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Daisy led Vi to Jayce. She knows that they have to be careful with how they go about this. Daisy already warned Vi about how much Jayce protects Hextech. He's not just gonna let Vi borrow the gauntlets for any reason, "Okay, just let me do the talking," Daisy tells Vi who nods her head. Daisy catches a slight roll of the pinkette's eyes but she chooses not to comment on it.

When they walk into the room, Vi quickly spots the boy wonder. All of his Hextech toys surround him. Her eyes stop on the gauntlets and Vi immediately knows they're the ones that Daisy was talking about. She also spots the bow that Daisy talked about earlier. Just from looking at it she understands why Daisy wanted it made, "Daisy... and friend. What are you doing here?" Jayce speaks up when he spots the blonde. He gives the girl a smile, "I heard about your brace breaking. I'm sorry about that,"

"It's okay. Luckily the doctor came quick," Daisy replies, "Vi and I actually had a favour to ask,"

"Anything," Jayce answers, always there to support the blonde.

"We need to borrow some of the Hextech devices,"

"Anything besides that,"


"No, Daisy," Jayce replies, "Hextech isn't some toy you can take whenever you please. It's my job to protect it. One gemstone is already with this Jinx... I failed to protect it then I'm not letting it out of my sight now,"

"Jayce, you know me. You know I wouldn't be asking this if it wasn't important. We know who has it, you don't. We are going to get it back," Jayce raises his eyebrow at Daisy's speech.

"You're going to get the gemstone back?"

"Yes," Daisy sighs, "Vi and I grew up down there. We know the people and who has it. We are your best chance at getting it back,"

Jayce looks down at the blonde, debating what to do. He trusts Daisy with his life. He's known Caitlyn forever and has become close with the blonde. He looks over at the pinkette behind the blonde who has been quiet this whole time. She looks the complete opposite of Daisy. Her shaved side, tattoos, piercings... the two of them next to each other look bizarre but also work well. Like an oddly perfect match, "How can I trust her?" He says, pointing to Vi.

"Because you can trust me," Daisy says, "And... if anything happens, blame me. Say I was being stubborn and took the Hextech behind your back,"

"I wouldn't throw you under the bus," Jayce mutters. He lets out a sigh, "You better not make me regret this,"

Daisy smiles, "So, that's a yes?"

"Yes, dumbass," Jayce sighs, "Just... be careful?" Daisy nods at the man. He turns to Vi, "If anything happens to her, I blame you, got it?"

"Don't worry Pretty Boy, I'd blame myself too," Vi replies. Jayce nods approvingly, looking down at the blonde who glares slightly.

"Neither of you will blame yourself," Daisy mutters, "I'm 22,"

"Mhm," Jayce hums. He turns and grabs the bow, holding it out to the blonde who smiles at it so big, almost like a golden retriever about to receive a treat, he chuckles at the blonde. Vi just looks at the girl lovingly, looking at her with so much love that Jayce stops and examines her for a second. He found it nice how her tough exterior seemed to melt when she looked at Daisy. He clears his throat at the pinkette, "Anything peak your interest?"

"Hm," Vi lets herself out of her trance, her hard exterior coming back up when she looks at the man. She walks over to the gauntlets, smirking slightly at them, "These will do just fine,"

"The Hextech Gauntlets. We made them for the mining fissures,"

"I know," Vi replies, "Daisy explained everything to me,"

"She did now," Jayce says disapprovingly, looking over at the girl who is still admiring the bow. When Daisy feels attention on her, she turns her head and nods her head with a smile.

"What I know she know," Daisy shrugs, turning back to the bow.

"Right..." Jayce trails off, "Where are you guys planning to go? Just so I know possible locations if I need to track you," He stops when he realizes something, "You better not be going after Silco or his production,"

"Don't worry, I talked her out of it. We know you're gonna try to strike a deal. You should bring your Hextech hammer- look all cool and stuff... also, you know, protection," Daisy replies, "For now, we are just going after the gemstone, that's it. We'll be in the Undercity. Even if we told you where we are going, you won't be able to track us. You don't understand how it works down there or how to find us,"

"Okay, so I'm really gonna have to trust you. I'm serious, Daisy. I'm putting a lot on the line doing this,"

"I know and I appreciate it. I'm not gonna fuck this up for you, just have a little faith," Daisy says. Jayce sighs, nodding slightly.

"You better go before someone sees you leave with this,"

"Thanks, Jayce," Daisy hugs the man. She looks over at Vi who nods at the man.

"Yeah, thanks pretty boy," Jayce sighs at the nickname, really hoping it doesn't stick. He watches as the blonde and pinkette walk out of the room. A worried feeling in his gut as he realizes Caitlyn's gonna go and try and find Daisy. Once she realizes she's gone, Caitlyn's not gonna stop until she knows Daisy is safe. Daisy would do the same, "Better be quick, Dais," Jayce mutters to himself.

"Where to?" Daisy asks Vi.

"Silco took over The Last Drop. If Powder's alive and anywhere... it's there,"

"You gonna be okay seeing it?"

"For Powder, I'll have to be,"

Daisy nods at Vi, slinging the bow on her back and grabbing Vi's arm gently, "Then let's go,"

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now