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Today's the day. Vi, Lincoln, Powder, Mylo and Claggor are going up to Topside to check out the tip from little man. Daisy was making her way to The Last Drop to keep Vander distracted so he wouldn't notice his children were missing from the basement. Daisy is showing up extra early to make sure Vander doesn't check on the kids. When Daisy was standing in front of the bar, she let out a small sigh and jumped around quickly to prepare herself. She's about to start lying to Vander, the man who knows everything to do with The Lanes, she had to make her story believable. Even though it does have truth in it.

Daisy starts to make herself cry, she's been practicing all week for this. With tears falling down her face, Daisy walks into The Last Drop. She spots Vander immediately at the bar, walking over and sitting down. Vander spots the girl, concern floods his face as he meets the crying girl, "Daisy? What happened?" Vander questions. He scans her for any injuries. When he doesn't find any, he lets out a sigh but it still worried on why she's crying.

"I, uh, just..." Daisy trails off, a tear running down her face as she thinks on what to say, "Some home stuff, I guess,"

"Do you want me to get Vi?" He asks.

"No!" Daisy quickly says. Vander looks at her questionably, "She knows about it. She just has a lot to deal with, I don't want to add to it," Daisy mutters.

Vander sighs, "I know she would prefer to hear about it. Vi cares about you, a lot,"

"I know," Daisy says, "I just don't want to add to the weight of everything," Vander nods at the girl. He knows how much pressure Vi has on the group. Hell, he has it by taking care of all The Lanes and his adopted children.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Vander says.

"You have a lot on your plate already," Daisy mutters.

Vander smiles at the girl, "It's always clean for family. What's bothering you?"

Daisy gives him a genuine smile, actually appreciating the comment, "It's dad and Lincoln. I wake up every morning to them fighting," Vander creases his eyebrows together, not knowing Kylo and his son were having problems. Kylo never mentioned anything, "I'm just worried, you know? Lincoln and dad have always been closer. It's weird to see them fight. My mom doesn't acknowledge it but I know it's bothering her as well," Daisy trails off, actually wanting an answer for her next question, "Have you noticed anything different with my dad?"

Vander lets out a sigh, "He has shown... frustration to everything. Just with how The Lanes is being run," Daisy gives Vander a confused glance, "It's not something you should be worried about. Your father will be back to normal. He loves you and Lincoln- he'd do anything to protect you," Daisy nods, giving the man a thankful smile.

"Do you need any help? With the bar?" Daisy asks. She needs a reason to stay here.

"Oh it's alright. I'm sure you have better plans,"

"Please?" Daisy looks up at him, "It will help me take my mind off of it,"

Vander lets out a sigh, "Alright. I'll make the drinks and you can bring them. If anyone gives you trouble, point them to me," Daisy smiles at the man, thanking him briefly. Daisy goes to the back and helps Vander clean some of the dishes and wipe down the tables. She kept glancing at him to make sure he doesn't go downstairs. When he starts heading to the door, Daisy stops him, "Yes, Daisy?" Vander asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Where are you going? Shouldn't you stay up here considering the bar is opening and I'm not able to make drinks?" Daisy says, "Some customers would not be happy with my bartending,"

Vander looks at her suspiciously, "I was going to wake the kids,"

"Oh, I'll do it! Vi loves seeing my face in the morning," Daisy smiles but it quickly drops, "Not that she has woke up with me in the morning... that much," She adds and gives him an awkward smile. Vander stares at the girl. She's saved when a few customers walk in, making Vander sigh.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now