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Daisy feels nerves fill the pit of her stomach. Right now, The Last Drop is their only lead. After this, Daisy doesn't really know what they would do. They're currently following a ghost. Not even sure if Powder is still alive. Daisy hopes she is. Oh dear god, Daisy really hopes she's still alive.

When they get to the front doors, Daisy looks up at the sign with a lost look. She feels miserable seeing The Last Drop like this and it wasn't even her home. She can't imagine how Vi must be feeling. She turns to the pinkette, looking at the girl who stares at the sign with a glare. Vi turns her head, cracking her neck slightly before she tightens the gauntlets, "Remember, just cover me," Vi says, "Shoot at Sevika if you see me in trouble and keep your distance from her. Your fighting is not on the same level. You start getting in trouble you shout for me or retreat," Vi whispers to the blonde, "I'm not risking you,"

Daisy nods, "I got your back,"

"I know," Vi whispers, "I love you,"

Daisy smiles, "I love you too,"

The two girls walk into the bar. Daisy has her bow ready to go while Vi has a glare on her face. The bar goes silent when they spot the two girls. Everyone knows who Vi is. She's Vanders prodigy. Plus, everyone knows Daisy. Kylo's rebellious daughter who was always paired with the fearsome pink-haired girl. The two women look around for their target.

Vi's eyes narrow down at Sevika. The woman in question smirks at the duo, signalling for the bar the leave. However, there's one person that stays. Daisy's breath stops when she spots her father standing there. Her eyes trail down to his new addition: a metal leg. She didn't realize how much damage she did to it to begin with. But, the Undercity now thrives in body replacements and enhancements.

He doesn't look at her too kindly. His eyes narrow in on the blonde, "Daisy, how nice to see you again," Daisy gulps as she watches him walk next to Sevika, standing next to her in an intimidating stance, "Gotta make the odds fair, huh? Especially after our last encounter," He quickly pulls out a new weapon powered by Shimmer, Daisy doesn't get a clear look at it before he shoots separates the two girl's. Both Sevika and Kylo have their own targets. Sevika goes for Vi while Kylo goes for his daughter, ready to take her out for good. He's gotta kill his past self, including the reminders of it.

Daisy rolls out of the way, she runs up to get an advantage point to try and keep her distance from her father. She uses a grappling arrow to propel herself up the side, looking down at her father as she grabs another arrow and shoots it when she's landed. It's one of the bomb arrows that sends him flying. While he's down, Daisy sends a shock arrow, now 10x more powerful with Hextech, and swings down with the remaining grappled hook. She kicks him as she swings down.

Kylo catches Daisy off guard, throwing her to the side and sending punches to her face. Daisy can't help but feel shocked. She never thought her father would be the one to hit her.

Daisy grabs the closest arrow, finding a shock one and plunging it into him. She gets away quickly only to quickly spare a glance at Vi, who, at the moment, is getting her shit kicked by Sevika. She loads an arrow and is about to release it but her father is back up and tackles his daughter. Daisy lets out a small scream of surprise as her body slams to the ground. Her father punches her face and gut with such force it scares the girl.

She can't believe this is her father.

After a few hits, Daisy starts to feel herself weaken. Who was she to think that she could fight? Besides shooting, Daisy can't do shit. She's weak. She's been week since the moment that bomb went off. The moment she lost her family. The moment she lost Lincoln.


He would believe in her. He would be strong enough to take their father down. But he's not here, so it's Daisy that has to do this.

When Kylo's fist goes back to Daisy's face, she turns her head and can hear her father's fist slam into the floor next to her. She finds the strength to push her father off, glaring at him with all the anger she kept in. He helped kill Lincoln. He was part of the reason she had to lay under her dead brother's body.

She hated him for both herself and Lincoln.

Daisy swung her bow, hitting her father in the jaw and making him stumble back. She kicks her foot back and pushes him to the ground. Daisy loads the strong Hextech arrow and didn't hesitate to release it. A large blue shock goes throughout the mans body... even Kylo never saw the arrow head impact his heart.

He certainly didn't expect his last breath to be at the hands of his daughter.

Daisy stops and watches in shock as both her and her father stare at one another with wide eyes. He falls to the ground on his back as his blood starts to stain the floor. Daisy looks down at him, "Zalea," Kylo whispers, "I never meant to hurt you," Daisy's body stays frozen as she stares down at her father.

Daisy lets out a sob as she hears her father's last words. Even if he hurt her, he was still her father. Daisy hears grunts not far behind. She looks up and sees Sevika out cold, Vi limping away from the unconscious girl.

Knowing that the pink-haired beauty was safe, Daisy let herself feel everything. Dropping to the ground, Daisy leaned over her fathers body as she started to wail. Vi heard her girlfriend crying, just finishing a shot of whiskey herself as she finished the fight. Her heart stops when she hears the girl cry, running over to her immediately to make sure she was okay.

Vi stops when she sees the girl crying over her father's body. She drops to the ground next to the blonde, wrapping her arms around the girl as she holds her. Vi picks Daisy's body off of her father, pulling the girl into her chest and letting her cry. Vi strokes the blonde's hair as she whispers comforting words into her ear. Vi watches the girl with concern as she detaches herself from her chest.

"He wasn't a good person," Daisy whispers.

"He was still your dad,"

"I killed him," Daisy whispers, "I didn't think I would. But I thought after everything... it wouldn't hurt this much,"

Vi doesn't say anything, she just pulls the blonde closer and places a comforting kiss on her forehead. The blonde pushes her face further into the pinkette's neck, letting herself feel the girls comfort.

Daisy's mistake was closing her eyes. If she didn't, then maybe she would have seen Jinx walk through the door and towards the duo, "Bravo, sister," Jinx says, hitting Vi across the head and knocking her out. Daisy widens her eyes in shock and looks up at the girl she once knew. She notices the Shimmer in her eyes first. Those aren't Powder's eyes.


Jinx chuckles, "Nuh,uh. Powder's not here, sorry tuts," Daisy scoots backwards towards her bow, "You got a nice new house, huh? Your cousins bathroom was nicer than what we ever got," Daisy goes down to reach her bow, but Jinx steps on her hands to stops her, "Sorry, kinda need you for the next part," Jinx kicks the girl in the face, successfully knocking you out. She leans down and looks at the knocked out girl, "You look like Daisy but you're Topside now. So, sorry, Powder ain't here for you,"

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now