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"Silco's goons aren't far behind," Caitlyn says as she and Daisy continue to carry Vi, "We have to keep moving," The trio has been quiet the whole way. All are still in shock at Daisy's reaction. Even Daisy is shocked. She knew she was angry at her father, but seeing him, and hearing the news about Liz, sent her over the edge where she reacted before even thinking.

"What the hell is that?" Vi asks, pointing to the neon sign.

"The sign?" Caitlyn questions.

"Nevermind. Just help me to the edge," Vi mutters. Daisy keeps her arm around Vi while Caitlyn looks over the edge down below. Vi lets go of the girl, getting ready to jump.

"Are you sure you can do this-" Caitlyn is cut off by Vi jumping down the edge. She clumsily grabs onto a metal post, losing grip of it as she continues to fall down. She hits a post each time.

"How do you deal with her?" Caitlyn asks as Daisy mumbles, "What an idiot,"

The two look at each other, "You can't do it with the brace. If you fall-"

"I got it, Cait," Daisy says, cutting Caitlyn off. She grabs one of the grappling arrows Viktor and Jayce helped her make before setting it on one of the posts.

Daisy jumps off the edge, her hair goes all over the place as she descends down. When her feet are planted, Daisy rushes over to Vi and places her hand on the girl's cheek, "You're such an idiot," Daisy mumbles.

"You used to love this idiot," Vi chuckles.

"I never stopped," Daisy mumbles. Her gaze softens as the anger from before slowly disappears.

"Same," Vi whispers, looking up at the girl.

"I'm not the exact same," Daisy whispers. Looking up at the girl anxiously. But Vi knows this, and Vi doesn't care. She found her love early, and this time, she's not letting it go.

"Neither am I. But we'll learn each other again," Daisy smiles at Vi. Her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

The two are interrupted as Caitlyn's body finally makes it to the ground, "Can you help?" Daisy asks Caitlyn who nods and helps the blonde pick up Vi's body. The two look around with furrowed eyes.

"What is this place?" Caitlyn asks.

"The type of place you topsiders don't ever want to end up,"

"You know Daisy is technically a topsider now," Caitlyn points out and the blonde glares at her slightly.

"Not my Daisy. She's the exception," Vi mumbles out. If Daisy wasn't so worried about the girl, she would have made a comments on that. She just smiles discreetly to herself, "Over there," Vi mumbles as she points to a shack behind them.

Daisy furrows her eyes when she doesn't recognize the place. Vi never took her here before so she's not sure how she knows about it.

Caitlyn checks out the place first before walking in with Vi and Daisy. the girl's bring Vi over to the wooden bed and place her on it. Daisy watches in concern as Vi's body starts to look weaker.

Caitlyn grabs her handkerchief, holding it out to Vi who grabs it and passes it to Daisy. The blonde takes the cloth with a small smile as she tries to clean up some of the blood off of Vi, "I know you have your reservations about me, but this only works if you trust the both of us," Caitlyn tells the girl.

"It doesn't work. It never has," Vi mumbles, "You topsiders always find a way to screw us,"

"Daisy works just fine with topside," Caitlyn tells the girl, "You trust her. She trusts me. Now why can't you trust me," Vi doesn't respond, making Caitlyn let out a sigh, "I'm gonna look outside to see if I can find anything that helps. Just call out if you need anything, Daisy," Caitlyn mumbles. Daisy nods to the girl, watching her cousin walk out the door.

Daisy- ArcaneWhere stories live. Discover now