assistant waves over at Jayce. He turns to Daisy, "I'm going to go over there to talk, you coming?"

"I'll meet with you later, I'm gonna go grab a drink," She winks at him.

"Grab me on too," He responds. Daisy nods, walking over to the bar and ordering a drink from the bartender. As she waits, she leans herself on the bar.

"I heard the explosion was the Firelights," A voice to Daisy's right says. She turns her head slightly, listening in on the conversation.

"I can't wait for them to be arrested. Been hurting our business for years," Their friend comments. Daisy smirks lightly to herself. As if Ekko and their group were targeting Topside. Yeah, Ekko doesn't like them, but his main focus is stopping Silco, not Topside.

"Here's your drinks," The bartender tells Daisy. She turns to him with a smile.

"Thank you," She responds. She takes the drinks and walks over to where Jayce was chatting with Mel. She furrows her eyes when she doesn't see them, so she shrugs and walks over to Elora, "Where'd Jayce go?"

"Asked to speak to Mel privately," Elora says with a giggle. Daisy nods at her, passing her Jayce's drink instead. Elora happily takes it as the girls look at the group of people. Daisy catches her aunt's eye, sending her a small nod to let her know she was here. She raises her drink to her lips.

"You know, we've been friends for a while," Elora starts. Daisy turns to her and nods.

"Since I started working for my aunt,"

"Right," Elora agrees, "Well, I was wondering if you would have dinner with me sometime? As more than friends,"

Daisy looks at the girl with raised eyebrows. Her palms start to sweat at the idea. She's very pretty, a bit older. There's nothing wrong with her. Daisy just doesn't date, "Sorry, um, I don't really date," Daisy says. She gives the girl an apologetic look.

"Right," Elora says, "I should have known that,"

"It's seriously not you. I promise... I'm just not ready. I don't really know when I will be and I don't want to lead you on,"

"No, it's okay. Seriously. I just thought I'd ask," Daisy nods at the girl. The atmosphere is now more tense with Daisy's rejection.

"I-I should go," Daisy mumbles. Elora nods at her, sending her a small smile before Daisy walked away towards her aunt. She sends smiles to people she passes, rolling her eyes after at the politics of these things. She wonders if any of these people actually enjoy the other's company. When she gets to her aunt, Daisy taps her shoulder, "Hey, do you need anything. My stomach hurts so I was thinking of heading out early,"

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now