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When Daisy woke up, she felt lighter than the day before. She felt content with her and Vi laying there with their arms wrapped around one another. Daisy ended up being the big spoon, with Vi resting her head into the girl's neck and Daisy's hand resting behind the girl's head. Daisy closes her eyes, massaging the back of the girl's head.

"That feels nice," Vi whispers. Daisy opens her eyes to meet Vi's blue ones. Daisy smiles at her partner, her hand running through her shaved side.

"Yeah?" Daisy asks. Vi nods her head, humming slightly as she places a small kiss on the girl's neck. Daisy leans down to kiss Vi but they're interrupted.

"Other people are in the room," Mylo speaks up.

"And brothers," Lincoln speaks up. Daisy sits up and glares at her brother while Vi leans back and sighs. Mylo looks over at the girl's.

"I call the couch if Daisy's gonna be sleeping in Vi's bed," Mylo speaks up.

"Daisy's not gonna be sleeping in Vi-"

"You can't tell me what to do," Daisy cuts Lincoln off, "I'll sleep wherever I want. Plus, it's more space-efficient," Vi watches her girlfriend with an amusing smirk as she looks over at Lincoln. Lincoln glares slightly at Vi.

"Oh shut it, Vi," Lincoln tries to hold a protective stance, but he just ends up rolling his eyes. The doors above open and Vander walks down. He stops when he spots Daisy and Vi together. The two of them sit there with wide eyes as they stare at the man.

Yes, Vander let them sleep in the same bed when they were sick. But now that they have been dating for a while, and are teenagers, Vander isn't really sure what to do in this situation. He lets out a sigh, "We will talk about this later," is all he says to the kids.

Vi and Daisy nod as Vander shakes his head and walks out of the room. The boys laugh at the two girls who are sitting there shocked. Daisy lets out a sigh, jumping off the top bunk and walking towards the couch. As she's walking past Lincoln, she smacks him on the back of the head and he lets out a slight hiss as he rubs the back of his head. Daisy smirks at her before she plops down onto the couch, giving her girlfriend a small wink in the process.

"So, uh, should we talk about last night?" Mylo asks. Claggor then smacks him on the back of the head.

"Too soon," He whispers.

"No, it's fine," Lincoln decides to speak. Daisy shrinks back into the couch, "We followed him out of the bar and he was with Sevika's group. They're planning something, we don't know what. Daisy threatened to tell mom about dad wanting to attack Topside and he told us not to come home,"

Vi frowns at Lincoln while Mylo and Claggor stay silent. Powder walks over to the silent blonde and sits next to her, leaning her head on the girl to comfort her. Daisy gives the blue-haired girl a small smile to thank her.

"There was another thing," Vi says. The siblings look towards Vi, "We found out Vander has a deal with the enforcers," Lincoln raises his eyebrows at her.

"Wait, seriously? What type of deal? How'd you find out?"

"Ekko spilled. Vander said we stay out of topside business and they stay out of the bottom," Daisy looks down and her eyebrows scrunch together. Vi notices her girlfriend's reaction, turning her head as she examines the girl.

"What is it, Dais?"

Daisy freezes when all eyes are on her, "Well, uh, I know. About the deal," Daisy says slowly, "I was there with Ekko when we found out,"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Lincoln asks.

"Well, Ekko and I were gonna do it together," Daisy mumbles, "Stuff just kept coming up. A lot has happened the past two days alone," She looks around the group, mumbling a small, "I'm sorry," as she looks down at her lap.

Vi feels her fists ball up slightly, upset that her girlfriend never told her this about her adoptive father. Daisy keeps her eyes only on her as she waits for a reaction, "At least we know now," Vi says in a calm voice. Daisy furrows her eyebrows. Her girlfriend should be mad. Vi is known to be mad at this stuff.

Vi leaves the room and Daisy looks around at the group. Lincoln gives her a shrug and Daisy gets up to follow her girlfriend, "Vi, wait up," Daisy calls. She catches up to Vi and grabs her hand, "Look, Vi. I get that you're mad-"

"I'm not mad," Vi cuts Daisy off. Daisy gives her a look and Vi sighs, "Okay, I'm a little mad,"

"Then be mad at me. I can take it," Daisy whispers, "We're not gonna get anywhere if you keep that stuff in," Daisy steps forward to the girl, "Get mad, let's talk and move forward," Daisy grabs the girls hand, "What step do you want to be on?"

"Let's talk," Vi whispers, "Why'd you keep it?"

"I agree with Vander," Daisy reveals, "I know you don't,"

"We should fight," Vi says, "They have everything and we have nothing! Why wouldn't you want to fight for more?"

"Cause I have everything I want!" Daisy exclaims, "I hav-, had my parents. I have Lincoln, Mylo, Claggor, Ekko, Powder, Vander. And I have you. That's all I need," Vi's body softens a bit.

"I want a better life for Powder. She doesn't need to grow up thinking she doesn't deserve more. I'm not letting her feel like I did,"

"I get that," Daisy says, "I do, " She steps forwards towards the pinkette and grabs her hand, "I love you for that. How much you care. But war never ends well. People can lose everything. Some people leave on their own choice for war," Daisy trails off slightly, letting out a sigh, "I'm not ready to lose anyone. Plus, my mom would be devastated if there was a war between Topside and bottom,"

Vi listens to Daisy and tries to connect with what she's saying. Although Daisy told her she isn't interested in meeting her family on Topside, Vi can't help but feel like because Daisy doesn't want to fight for the Undercity, she is still weighing the option of moving back up Topside. Fulfill the dream that her mother pushed for the blonde.

"Talk to me," Daisy whispers, "What are you thinking about?"

"I don't want to lose you to Topside," Vi says. Daisy lets out a sigh.

"You're not going to. I'm from the Undercity. I'm here with you," Daisy leans her forehead against Vi, letting out a deep breath, "I love you, Vi. Nothing is going to change that. I'm not gonna run off with some topsider if that's what you're worried about,"

Vi lets out a sigh, the anger leaving her body as she keeps her forehead pressed against the blondes. Daisy reaches her hand up and rests it on the back of Vi's neck, "I'm going to fight for a better future for Powder," Vi whispers, "For us," She adds, making the blonde smile.

"I expected that," Daisy whispers, "Are we onto the moving on stage?"

"Yeah," Vi mutters before connecting the two girls lips together. She grabs Daisy's waist and pulls the girl into her body so they're flushed together.

The moving on stage is the girls favourite.

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