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Caitlyn visits Daisy constantly. She is determined to get the girl to talk to her. Caitlyn always felt like the misfit of the family. But Daisy may be someone that could be her friend. All that she's heard about the girl makes her seem like they could be friends- Caitlyn just had to help her with her emotions and help her heal. She hopes.

When Caitlyn walked into Daisy's room, the blonde didn't even have to look to know that it was Caitlyn. Her aunt, uncle and mother have already visited her once. Caitlyn was with them, but she always comes back. Caitlyn sits next to the girl who is reading on the bed. Caitlyn pulls out her own book and stays quiet as she reads it. Daisy casts a quick glance towards the blue-haired girl, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tilts her head.

Daisy just looks back towards her book and continues to read. The two girls sit in silence. Caitlyn is itching to have a conversation with the blonde, but right now, she is waiting for the blonde to come to her. At least she hopes Daisy will. Daisy turns back to the girl, her eyes furrowing as she finally notices the book that Caitlyn is reading. It's the exact same one as Daisy.

She starts to feel bad at how she's been treating the girl. It doesn't take a genius to know that Caitlyn was just trying to be the blonde's friend.

Daisy lets out a sigh, closing her book and handing it to Caitlyn, "Can you read it to me?" Daisy asks.

Caitlyn looks up, startled. She looks down at the book then back up at the blonde who is staring at her with a blank look, "What?" Caitlyn asks.

"Well we are reading the same book," Daisy comments, "Just read off wherever you are at. I'm clearly ahead of you," Daisy comments as she looks down and sees that Caitlyn has barely begun the book. Daisy guesses that she grabbed it just because the blonde was reading it, "I could just do it myself," Daisy says.

"No!" Caitlyn jumps up, grabbing Daisy's book and putting it on the ledge. She opens her own book, telling the blonde where she is currently at in the book. Daisy nods, signalling for Caitlyn to start reading. Caitlyn gives Daisy a small smile, it's only now that Daisy notices the small gap between her two front teeth. Daisy leans her head back on the wall as she listens to Caitlyn read.

Daisy doesn't actually listen to the girl. She's already read the part but she knows that Caitlyn appreciates it. Daisy has to keep reminding herself that what happened to her wasn't Caitlyn's fault. Being stuck here isn't her fault either.

And Daisy doesn't want to completely lose herself. Although, she can't help but feel herself slipping.

Daisy looks towards the door when her aunt walks in. Cassandra has tried to speak to Daisy a few times, but she took the silence as her need to go.

Daisy still can't believe that her mother is a Kiramman. Azalea gave up that family name for Daisy's father. Yet she somehow still ended up here, back with her sister. Cassandra walked in and Daisy can't help but notice her very straight and poised posture. Her aunt clears her throat as she watches the two girls. Caitlyn turns her head to her mother and raises her eyebrow, "The doctor is here for Daisy's checkup," Mrs. Kiramman lets the girls know.

"Alright, thank you, mother," Caitlyn tells her. Cassandra nods, leaving the two girls alone.

Daisy sits there in silence and waits for the doctor. Caitlyn nervously glances at the girl, "Maybe we could do this more often? Reading, that is," Caitlyn suggests. Daisy looks over at the girl, her eyes furrow as she thinks it over. She lets out a sigh, nodding at the girl who smiles at her.

Daisy doesn't return it and looks back down to her lap. Caitlyn lets out a sigh, standing up and walking to the side of the room when the doctor comes in. Azalea, Cassandra and Tobias follow the doctor into the room. Each standing next to Caitlyn as the doctor comes over to Daisy, "How are you feeling, Daisy?" He asks the girl. Daisy keeps her eyes down, making the doctor sigh, "Still not speaking?"

"She has," Azalea steps forward, "A bit,"

"That's good," He says, "You know, Daisy, silence is common after a trauma. But you have to remember, it's important to talk about your feelings. The body and the mind need to heal harmoniously,"

"What type of spiritual bullshit is that?" Daisy questions the man. His eyes widen when he hears the girls first words to him. Caitlyn snorts from the corner, her mother hits her on the shoulder while her father tries to keep in his own chuckle. Azalea just looks at her daughter with wide eyes.

"Well, uh, do you mind if I flip you? To check on your back?" Daisy nods at the man. He gently rolls the girl over, rolling up the back of her shirt to get a better look at the girls back. When she first came, it was severely swollen and bruised. Now, it's still bruised, but it's healing. Daisy flinches when he trails his hand across her spine.

The doctor flips her back over and looks at Daisy's mom, already learning that Daisy won't listen to him, "Well, we can start rehab. And Daisy can start moving around on a wheelchair and we will work our way up to a cane. Hopefully, after a few months, we can get her walking again," Daisy looks over at him when he says 'a few months', her demeanour dropping even further.

"Thank you," Mrs. Kiramman says, putting on her councilor voice, "We will get all of the necessary equipment as soon as we can. Thank you, doctor,"

The doctor nods at her, standing up and shaking their hand, "I will see you next week. Just let me know what days are best. I think we should start with 3x a week and move forwards from there,"

"Thank you, for everything," Azalea tells the doctor. He nods at the mother, saying goodbye quickly and leaving the room. Before they leave the room, Daisy speaks up.

"Uh, mom?" She says in a small voice. Azalea and the others turn to the girl, "I-I have to go to the bathroom," She whispers. Embarrassment covers Daisy's face since she has to ask for help for even the simplest tasks.

"Of course," Azalea says. She walks over to her daughter, putting her arms around her as she helps lift Daisy up. Azalea gives a look to Tobias, who walks over to his niece and lifts up Daisy and brings her to the bathroom. Daisy avoids everyone's eyes as her mother calls for the help that was hired to assist Daisy with her tasks. The woman walks into the bathroom, giving Daisy a small smile as she starts helps Daisy get her pants off, lifting her down to the toilet and turns around to give the girl some privacy.

"I-uh-I'm done," Daisy mutters. The helper turns around and helps Daisy stand up.

"Do you need to bathe while we are in here?" The helper asks. Daisy knows she's doing what she's hired for, but she hates her for it. The first time she had to help Daisy bathe, she has never felt so embarrassed. She knows that the girl wasn't looking, but she didn't like the idea that she's seen her naked.

She always thought Vi would be the first girl to see her like that.

Daisy also never thought that the first girl to see her naked was because they had to help her shower since Daisy was currently... incapable of it. I'll get better Daisy keeps reminding herself. This isn't forever.

"No," Daisy mutters, "I'm fine," The helper nods at Daisy, pulling up the girls pants and supporting the girls body as she calls Tobias back in. Mr. Kiramman sends the girl a comforting smile but she avoids his gaze. Daisy lets the man pick her up and carry her back to the bed. Azalea gives her daughter a sad smile.

"This isn't forever, Daisy. You'll be able to do all of this on your own soon," Azalea tries to comfort her daughter. Caitlyn watches from the corner and her eyes drop when she notices the tear fall down Daisy's cheek.

Daisy just hopes it doesn't feel this bad forever.

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